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“These are the Martial Arts you picked?”

At the entrance of the Martial Arts Tower, Gu Zhun took the selected 3 Martial Arts to a steward for registration.

The steward glanced at the Martial Arts selected by Gu Zhun, and then took a deep look at him, and said: “Youngster shouldn’t aim too high. Your cultivation base is too low. Although these human-level middle grade Martial Arts are good, they are It’s not suitable for you. With your realm, I’m afraid there will be no accomplishments after a few years of cultivation. It’s just a waste of time. It’s better to go back and change to a human-level low grade Martial Arts. The one that suits you is the best.”

The manager kindly reminded.

However, Gu Zhun shook the head: “No, just these 3 doors.”

“Ai, you will suffer from not listening to the old man.” The steward hooked the head and saw Gu Zhun’s disobedience. He was also sighed.

I didn’t say much, I just registered the 3 Martial Arts in Gu Zhun’s hands and handed it back.

“You can go now, remember that you must return the original for up to one month, and, if you own Martial Arts, you must not teach it to others without authorization.”

The steward reminded as usual.

Gu Zhun was nodded, took Song Qingyi 2 female, and walked out.

Going out of the Martial Arts Tower and outside the door, Gu Zhun threw the 3 Martial Arts into the storage bag and heard a loud noise coming over.

The 3 people of Gu Zhun looked up and saw the left side of the Martial Arts Tower. At this moment, many people gathered there for unknown reasons.

In the middle of the crowd, surrounded by layers, is the old tortoise of Gu Zhun.

“Young Master, what’s the matter?” Song Qingyi asked from the side, looking towards Gu Zhun.

Gu Zhun’s frowned, just said: “Let’s go over and take a look.”

After that, he just took the lead in moving towards the crowd.

“what happened?”

Gu Zhun came over, and at this moment, when the crowd saw Gu Zhun coming, each and everyone also gave way.

Gu Zhun walked into the innermost part. Only then did he realize that there was a bloody scene in the middle of the crowd.

A young man in luxurious clothes was rolling painfully on the ground at the moment, look pale.

At a glance, you can clearly see that the forearm of the boy’s arm was bitten off by something.

Gu Zhun looked towards the old turtle again.

Sure enough, the old turtle moved his mouth at the moment.

“Gumbling”, as if swallowing something.

Gu Zhun understood at a glance, it seemed that his old turtle was in trouble.

At this time, the young man with a painful face on the ground saw Gu Zhun coming. He was also very embarrassed. After swallowing a pain relief pill, his face was deathly pale and got up from the ground.

One finger pointed to Gu Zhun: “Gu Zhun, look at what you have done!”

Gu Zhun looked at him, his face was not pretty: “What’s wrong with me?”

Gu Zhun asked, at this moment, he still looked indifferent.

He put this look in the eyes of the young man with a broken arm, and he immediately made the latter 30 feet hot.

Your hands have been eaten by the turtle you raised, and you still have such a face!

This is simply bully intolerably!

The young man was furious and shouted: “It’s not a good thing that the tortoise you raised did. It bit off my hand. You can’t get rid of this matter!”

The boy shouted.

However, after he finished speaking, Gu Zhun was not touched much.

After oh, there is no more text.

“You, you are too impudent!” The young man was anxious by Gu Zhun’s attitude. At this time, he spoke intermittently, too excited to organize the language.

“Impudent what can you do with me?” Gu Zhun said with a calm face, spreading his hands, his face almost written arrogant and despotic 4 words.

Gu Zhun said this and immediately, among the Gu Family crowd, it also caused a commotion. Many onlookers thought that Gu Zhun was too arrogant.

Relying on his identity as Father, he began to act wilfully in the Gu Family.

First he injured Gu Hong’s family, and then destroyed Gu Bai in the Martial Arts Tower. Now his Monster Beast bit someone and he still doesn’t care.

This is simply devoid of humanity.

“This Gu Zhun is too arrogant, my Gu Family can’t tolerate him!”

“That’s it, it was my Monster Beast who bit someone, so I didn’t admit it.”

“I couldn’t understand him a long time ago. This kind of person should be kicked out of our Gu Family.”

“With him, Gu Yan City Lord’s reputation will be stinked by him in the future. He is really a tiger father and dog son.”

“Bah, this Gu Family’s scum! If we know our mistakes and don’t change it, let’s go to the manager to judge!”

The Gu Family juniors were in a noisy group, and they immediately attracted the steward from the Martial Arts Tower.

“What’s the matter? What’s the noise here?”

The Cauldron Power Realm manager came over and shouted: “At the entrance of the Martial Arts Tower, don’t make any noise, do you want to go to the Law Enforcement Hall to get the board?”

“Gu Shi is in charge, this is how it is. The tortoise raised by Gu Zhun bit someone else’s hand. He is still arguing here. We would like to ask you to be fair.”

At this time, a Gu Mansion junior came out, moved towards the steward and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, and respectfully explained the reason.

After he finished speaking, another voice came from the crowd.

“Yes, his father is Gu Yan Elder, we dare not offend him!”

These words reached the ear of Gu Shi in charge.

Immediately, Gu Shi’s expression turned stern: “In my Gu Mansion, is there such a thing? No matter who it is and what is the background, as long as he makes a mistake, he will be punished. The emperor breaks the law and sins with the common people. , Let alone my Gu Family.”

Guan Shi Gu said so.

When the juniors of the Gu Family heard the steward say this, their expressions became excited.

As expected, Gu Shi is an iron-clad cultivator, just like the rumored one. The rules for doing things, gratitude and grudges are clear.

Now, this Gu Zhun has bad luck.

Someone around looked towards Gu Zhun with a gaze of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. This time it was your mount that caused the trouble. Now, even if your father is Gu Yan, it can’t save you.

The Gu Family juniors are proud of themselves. The fact that Gu Zhun relied on the pass token just and honorable to open the back door aroused their envy.

Now they finally found a way to make him deflated, this can be considered exasperating.

“Gu Zhun, I’m asking you, this turtle, but the Monster Beast you brought?”

At this time, I didn’t care about the expressions of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune of the juniors around me.

This Gu Shi manager just started talking, and pointed to the old tortoise who was still chewing carelessly and asked Gu Zhun.

“It’s my mount, so what? Gu Zhun said nonchalantly.

Seeing that his attitude was fairly correct, and acknowledging this, Gu Shi was nodded with satisfaction.

Then he asked: “The manager will ask you again, that man’s arm was bitten off by the turtle you raised?”

“It should be.” Gu Zhun glanced at the old turtle.

Looking at the guy’s virtue, this kind of thing, it is not impossible to do it.

“That’s good, let the mount attack and bite off clansman’s arm. I should go to Law Enforcement Hall to get 300 boards, and then go to Cold Mountain and confine it for 5 years. Gu Zhun, can you do it?”

Guan Shi asked two questions and almost figured it out, so he didn’t hesitate at this moment, and moved towards Gu Zhun shouted severely, trying to deter him and let him fall into the trap.

It’s just that I waited for Gu Shi’s words to finish.

Gu Zhun just glanced at him at this time, and then he moved his mouth and said.

“I’m obsessed with your mother.”

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