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An hour has passed since the first round of the trial.

Therefore, after the last junior to participate in the trial walked out of the rock forest tunnel, the trial of the first round also ended.

In the trial of this first round, there were more than 9000 Great Zhou City juniors who originally participated in the competition. In the first round alone, nearly half of them have been eliminated.

In the end, there were only 3000 people in their early years.

Such results were counted by the personnel who were in the trial and assessment, and they were also shocked.

Because such an elimination rate has greatly exceeded their expectations. Compared with previous years, this year’s elimination rate is simply the highest in history.

This result makes the faces of many Aristocratic Family Elder very ugly, because from this result, they can see some problems clearly.

In recent years, their way of cultivating juniors has been wrong. They have paid too much attention to the cultivation technique and the improvement of the Martial Arts realm, instead forgetting Dao Heart thoroughly.

As everyone knows, Dao Heart is actually the most important part of the growth of a true powerhouse on the road of future cultivation.

A cultivator whose Dao Heart is not strong enough, no matter how high his realm is, it is also strong for a while, and one day, it will be surpassed by countless people who have fallen behind him.

This kind of truth is not known in Nine Realms after countless generations of practice and summary. Therefore, when so many juniors with weak Dao Heart are eliminated, these Aristocratic Family seniors are also unable to bear. In meditation.

However, among them, there is one exception.

That is Gu Zhun.

Because this guy passed the first test as easy as blowing off dust, so in the eyes of many people at this time, he was also the gnash the teeth that made them angry, and regarded it as the first enemy of this trial.

There are even some juniors who have passed the first test have secretly made up their minds in the heart, and must give Gu Zhun a little bit of color during the second round trial.

Because the rock forest tunnel of the first round trial can cheat, but the second round can’t cheat.

Because the trial of this second round is not as simple as the first round.

According to the rules of previous years, the test of the second round is to put all the Aristocratic Family juniors who passed the first round into the forest.

The trial location of the second round is also located behind the Great Zhou City, in a mountain range called Dragon Head Mountain outside the 100,000 Great Mountains.

This Longshou Mountain has been used as the Land of Trial for the second round of the Great Zhou City all the year round.

In order to prevent cheating, the mountain range of Longshou Mountain was directly blocked one month before the opening of the trial competition.

The examiner will randomly place 2 100 pairs of Heaven and Earth tokens in Longshou Mountain.

Several thousand people who passed the first test in the Great Zhou City trial will be cast into the mountain range of Longshou Mountain at the same time, looking for the Heaven and Earth token.

Only those who have collected the Heaven and Earth 2 tokens within the specified time and returned to the starting point before the second round assessment and handed the tokens to the assessors, can they pass the second round trial and reach the third round assessment Qualifications.

Therefore, this round of assessment is more difficult and cruel than the first round.

Because there is no limit to the number of people who can be promoted in the first round, as long as they can pass the level before the end of the first round assessment time, it is considered a promotion.

However, the second round is different. In the entire Dragon Head Mountain, there are only 2 100 pairs of Heaven and Earth tokens, so in other words, in the second round of assessment, under the most ideal situation, it can only be promoted to 2. 2 people.

3000 Jin 2 100.

In other words, this round alone is more cruel than the first round.

And, as I just said, this is still in the most ideal situation.

There is another unsatisfactory situation, that is, the assessment time of the second round is very short, only 2 days.

Within 2 days, even if a few 1000 people searched Longshou Mountain, it would be difficult to search the entire Longshou Mountain.

So, the 2 100 pairs of Heaven and Earth tokens in Longshou Mountain are all impossible. Among them, let alone some people will steal several tokens with the same font.

For example, a certain cultivator might be good luck. After finding a pair of Heaven and Earth tokens, let him find an extra token with the word “地”.

Then this cultivator may bring this extra token with him or hide it in a more secret place in order to eliminate potential enemies in the future.

In this way, fewer people will eventually advance to the third round, maybe even less than 100.

Moreover, there are many unwritten rules for the second round. The Trial Big Ratio allows cultivators to snatch tokens between them. Therefore, it is very common to fight in the second round.

Even in the previous few sessions, there was an extreme situation where an Aristocratic Family junior with a high realm looted in Longshou Mountain, resulting in fewer than ten people who were promoted in the second round.

And this person alone has more than 100 Heaven and Earth tokens in his hands.

Therefore, the second round trial is cruel.

And often in the second round trial, it is also the best opportunity for revenge.

There is such a saying in Great Zhou City, if you have someone who has long been unhappy and suffers from being in the family and can’t make it right, then go to the trial competition.

When you all enter the second round, even if you beat him into a pig in Longshou Mountain, no one will hold him accountable.

Therefore, from another perspective, the trial is much more than the second round, and it is a place where there is revenge and grievance.

At this moment, almost 80% of the Aristocratic Family juniors who passed the first round test sneered, casting a kind of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune on the same person, gearing up.

This person, it goes without saying, of course, Gu Zhun who still looks indifferent.

Obviously, needless to say, Gu Zhun’s “bright eye” performance in the first round has already aroused the public outrage of 80% of the juniors.

They have decided that as soon as they enter the second round of Longshou Mountain, they will unite first and give Fiercely a lesson from Gu Zhun.

They want Gu Zhun to know why flowers are so popular in this world!

With the end of the first round, after the reorganization of the major Aristocratic Family Elders, these juniors took a rest in place, and each and everyone restored the Spirit Power within the body.

Then, Grandiose moved towards Longshou Mountain and started the second round trial.

On the way to Longshou Mountain, you can see such a marvelous sight. Gu Zhun entire group sits unperturbed on a huge black turtle’s back as a small hill.

Behind them, followed by a team with an invisible tail.

This team was spontaneously formed by the juniors of Great Zhou City, and they followed Gu Zhun’s butt inseparably.

They sneered, they were all waiting, they would enter Longshou Mountain soon, and they would inevitably swarm up, knocking Gu Zhun’s mouth crooked.

If you dare to pretend to be in front of us, we will beat you as a fool!

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