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In the conquest army, someone panicked when looking at their formation flag that all directions vacated.

How could they have thought that the hunting activity of Gu Zhun, which was supposed to be 4 level 8 stable, has developed into this way now?

Where is the formation flag in this wilderness?

Where’s the Array?

This is a trap!

Some people just woke up at this moment, and then they suddenly panicked, each and everyone scurrying like headless flies.

Array !

This is not something ordinary people can arrange. To arrange Array, the most basic one must be a one-star Array division.

The profession of Array division is surprisingly rare in Eastern Wilderness, even if it is a first-order Array, it is not something ordinary people can crack.

Not to mention that among them, there are not many cultivators of Meridian Opening Realm.

This is really difficult.

If this is really a complete Array, even if they are planted this time, it won’t work for more than 2 people. The mysterious of Array is not useful when there are more people.

Someone groaned.

Among them, there are many people who have already collected 2 Heaven and Earth tokens.

Originally, they had just left Longshou Mountain to pass the second round trial.

However, Xu Liang was cut off in the middle, saying that he had discovered Gu Zhun’s whereabouts.

They thought very well. Anyway, they have collected all the pass tokens, and they can pass the pass 100%. It’s still early, so I can teach Gu Zhun, this arrogant guy, without losing time.

That’s why I came to join in the fun.

But who would have thought that this is a trap at all.

Gu Zhun had guessed that they would come, so he dug a hole here in advance and waited for them to jump excitedly.

Thinking of this, the mentality of these people instantly exploded, and they also began to regret.

Isn’t this idle?

What is the fun?

And at this time, there are naturally wise people among these people, they are calm, and start to move towards the formation flag looking for ways to crack them.

Because these people simply don’t believe that Gu Zhun is an Array master.

Maybe this is a pretense to bluff people, they don’t want to try and are fooled by this possibly fake Array.

It’s a pity that they have a good idea, but when they moved towards the formation flag, they were clearly only 2 or 3 steps away.

But, for such a short distance, they walked for 30 minutes, but they didn’t touch even a formation flag.

Such a weird scene happened to them, at this time, the fool can also know that this Array must not be fake.

Because the fake Array is basically impossible to have this effect.

This is a genuine puzzle.

I just don’t know if there is any attack method in this puzzle.

If there is no means of attack, they are at best trapped.

Once Gu Zhun gets a little tougher and lays out two Killing Arrays on the basis of this puzzle, even the simplest Killing Array is enough for them to drink a pot.

However, in the face of these juniors, Gu Zhun didn’t bother to waste more stones on them. It was almost enough to trap them with a puzzle to achieve his goal.

He is not the kind of killer.

Besides, this group of juniors in the Aristocratic Family actually had no dispute with him before.

Therefore, Gu Zhun certainly will not embarrass them too much.

Reaching out and grabbing, a Spirit Power big hand pressed down out of thin air and sucked up the storage bag from the waist of the nearly 1000-person team. Gu Zhun had achieved his goal.

Looking at this cliff, the rain-like storage bag was grabbed by Gu Zhun’s Spirit Power. At this moment, whether it is in the maze or the nearly 10000 spectators who are fighting on Longshou Mountain, this time It is impossible to bear. The corner of the mouth is fiercely twitched.

This Gu Zhun is absolutely utterly defiant.

This is simply not leaving a way for people to survive.

More than 2 1000 storage bags were drawn at once. How many people entered the second round of trials this time?

This is to kill to the last one, send them home in advance!

Someone was dumbfounded. They watched the Trial Competition for several times, although there were many abnormal juniors in the past.

However, it was the first time I saw Gu Zhun who was looting and unscrupulous.

Is he not afraid of arousing public anger?

Someone thought so, but in the next second, his thought was immediately extinguished by himself, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

That’s right, this guy seems to have aroused public outrage, and now the more than 2 people who have been robbed of these storage bags seem to have come to conquer Gu Zhun.


In the midair, Gu Zhun’s Spirit Power was rolled. Suddenly, more than 2 storage bags were opened at the same time, in the sky like a token rain.

Densely packed tokens of various characters fell from the sky and piled up in front of Gu Zhun.

Among them, there are countless tokens of Tianzidizi.

After Gu Zhun took a look, he rolled up his sleeves without leaving one piece, and all these tokens were rolled into the storage bag.

Watching this scene happen with my own eyes, the children of the Aristocratic Family who were still trapped in the puzzle immediately became anxious.

“Gu Zhun, you can’t do this, this is our token, you violate the rules of trial!”

“Quickly let us out, we have more than 2 people, and the Elders will not let you go!”

“Grandson, I’ll give you one last chance. I will count 3 and let you Xu Liang grandfather out. Otherwise, after I go out, I will definitely not spare you!”

In the maze, there are countless threats one after another.

Hearing these voices, Gu Zhun pulled out his ears, his left ear went in, and his right ear went out.


He didn’t know how many words he had heard in these years.

But threat, is it useful?

If it is useful, it should be yourself who is trapped now.

Originally, after getting these pass tokens, according to Gu Zhun’s personality, he should turn around and walk directly.

But when he finally heard a familiar voice in the crowd, the expression on Gu Zhun’s face also became a little weird.

The familiar voice he heard was naturally not someone else, it was Xu Liang.

Looking down, sure enough, in this maze, several Liang held a big knife at the moment, blushing and shouting the most joyously.

Afterwards, Gu Zhun also squatted down, moved towards the maze, smiled slightly, and shouted: “Don鈥檛 worry, Xu Liang Fellow Daoist, you don鈥檛 have to do it again, this time you can draw so many people into this maze, you Great credit, I will wait for you at the Longshou Mountain exit for a while. I will help you keep your token first. Then you will find a chance to sneak out. Just follow what we said before. See you at the Longshou Mountain exit! “

Gu Zhun shouted with a strange face.

As soon as he said this, the faces of many people in the maze also became strange.

Then, 3 seconds later, shua~ shua~ shua~ one after another stared at Xu Liang, who was stunned in the crowd.

They were still wondering why Gu Zhun knew that he and the others would come, and arranged the array here in advance to wait for them.

It turned out to be because you brat!

I have colluded with Gu Zhun a long time ago to cheat them!

What a great acting! Almost deceived by you Xu Liang!

After thinking through what Gu Zhun said just now, at this moment, in an instant, the eyes of more than 2 people in this puzzle were fiercely moved towards Xu Liang and looked over.

He was eagerly eager to take his skin off.

“Everyone, everybody, in fact, this is not the case. There is a misunderstanding in this. I said I was wronged, do you believe it?”

Listening to Gu Zhun’s words, Xu Liang’s heart has been cold for a while. At this time, he looked towards the 2 1000 people in the maze like a wolf. With his own eyes, Xu Liang immediately smiled bitterly. .

As he stepped back, he gave a pale explanation.

However, at this time, no matter how he explained it, no one wanted to believe it.

“Ah! Oh! Don’t fight, don’t fight! Be soft! Big brother…”

After 5 minutes, in the maze, a horrible sound of beatings and screams rose to the sky.

Those who hear it are sad, those who see it weep!

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