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After testing several Gu Mansion juniors one after another, Hong Yuan, the instructor of Sacred Star Academy, became more and more disappointed.

Then, he was Gu Congwu who looked up towards the first seat of Gu Mansion great hall: “Gu Patriarch, this time I came to Hong to hear the reputation of the Great Zhou City City Lord Gu Yan Elder for a long time. I don鈥檛 know when Gu Yan Elder will arrive today. ?”

Hong Yuan asked, at this time, Gu Congwu was also laughed and replied: “Teacher Hong Yuan, Frankly, my son Gu Yan has hurriedly retired a few days ago, and now I, the Father, can鈥檛 see him. “

“That’s a shame.” Hong Yuan shook the head.

When the two people were talking, from the front entrance of the great hall, a few silhouettes walked in directly.

It was Gu Zhun and the others. At this moment, Gu Zhun walked into the great hall and swept the crowds in the hall. At this time, he also chose to walk directly to the side seat where Gu Zhun鈥檚 parents were sitting.

Although it was a member of Sacred Star Academy, Gu Zhun’s parents neither Gu Yan nor Shen Ning 2 came to participate for some reasons.

So this side seat that originally belonged to Great Elder is still vacant.

In Gu Zhun’s view, it must be the reason for the two scrolls and books that he gave to his parents a few days ago. If Gu Zhun didn’t guess wrong, both of them should be in retreat now.

Therefore, when he saw that there was no one in his parents’ position, Gu Zhun was not polite and just sat down.

That kind of laid-back and loose appearance, even yawned in front of Elder’s many direct descendants of Gu Mansion.

“Impudent! Whose kid are you, is that a place where you can sit!”

Seeing that the kid Gu Zhun was already late, now that he didn’t say anything, he sat down in front of so many family elders, Gu Quan immediately complexion sank, shouted.

In the 7 years since Second Black replaced Gu Zhun, he has basically stayed home, and Gu Quan, as Gu Mansion 2 Elder, is of course troubled with daily chores.

In addition, Gu Zhun did not start spiritual wisdom when he was 8 years old. Of course, Gu Quan would not pay attention to a fool. Therefore, it is normal to be unfamiliar with Gu Zhun.

Hearing Gu Quan’s stern shout, immediately, the eyes of many people in the great hall moved towards Gu Zhun one after another.

Gu Quan didn’t know Gu Zhun because Gu Quan went to Sacred Star Academy a few days ago, and he just came back today, but he doesn’t know him, it doesn’t mean other people don’t know him.

At this time, watching Gu Quan point the finger at Gu Zhun, many people’s expressions also became weird.

“Old 2, this is the son of your big brother. Zhun’er has already started spiritual wisdom ten days ago.” On the first seat, Lord Gu Congwu said slowly.

Gu Quan squinted his eyes as “unable to bear” when he heard it. “You are Gu Zhun. I heard that in the past few days, I have been making troubles at my Gu Mansion, using cruel methods and hurting the same clan. You are not accused of a small crime.”

Gu Quan squinted his eyes and said casually, his tone was full of questioning.

However, after listening to Gu Quan’s words, Gu Zhun is just sitting in the middle of the battle, as stable as Mount Tai, I don’t even bother to look at Gu Quan at all. He has long been treated as a barking yellow dog.

“Fuck you ass.” Gu Zhun closed his eyes slightly, as if an old monk entered concentration, and then slowly replied after a long time.

When he said this sentence, Gu Quan immediately stared and almost passed out.

Fuck him?

Gu Quan is who, that is Elder, the criminal law in charge of the Criminal Law Hall. As long as it is a discipline within the clan, which one of the juniors met him is not become terror-stricken at the news.

This kid dared to speak to him like that.

good very good!

Gu Quan in the heart sneered: “The arrogant kid, it seems that the big brother gave birth to you, but lacks discipline. He runs into the elders and speaks badly. Today, as the Elder of the Criminal Law Hall, I will not catch you. Convince the crowd.”

After that, Gu Quan got up from the Imperial Tutor chair and was about to order the law enforcement discipline to take action.

At this time, beside him, the Hong Yuan tutor of Sacred Star Academy also turned his attention to Gu Zhun, seemingly interested, and asked: “You are the rumored Innate Saint Body? Gu Zhun?”

Listening to Hong Yuan’s question, Gu Quan’s face immediately trembled.

Seeing that Hong Yuan’s instructor was actually interested in Gu Zhun, a bad idea flashed in Gu Quan’s mind.

This is not good. His original wishful thinking was well done. His own pair of children entered Sacred Star Academy. After graduation from Sacred Star Academy, they can return to Gu Family to take over Great Zhou City.

He originally planned it this way, and Gu Quan at the time did not consider Gu Zhun’s affairs at all.

Although this kid is the Innate Saint Body, he is very powerful, but after all he has not turned on spiritual wisdom and can’t be considered a threat.

But the situation is different now. This kid not only opened up spiritual wisdom, but also attracted the attention of Hong Yuan’s tutor.

When an Innate Saint Body enters Sacred Star Academy, it will inevitably become a key training object in the future.

At that time, everything will be different.

Gu Quan cursed in his heart, this little bastard, he had already solved it just now, so why did he say that many things.

But cursing, but now that Hong Yuan’s instructor has spoken, Gu Quan couldn’t do it anymore. He could only sit back with an ugly face.

“Gu Patriarch, I have long heard that your Gu Family has a junior, who is the Legendary Innate Saint Body. Seeing you today is really interesting.”

Hong Yuan cast his gaze on Gu Zhun, and then he said to Gu Congwu.

On the first seat, listening to Hong Yuan’s words at the moment, this Lord Gu son also smiled helplessly: “Mr. Let’s laugh, my grandson, my personality is indeed a little weird.”

“It’s okay, genius. After all, there are some weird ones. I don’t know what the innate talent of this Gu Zhun Young Master is, and I don’t know if I have any fate with Sacred Star Academy.”

Hong Yuan waved his hand and looked towards Gu Zhun, his eyes full of interest, as if he had found a treasure.

It’s just that after he finished saying this, someone beside him gave a weird smile: “What Innate Saint Body, it’s just a kid with low innate talent that’s all, 3 Profound Heaven, what is it?”

Hong Yuan looked around and found that it was Gu Quan’s son Gu Qi who was talking just now.

At this time, the boy was looking at Gu Zhun with a Yin-Yang strange look, and his eyes were full of strong hostility.

Gu Qi has been influenced by his father Gu Quan since he was a child, knowing that his Father was often compared to Gu Zhun’s Father Gu Yan when he was young.

Therefore, at this time, when encountering something that can step on Gu Zhun, he will of course seize the opportunity to give his father Gu Quan a sigh of foul.

Sure enough, after Gu Qi said these words, the Lord Gu on the first seat is now a complexion sank. Looking at the expression of Hong Yuan, he really became hesitant.

“3 Profound Heaven, this innate talent is too low. My Sacred Star Academy is also the 1st rate force in Eastern Wilderness. The lowest standard for recruiting freshmen is also the innate talent above 5th Profound. If it is so low If you cultivate innate talent, then this is difficult…”

Hong Yuan held his chin, revealing a thoughtful expression, and at the same time, his face looked less optimistic towards Gu Zhun.

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