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Xu Liang began to feel that things had become a little bad, and the surrounding atmosphere at this time began to become a little wrong.

This made Xu Liang suddenly have the illusion of sheep entering the wolf’s den.

Moreover, he, the sheep, still swaggered his head into the wolf’s mouth.

Xu Liang felt a sense of crisis in his heart. At this moment, he wanted to run away.

However, at the next moment when Xu Liang turned his head back, at some unknown time, behind him, a silhouette appeared there.

Holding a red whip, the expression is weird.

This woman is Mei Suqin.

When Xu Liang’s face moved, his expression became a little unnatural.

“What are you doing? This is a trial competition. You can’t deceive more and less. This is a foul! This is cheating!” Xu Liang took a few steps back.

Feeling surrounded, at this time, he was unable to bear shouted.

However, at this time, Gu Zhun laughed: “Don’t get me wrong, we will not deceive more and less, deal with you, one person is enough, Suqin, grab his token.” Gu Zhun instructed.

Then, from behind Xu Liang, Mei Suqin listened to Gu Zhun’s words, “Pa”, the long whip in his hand was twitched on the ground, sparks splashed.

Xu Liang “gumbled” and looked at Mei Suqin who was moving towards the approaching Mei Suqin. At that moment, he swallowed his saliva and took a few steps back.

“You, don’t come over!”

This woman’s breath is very strong, she can’t deal with it.

Xu Liang wanted to run, but he just took a step.

There was another sound of “Pa” on the ground, and in front of him, a whip was directly drawing a white mark on the ground.

Xu Liang shrank his feet and dared not move any more.

“Run? Did you run away?” Mei Suqin tugged the whip and threatened.

Seeing this scene, Xu Liang felt a little cold.

He seems to know that he has entered the wolf den this time, and it seems that today, he can’t run.

Only a last stand!

Xu Liang was secretly ruthless, and followed closely, only to see him “sniffly” withdrawing the long sword in his hand: “I warn you last, I am an ancestral divine sword, cutting iron like mud! If you insist on pushing each other, then don’t I blame Xu Liang for being rude!”

Xu Liang took a deep breath and said.

At this time, he also put on a posture, took out their Xu Family Sword Art, and wanted to fight to the death.

But, just as he shouted out his words, Gu Zhun looked towards his eyes just moved.

Ancestral sword?

Gu Zhun touched his chin, Interesting, and then only heard Gu Zhun shout again.

“Suqin, grab his sword along the way.”

After Gu Zhun said these words, Xu Liang’s face suddenly darkened.

Oh shit.

This is the Aristocratic Family disciple of trials.

This is fucking a robber!

No, there is no robber like you!

Xu Liang’s face turned green. I knew it earlier, what else would he talk about?

Isn’t this uncomfortable for yourself?

But soon, he had no chance to regret it.

Because at this time, only Mei Suqin was hitting a long whip in his hand, and Xu Liang only felt a gust of wind slamming from his ears.

“Hu” a gust of wind.

Xu Liang felt a burst of vigor coming from his head, and then, his eyes went dark, and he fainted, unconscious.

Looking at Xu Liang, who had collapsed and passed out, Gu Zhun was nodded satisfied.

Without being polite, he took away his storage bag and the ancestral blue sword in Xu Liang’s hand.

After that, Gu Zhun ordered the old turtle to throw the Xu Liang directly into the lake.

From Xu Liang’s storage bag, Gu Zhun uncovered a few things.

Some scattered medicine pills, a white Tianzi token, and a few messy seals.

Looking at these things, Gu Zhun only took out the token and lost interest in the others.

A pile of garbage.

In the end, he picked up the green sword smoothly, and after a short glance, he threw it directly to Song Qingyi.

This Qingjian wasn’t even Divine Armament, and when it was given to Gu Zhun, he thought it occupied a position, so he simply handed it over to Song Qingyi for processing.

After touching the Tianzi token in his hand, Gu Zhun groaned.

Now, he has a sky token, that is to say, there is still a ground token to pass.

However, this is the remaining land card.

Gu Zhun believes that if one hour is not passed, someone will rush to deliver it to him.

Thinking about it this way, he looked towards the lake in front of him, like a, with full confidence.

At this time, on the other side of the big lake, a desolate silhouette climbed up from the lake, vomiting a few large mouthfuls of lake water, and looked back bitterly.

Damn, didn’t expect that I would be so bad luck, and I came across a hard idea!

He even lost the magic sword he inherited from the family, and threw himself into the lake.

He Xu Liang has lost his face, damn Gu Zhun, give you Xu Liang grandfather and wait, he will find someone to find this place for himself!

Xu Liang climbed ashore from the lake, rested for a while, then took a sigh, stood up, and walked into the mountains.

After he left, in the middle of the lake, a huge black silhouette also surfaced. Secret Land looked towards Xu Liang’s leaving back, and he turned around and moved towards back to the bank.

This silhouette is the old tortoise.

At this moment, the old turtle also smiled strangely.

Young Master guessed it right, Xu Liang really pretended to be dead, and deliberately let Xu Liang throw Xu Liang into this lake, just to put a long line to catch a big fish.

Just go find someone, the more you find, the bigger the bait!

The old tortoise returned to the camp. At this time, he also whispered a few words in Gu Zhun’s ear. Then, there was a trace of divine light in their eyes.

10000 everything.

The bait Xu Liang has been scattered, and now, we are about to prepare the fishing net!

Gu Zhun thought so, and then, he also began to carry his hands in the camp and wandered around in four places.

Outside Longshou Mountain, at this moment, many people looked at Gu Zhun’s next weird behavior, and they all felt confused.

Because now Gu Zhun is just hands behind ones back, with an old-fashioned look.

At this moment, I was spinning around the middle of this big lake, took 2 steps and stopped, bent down, and buried something in the ground under my feet.

This cycle is repeated, and no one knows what medicine he is selling in his gourd.

At the same time, these spectators from the perspective of God can also see from the light curtain of this scene.

Following Xu Liang’s call, within a short one hour, densely packed Aristocratic Family children began to gather.

The gathering at this time gathered 1000 people.

Almost immediately, two-thirds of the crowd who passed the first round of the trial were called.

Once this terrifying force was assembled, he immediately followed Xu Liang’s footsteps, grandiose moved towards the place where Gu Zhun was and rushed over.

On the other hand, Gu Zhun was still walking on the spot leisurely and naturally, as if he was not worried and so on at all.

His actions also made many viewers sneer with Unable to Bear.

Boy, don’t leave yet, now, you are bad luck!

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