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After entering the Martial Arts Tower, Gu Zhun took Song Qingyi 2 straight to the Martial Arts Tower 3rd Layer.

Last night, Gu Yan briefed him on the situation of the Gu Mansion Martial Arts Tower.

The tower is 7-Layer high, and the first two floors are not at all. What Martial Arts jade slip is placed, but the biography of some strange people and strange things in Nine Realms is displayed.

Starting from the 3rd Layer, it is the place where Martial Arts is stored.

Gu Zhun took the 2 girls straight up to the 3rd Layer. As soon as he stepped into it, he saw rows of huge black bookshelves.

Each row of bookshelves has a height of more than ten stories. In each floor, stacks of myriad Martial Arts jade slips are densely packed.

When he first stepped here, Song Qingyi almost stared blankly.

Although she was born in the Great Zhou City Song Family, even the Song Family does not have such a huge Martial Arts Tower.

This is the first time she has seen Martial Arts hidden treasure of this size.

This is the foundation of Great Zhou City Gu Family!

The Martial Arts hidden treasure on this level alone must have 10000 copies.

It is no wonder that Gu Family has been standing for so many years, like a big mountain in Great Zhou City, no family can replace it.

This is simply shocking.

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you would never have imagined the terrifying scene where so many Martial Arts hidden treasures are neatly stored here.

Compared with Song Qingyi, Mei Suqin seemed much more calm.

She is different from Song Qingyi, she is also born in Heavenly Eye Sect anyway.

Although it is a 2nd Rate decline Sect, the Heavenly Eye Sect is weaker, it is also a Sect.

In other words, it is dozens of times stronger than Gu Mansion.

Such Martial Arts hidden treasure is not worth mentioning when compared with Heavenly Eye Sect.

Of course, the most calm one is Gu Zhun. Even if he sees so many Martial Arts hidden treasures at this moment, he feels like an old monk enters concentration without any reaction.

It seems that these things are not important to him at all, Martial Arts hidden treasure and so on, to Gu Zhun, is nothing like trash.

Would you marvel at the pile of waste paper displayed in front of you?

The answer is of course no.

After wandering around this 3rd Layer a little bit, Gu Zhun lost interest.

Because this Martial Arts Tower 3rd Layer seems to have a huge collection of Martial Arts, after reading a few books, Gu Zhun found out.

It turns out that these all are some martial skills from the rivers and lakes, even the basic ranks are submerged, and they are collected by the Gu Family and stored in the Martial Arts Tower 3rd Layer as the facade.

It seems spectacular, but what’s the use of not at all.

After being speechless for a while, Gu Zhun also went to the 4th Layer.

Martial Arts Tower 4th Layer, as soon as I entered here, there were obviously more people.

Most of them are juniors in Gu Mansion, and all of them don’t have a weak cultivation base. At this moment, they are walking around here, choosing the Martial Arts Divine Ability that suits them.

Strictly speaking, 4th Layer, is the real place where Gu Mansion collects Martial Arts hidden treasure.

Since the 4th Layer started, every Martial Arts here has truly entered the ranks.

That is human-level Martial Arts.

Gu Zhun looked at it as he walked, looking out of interest, and flipped through one.

“Yellow Jiquan”, human-level low grade, 300 years ago, created by a Grandmaster of martial arts, practiced to the extreme, punched out, with a yellow glow, an inch of strength can crack the rock through the mountain, and the formidable power is extraordinary.

“Broken Wave Palm”, human-level low grade, created by an unnamed cultivator, cultivation without realm, can divide the waves and break the waves, split with one palm, and unparalleled in palm strength.


In the human-level low-grade Martial Arts, Gu Zhun dropped it off after two glances, and then walked straight forward, obviously not even interested in seeing more.

At this time, just as Gu Zhun was about to walk to the 5th Layer of the Martial Arts Tower, suddenly, a voice came from behind him.

“Under Gu Bai, the two girls must have also come to choose Martial Arts.” A gentle voice came from behind.

At this time, Gu Zhun drowsily turned his head and looked.

I saw that the man was a white clothed man, 15-16 years old.

Gentle and gentle, behind him, there are 4 teenagers of the same age, it seems that this should be headed by this guy named Gu Bai.

Obviously, this guy is eyeing Song Qingyi and Mei Suqin 2 women.

It is no wonder that even in Gu Family or Great Zhou City, women of Song Qingyi level are not common.

From the moment the Gu Zhun 3 entered the Martial Arts Tower, the appearance of the 2 females kept their eyes away.

Gu Bai is 15 years old this year, 5 Profound Heaven, Body Tempering 9th Layer realm.

He is the only son of Gu Mansion 4 Elder, Gu Kang, who reached the Body Tempering 9th Layer realm at a young age.

In this Gu Mansion, Gu Bai is also a good genius among the juniors.

Except for the few Gu Family monsters, Gu Bai has a great appeal in this Gu Mansion.

The teenagers behind him are his followers.

Among these people, even a few are the sons of Gu Mansion Elder, which shows his ability to buy people’s hearts.

Today, Gu Bai originally came to the Martial Arts Tower to read the Martial Arts hidden treasure according to the usual practice.

I didn’t expect when I first arrived at the 4th Layer and was about to go straight to the 5th Layer, I saw two beautiful and flowery women wandering around here.

Gu Bai immediately eyes shined, in fact, beautiful women, Gu Bai has seen a lot these years.

But there is no one that can be as extraordinary and refined as Song Qingyi, without the temperament of human dust.

Such a temperament immediately attracted Gu Bai’s gaze, and Gu Bai immediately licked his lips.

I don’t know what such a woman would be like if she were put in bed?

Gu Bai thought about it, so moved towards Gu Zhun came over here, and the scene just happened.

“Two people, I don’t know if I am honored to be with them here?” Gu Bai said politely.

At this moment, under his every move, he gave people a feeling like a breeze. If you only look at the appearance, I am afraid that no one can know what this person is like inside.

This kind of image has been maintained by Gu Bai over the years, and he has also used this kind of image to deceive many people over the years.

Therefore, when Gu Bai came over to strike up a conversation, he was confident enough to capture the hearts of these two beauties by virtue of his status, innate talent and image.

However, what made Gu Bai absolutely didn’t expect was that he kicked an iron plate this time.

Because the one he found this time was from Gu Zhun.

At this moment, when he heard Gu Bai’s words, Gu Zhun’s blind eye was looking at him, just like looking at a jumping ant.

Then, Song Qingyi 2 female looked at Gu Zhun, Gu Zhun was replied.

“You are not honored, get out.”

After that, Gu Zhun stopped being wordy, turned around, and continued walking.

Song Qingyi 2 The women looked at each other, and they could see a smile in each other’s eyes, and then they directly followed along.

From start to finish, none of these three have seen this Gu Bai more than once.

When Gu Bai saw this scene and heard Gu Zhun’s words, immediately, the whole person was stunned.

This kid…

What did you say?

The refusal came so quickly that Gu Bai did not react. This is the first time he has encountered this situation in the fifteen years since he was born.

This guy, don’t play cards according to the routine…

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