Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 541: How about I test the power of divine writing on you?

Chapter 541 How about I test the power of divine writing on you?

Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin were slightly stunned at first, and then their faces soon showed a bit of joy!

"It's you?!"

Wang Zhanlin laughed loudly and said: "Lin Yuan, why are you here?!"

Since the launch of the Fire Project, Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin have never returned to Earth, and naturally they have never met Lin Yuan again.

 They were both extremely surprised to see Lin Yuan in such a place.

Lin Yuan smiled and said calmly: "You can all be here, why can't I be here?"

Lin Longshou quickly grasped the crux of the problem and asked eagerly: "The crisis of the earth..."

Lin Yuan certainly knew what he wanted to say, and immediately said: "It has been lifted."

For a moment, Lin Longshou was really relieved and said repeatedly: "That's good, that's good."

You must know that the original purpose of the Fire Project was to solve the crisis threatened by the Dark God Lord on the earth.

Now, Lin Yuan personally said that the crisis has been resolved, which really made Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin breathe a sigh of relief.

 “That little dragon next to it Xiaoyou?”

Wang Zhanlin blinked, his tone somewhat unbelievable.

If he read it correctly, it should have been Xiaoyou's frost dragon breath just now, which forcibly froze four or five star-level monks into ice sculptures!

Such a terrifying strength even Wang Zhanlin was a little shocked.

Is this still the little ice dragon he remembered?

 Why did you grow so fast? !

"Choo Choo Choo!"

After being questioned by Wang Zhanlin, Xiaoyou immediately became unhappy. She flapped her dragon wings and let out a high-pitched dragon roar.

 “Xiaoyou, don’t be so rude.”

Lin Yuan scolded and rubbed Xiaoyou's head vigorously.

 The latter immediately lowered his head like a well-behaved puppy, showing a look of great enjoyment.

However, even so, Wang Zhanlin still has not gotten over the blow Xiaoyou brought to him.

Wang Zhanlin obviously couldn't accept it. Even a pet beast raised by Lin Yuan was more powerful than him...

At this moment, the casual cultivator, who was as thin as a sickly tiger, finally couldn't hold it in any longer, and said in an extremely gloomy voice: "I mean, everyone, I don't think this is the time for you to chat about everyday things, right? If it's really that If you want to talk, why not... let’s go to the underworld and have a nice chat together!”

As soon as he finished speaking, more than ten casual cultivators immediately formed a formation and surrounded and killed Lin Longshou and the other three, and isolated Lin Yuan.

 Obviously, the purpose of this leading casual cultivator is very clear, which is to kill the three people in the encirclement first, and after seizing the secret treasure, he can slowly take care of Lin Yuan!

 It's a pity that he misjudged Lin Yuan's strength from the beginning.

He has no idea that the person he is isolated from and preparing to take care of is the real God of Killing!

“What kind of skill does it have to be bullied by so many people?”

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows and rushed out like a sharp arrow. At the same time, he couldn't help but grin a bright smile: "If you have the ability, come to me. I'll fight a group of you alone..." !”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan rushed towards the casual cultivator closest to him.

The Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in his hand suddenly struck out with a bolt of lightning, and the head of the casual cultivator in front of him fell to the ground, splashing a cluster of scarlet blood!

Lin Yuan always kills people so simply and neatly!

 “Come again!”

Lin Yuan's sound was like muffled thunder, and he turned the edge of his sword again. Thunder light surged from the sword body, and he killed another casual cultivator again!

 In front of him, the lives of these casual cultivators were like straw being harvested by a sickle, without any stagnation.

Wanting to stop this murderous **** is simply wishful thinking.

 In the blink of an eye, seven or eight casual cultivators died under Lin Yuan's thunder sword.

Furthermore, Lin Yuan seemed to think that the killing was not fast enough, so he activated the Mangekyō Sharingan and the twin shadows, and summoned Susanoo and the shadow clones one after another!

 In an instant, the three figures, like hungry wolves pounced on the sheep, started a crazy slaughter!

Seeing more and more monks dying at the hands of Lin Yuan, the leading casual cultivator, who was as thin as a sick tiger, finally couldn't bear it anymore!

If Lin Yuan is allowed to continue killing like this, then I'm afraid people's hearts will be completely broken!

Although they have dozens of monks here, as long as people's hearts are dispersed, no matter how many people they have, they will be nothing more than stragglers.

 After all, people have selfish motives. Even if they know that so many people can kill each other even if they are consumed, no one would be willing to risk their own lives to do so!

 “I’ll meet you!”

With a low shout, the leader of the casual cultivators flashed in front of Lin Yuan. The purple-gold hammer in his hand swung towards the direction where the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword fell, blocking it abruptly. This sword!

Looking at the person in front of him, Lin Yuan could not help but feel a strange color in his eyes.

He obviously did not expect that the opponent, who seemed so thin and thin, could actually use such a bold weapon as a heavy hammer, and the power that exploded was extremely terrifying.

 It seems that someone who can stand out among this group of casual cultivators and become a leader really has some real abilities.

Thinking of this,

 “Well done to Brother Yang Shou! Stop him!”

“This kid has killed many of our brothers. We must not let him go. He must die here today!”

 “Kill him! Kill him!”

Seeing that their leader seemed to be able to compete with Lin Yuan, these casual cultivators immediately became excited!

 “Is this Yang Shou?”

Lin Yuan raised his eyes and said calmly: "Since you are so confident that you can stop me, then enjoy the last battle of your life."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with blood.

Before Yang Shou could reply, the space in front of him became violently distorted, and he and Lin Yuan were teleported into it one after another!

What Lin Yuan used was naturally the divine space!

  He directly transferred the opponent into the divine space to fight with himself.

The purpose is that Lin Yuan does not want too many people to see his methods.

 A trump card can only be called a trump card if it is hidden in one's own hand.


 Thirty breaths later, the twisted divine power space reappeared.

It’s just that this time it was Lin Yuan who was teleported from the divine space with a corpse!

Yang Shou's body was almost no longer human.

But Lin Yuan's body was still spotless, as if he had not experienced any battle.

 The gap in strength between the two is immediately clear!

“Is there anyone else who wants to come here and die?”

Lin Yuan threw Yang Shou's body aside and spoke with a calm expression, as if he had just done a trivial thing.    For a moment, time seemed to have stood still.

After a moment of dead silence, the group of casual cultivators in front of them unanimously chose to escape!

 Flee in all directions.

 The birds and beasts dispersed!

 It's impossible... Even Yang Shou couldn't survive thirty breaths. It's impossible for anyone among them to defeat this guy!

 If you don’t escape, there will be no other outcome than being killed!

 “Haha... I’m finally clean.”

Wang Zhanlin picked his ears and lazily stood next to Lin Yuan.

 After the group of casual cultivators retreated, Li Chaoge finally found a chance to speak.

He first looked at Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin, then turned to look at Lin Yuan, and asked cautiously: "Brother Lin Yuan, do you... know each other?"

Hearing this, Wang Zhanlin turned around and glanced at him in surprise: "What, Lin Yuan, do you know this kid?"

“Well, let’s just call him a friend. I promised to save his life.”

 Lin Yuan said happily: "In the situation where he was chased by the prison madman just now, even if you two don't take action, I will still take action."

Wang Zhanlin was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "So, it's the two of us who stole your business!"

At this moment, Lin Longshou calmly reminded: "Let's talk while walking. Be careful that there are pursuers behind you."

 “Well, get out of here first, otherwise...someone will catch up with you.”


At Lin Longshou's reminder, Lin Yuan and the others burst out at full speed and flew towards a dark red forest in the distance.

You must know that on this holy star, everyone's spiritual perception will be limited.

In other words, in this case, the more complex the terrain, the easier it is to hide in it.

After about a moment of burning incense, Lin Yuan led the few people behind him directly into the dark red forest.

Not long after they entered the forest, another group of several hundred monks arrived.

One of them, who seemed to be extremely interested in the art of sensing, said in a deep voice: "The people who took the divine text are hiding in this forest! But... unless I can close the distance, I won't be able to sense them. The specific location of! ”

 “Perception? No need to sense!”

Another person said coldly: "It's impossible for them to hide. If we just turn this forest upside down, I don't believe... they can still hide in the soil!"


 Inside the dark red forest.

After gaining temporary safety, everyone's tense heartstrings could not help but relax.

Li Chaoge took three steps and two steps at a time, walked to Lin Yuan's side, stretched out his hand, and seemed to be preparing to hand something to him.

 “What do you want to give me?”

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment. After taking what Li Chaoge handed him, he found a red divine inscription that looked like it had been fished out of magma, lying quietly in the palm of his hand!

The appearance of the divine text is covered with flame-like lines. If you feel it with your heart, you can even feel a scorching heat.

 “What are you giving this to me for?”

Lin Yuan glanced at Li Chaoge in surprise, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

At this time, Li Chaoge smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "Actually, I have thought about it seriously. With my own strength, I will definitely not be able to protect this divine inscription. It will definitely be defeated by other top geniuses." Taken away.”

"What the prison madman said is actually correct. I am too weak and I am not worthy of possessing this divine symbol."

"Even if I escape by chance this time, I will only rely on your strength."

“I am indeed weak now and not strong enough. The most profound thing about this secret realm is that it made me realize my own insignificance and patheticness.”

“With me like this, even if an opportunity comes to me, I can’t grasp it.”

“However, it’s a good thing that I didn’t sit in a well and watch the sky all the time. After I leave the secret realm of the sea of ​​​​stars, I will prove that I am no worse than anyone else through hard training!”

"As for this divine inscription, I have thought about it for a long time and decided to leave it to you for safekeeping. Or to be more precise, I will hand over this divine inscription to you!"

"If it is really me who obtained this divine symbol, then I will owe you a huge favor no matter what."

 “I can’t afford to repay this favor.”

"So... let a more suitable person possess this divine inscription."

Li Chaoge finished it in one breath and said all his inner thoughts in one breath!

After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Well, I probably understand what you mean."

“Since you voluntarily handed this divine symbol into my hands, then... I owe you a big favor.”

Having said this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but grinned and said, "Don't worry, I've always been known to be generous in my treatment of friends. Since I owe you a favor, I will definitely not treat you badly."

Seeing this scene, Li Chaoge couldn't help but grin: "In exchange for a favor from you, I might be able to make a profit from a divine inscription that cannot be defended in the first place!"

 After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other and laughed.

Wang Zhanlin, who noticed the commotion here, complained with annoyance: "Lin Yuan, you kid is really nothing. It was obviously the two of us who took the initiative for this kid, but in the end, you guy cut off his beard halfway!"

Even Lin Longshou on the side smiled and joked: "One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. What can you do?"

Wang Zhanlin pursed his lips and said, "That's true."

Looking at Wang Zhanlin's deflated look, Lin Yuan couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Principal! If you think it's inappropriate, I'll come to you to test its power after I finish refining this divine inscription!"

As soon as he heard this, Wang Zhanlin’s face instantly turned green!

Boy, if you have something to say, how about using me to test the power of divine writings? !

  I really think I am immortal!

What if you accidentally burn it to ashes? I won’t have anywhere to cry!

 (End of this chapter)

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