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Sure enough, just in this gap where Gu Zhun was drinking tea, it didn’t take long for the situation above the great hall to change.

With Gu Long as the center, the original breath of breakthrough at this time has become weird.

Everyone can see at this time that the original signs of a breakthrough are changing more and more violently at this time.

As the cultivation technique improved by Hong Yuan runs faster and faster, at this time Gu Long’s face has changed from the original ruddy to fright.

Because at this time, Gu Long unexpectedly discovered that the speed of his cultivation technique within the body had become somewhat out of his control.

The revised cultivation technique in his within the body is now like a spinning machine that turns faster and faster.

At this time, not only the Spirit Qi of Gu Long within the body rushing to his dantian frantically, even the Spirit Qi of Outer World was violently absorbed by his cultivation technique.

However, after just a few breaths, Gu Long’s stomach has been completely rounded, as if it would explode with just one tap.

At this time, Gu Long’s face also showed a dying expression, which was extremely ugly.

Even the faces of all the Elders around have terrified looks.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes turned to Hong Yuan.

Hong Yuan was even more shocked at this time.

How could he have imagined that the original smooth operation of the cultivation technique would actually develop to such an extent now.

How can you keep doing this?

However, this time, Hong Yuan didn’t even have the speed of reaction.

Because in the Gu Mansion great hall of the next moment, I only heard the sound of “peng” and the sound of the air bag exploding.

Afterwards, I heard a violent scream from Gu Long, and his stomach dried up quickly as if it was leaking.

Spirit Qi fell apart, and the whole person rolled his eyes, almost fainting with pain.

“My dantian! No, how could this happen!” Gu Long screamed, lying on the ground like a dead pig.

Gu Long’s dantian exploded!

After cultivating the cultivation technique that Hong Yuan improved, and even time it takes to drink a cup of tea, his dantian was blown up by the cultivation himself.

Such a tragic situation makes people stunned.

This speed of destruction makes many Elders within Gu Mansion unable to bear to look at him.

What is an improved cultivation technique?

This is a terrible cultivation technique!

After witnessing the tragic situation of Gu Long, at this moment, many of these juniors in the Gu Mansion great hall no longer envy them, but are somewhat lucky and avoided a catastrophe.


Fortunately, my good luck just now was not picked by this famous teacher Hong Yuan. Otherwise, it would be light to have a broken arm and a broken leg. Like Gu Long on the spot, he pointed out that Dantian would have no place to cry when he exploded.

And those juniors who had been pointed by Hong Yuan before, at this time were also a cold sweat behind Unable to Bear.

Their hearts are still beating.

not bad.

Fortunately, they just asked some questions on Martial Arts, and didn’t let Hong Yuan point out the problem with his cultivation technique cultivation, otherwise, it should be him who is lying here now.

This scene happened, almost beyond everyone’s expectation, and it made Hong Yuan himself dumbfounded.

How could this be?

This should not be!

Why did the dantian explode if the cultivation was so good?

Looking at this scene, Hong Yuan’s first reaction was stunned. He didn’t even think that he was just using his cognition to modify a cultivation technique at will.

In theory, it shouldn’t be what is wrong.

But he didn’t expect to kill him, and he actually blew up all the dantians in the cultivation.

What does it mean that dantian exploded?

Presumably everyone is self-evident.

A few days ago, the 4 Elder Gu Kang’s son Gu Bai was slapped by Gu Zhun at the Martial Arts Tower and slapped Dantian. Now he has been in a coma for more than ten days and has not yet woken up, and the future cultivation road is basically completely abolished.

Dantian is the root of a cultivator.

Now I teach others to improve the cultivation technique, and disuse others.

After Hong Yuan reacted to this result, he also seemed to be collapsed, his whole body was as if he had just been caught from the water, and his whole body was soaked.


This time is over.

As a one-star master teacher, his profession is to teach others, just like a doctor treating illness.

The famous teacher urges others to cultivation and blows up other dantians.

This is like a doctor who just prescribes a medicine to die of a healthy person.

Once such an accident happened, his identity as a one-star master teacher, Hong Yuan, would be unlucky.

Hong Yuan was frightened immediately, and he himself didn’t expect such an ending.

However, at this time, the dantian who witnessed his son was bombed by the cultivation in front of him, how could Gu Long’s Father and Gu Mansion’s 6 Elder Gu Tao remain indifferent.

Right now, he was almost mad, his eyes were red, and he moved towards Hong Yuan and rushed over.

“You mediocre master! Liar! Just like you, you can be called a master teacher! My son’s dantian was blown up by your mediocre master! Today’s things are endless!” Gu Tao roared, and the whole person moved towards Hong Yuan rushed over there, wanting to kill and then quickly.

But at this time, how could Hong Yuan dare to face a head-on with Gu Tao who was on the verge of running away?

At this time, it was like a mouse crossing the street. The Imperial Tutor chair was unsteady and fled around the pillar in the great hall.

While running away, Hong Yuan also wanted to cry without tears.

He didn’t mean it, nor did he want to blow up someone else’s dantian, nor did Hong Yuan himself.

As soon as this matter spread, his reputation in the mentor world basically lost his reputation.

So, at this time, he also shouted: “Gu Tao Elder, this matter is a misunderstanding. Which link should go wrong, don’t be impulsive, we can sit down and talk slowly! Everyone is gentleman, gentleman Thing…”

Hong Yuan explained in a hurry.

It’s just that Gu Tao didn’t care about so much at this time, and his son’s dantian was abolished, and he will be a crippled person who cannot be cultivation.

A few days ago, he even laughed at the fourth child’s son Gu Bai as a waste person in the future. He didn’t expect that he would fall to this end so soon.

Therefore, Gu Tao went straight away and took out the long sword from the storage bag. One sword was moved towards Hong Yuan and cut it over: “old fogey, what else to talk about? Come with my son!”

Gu Tao cut out with a sword, Hong Yuan was immediately frightened, and the Movement Art started to operate, hiding in the great hall.

Hidden to the end, Hong Yuan’s gaze accidentally glanced at Gu Zhun’s body.

Then, Hong Yuan’s eyes turned, and he thought of an idea, he should be able to block the runaway Gu Tao for the time being.

So, in the next second, he also pointed at Gu Zhun suddenly and shouted at Gu Tao: “Gu Tao Elder, wait a minute! Do you still remember that when your son Gu Long was in the cultivation cultivation technique just now, Gu Zhun This kid stood up and persuaded.

That is to say, Gu Zhun once again knew that there was a problem with Hong’s modified cultivation technique, but he did not stop it.

So, for this matter, you should go to him! Don’t just find me alone, Linglang Dantian exploded, and Gu Zhun can’t get rid of it! “

At this time, Hong Yuan shouted, that he was ready to bring trouble to others.

Sure enough, after Hong Yuan shouted out this remark, Gu Tao was really taken aback.

After that, he pondered carefully, and what Hong Yuan said didn’t seem to be unreasonable.

Since Gu Zhun just stood up and spoke, it must show that he knows something.

But he did not come out to stop him, so he is indeed responsible for this matter!

Gu Tao thought so, only to see the next second, his red eyes also moved towards Gu Zhun and looked over, gnashing teeth said: “Yes, Gu Zhun little bastard! Now that you know this, why didn’t you stop me just now!” You are also responsible for what happened now! Since my son Gu Long’s dantian is abolished, then the old man will also abolish your dantian. Let’s go with my son Gu Long!”

Gu Tao shouted in a low voice. At this time, his Spirit Qi within the body also rioted. It seemed that the next moment, he was about to move towards Gu Zhun and crush it.

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