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Gu Zhun’s gaze looked towards Laogui. At this time, it is rare that Laogui, who usually persuades him like a son in front of Gu Zhun, did not speak at this time, but lay there with his head lowered, silent.

Gu Zhun looked at him for a while and knew what he was thinking, so at this time, Gu Zhun didn’t tease him anymore.

Instead, he took out a silver knife from his storage bag, lowered his head and started to deal with these herrings.

Gu Zhun is very skilled in handling herrings. The skill of 3 times 2 divided by 2 is to open up the ten herrings in front of them one after another and take out the internal organs.

While Gu Zhun was dealing with internal organs, she was also seeing a sweat on the forehead of the Song Qingyi 3 female beside him.

Because Gu Zhun’s movements were too fast, they were all worried when they watched, especially when they saw Gu Zhun quickly dig a hand into the herring’s belly and grab the internal organs.

Song Qingyi 3 The female almost couldn’t sit still, and couldn’t wait to snatch the fish from Gu Zhun, for fear that his movements were too big, accidentally breaking the gall in herring’s belly.

In addition to the dry and hard meat, the reason why herring is difficult to handle is that the internal organs are difficult to handle.

If it is not a very skilled veteran, let ordinary people handle herring, accidentally, when digging out the internal organs, it will break the gall inside.

The bitter gall in the herring’s belly is the most terrifying among all fishes. If a little bit of bitter water flows out, the whole fish will be bitter and cannot be eaten.

Bitter gall is also the most difficult to deal with among all fish, and it is not much stronger than blisters.

So when seeing Gu Zhun being such a big man, Song Qingyi and the others were so scared that their hearts were raised in their throats.

However, Gu Zhun’s technique is indeed steady, with more than a dozen herrings in a row. Even if his technique is rude, but miraculously, none of the herring’s gall has been broken by him.

In the eyes of Song Qingyi and the others, it must be said that it is a miracle.

After treating the viscera of these herrings at Gu Zhun, Yin Yue just asked, “How do you plan to make these herrings? Steam or boil them?”

Yin Yue asked, in her memory, when she was young.

At that time Yin Yue had not been brought back to Great Zhou City by Gu Zhun’s Mother Elder Shen Ning. In Mortal World, Yin Yue also cooked such herring.

The most common method is steaming or boiling. Although it tastes bad, it is indeed the most convenient method.

However, when facing Yin Yue, Gu Zhun shook the head at this time and said: “Steaming and boiling are the biggest insult to herring. The best way is to burn herring.”

Gu Zhun said casually.

Listening to what he said, the expression on Yin Yue’s face instantly became surprised.


She has been relatively proficient in cooking since she was a child, and she still has some own understanding of cooking.

However, she has grown up so big that she has not seen anyone make herring by fire.

Therefore, at this time, when Gu Zhun spoke of the burning herring, whether it was Yin Yue or Song Qingyi 2 female, the gaze looking towards Gu Zhun became questionable.

Herring, originally the meat is dry and hard, tastes fishy.

Steaming in water can barely suppress the meat quality and flavor.

As for the fire method, isn’t this processing the herring’s meat to become hard and smelly?

Can you still eat the fish?

Equivalent to is originally a piece of clay that was hardened by the sun. Instead of diluting it with water, you burn it on the fire instead.

Are you sure you can still eat the last thing?

Yin Yue and the others No one can imagine.

However, Gu Zhun at this time did not say much about these three women’s questions.

Because it’s useless to talk more, and wasting your tongue will only make others doubt you more.

Only when you really do it and let them see it with their own eyes and taste it with their own mouths will they believe what you say.

So, at this time, Gu Zhun just didn’t say much, bowed his head and continued to deal with it.

I saw that at this time, he put these ten herrings in front of him, and then he took out a few things from the storage bag.

These things are very fresh, and they seem to have just been obtained not long ago.

They are bayberry, banana leaves and several small river crabs.

As soon as Gu Zhun took these things out, Song Qingyi 3 female immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

Obviously, these things should have been brought back not long ago.

At this moment, they finally knew that Gu Zhun had left the lake to find these things one hour before.

But, although watching Gu Zhun come up with these 3 things.

However, Yin Yue and the others still don’t understand what these ordinary things can’t be more ordinary have to do with herring.

is it possible that, want to eat a bite of banana leaves and a bite of herring?

Is there this way to eat?

Just when Yin Yue and the others scratched their scalp and couldn’t understand, at this moment, Gu Zhun smiled slightly and started to move.

I saw that he first opened the herring’s belly and put the bayberry in one after another. Each herring’s belly was filled with ten.

Next, Gu Zhun removed the shell of the raw river crab, took out the crab roe, spread the crab roe evenly on the surface of the herring, and finally wrapped it with banana leaves.

Start the bonfire, and put this herring into the fire.

This kind of processing seems extremely simple, and in the eyes of Yin Yue and the others, it also seems not at all surprising.

They were also dubious at this time.

The herring that is so simply processed will become delicious after being grilled on fire?

No matter how you think about it, it feels a little weird.

However, although things were unbelievable, when all this happened in the hands of Gu Zhun, it seemed extremely normal.

After one hour, I saw Gu Zhun set aside the fire again and took out the banana leaf herring from the fire.

At this time, when Gu Zhun tore the banana leaf on the epidermis, he just revealed the fish inside a corner of the leaf, and an unheard mellow scent was emitted from the fish.

This mellow meaty fragrance was exposed to the air, and in just an instant, the whole body of the Song Qingyi 3 female was unable to bear and her index finger moved.

At this time, they also felt incredible for a while.

Such a fragrant fish smell, is this really the result of those few herrings that were so simple to be processed just now that they couldn’t be simpler after being grilled?

This wonderful feeling really makes people feel beyond words.

The impatient took out herrings from the fire, tore off the banana leaves on the outside, and took a small bite.

At this time, a kind of plump and tender fish was eaten by them, and a thick scent of crab juice burst into their taste buds, mixed with extremely delicious fish and the light sour and sweetness of bayberry to neutralize it.

In just a moment, the umami between the two is like a hot knife through butter, rushing over their heads.

At this second, Song Qingyi 3 female felt that her heart was instantly captured by such a herring.

The taste of herring in this brief moment was completely overturned in their hearts.

Because this is really delicious.

They grew up so big, and among all the fish they have eaten, there is no one that can be compared with today’s herring!

Who invented such a genius dish?

It is simply a masterpiece!

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