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After the first two rounds of the trial competition ended, everyone who passed the assessment had a rest night. At noon on the 2nd day, with the huge cheers from the crowd, the final competition finally arrived.

At the Great Zhou City Trial Plaza, due to some unexpected reasons, the number of advancements in the final competition was also the least.

In the past, there were at least 40-50 people who could pass the second round trial, but this time, when it comes to full play, there are only a handful of thirteen people.

However, although the number of people is small, it does not affect the popularity of the competition. On the contrary, because of the direct entry into the final top 6, the voice of the competition is much higher than the previous ones.

Almost early in the morning, the square was full of seats.

The women of the Divine Red Clouds sect came here early to wait for the start of the final competition. Soon, the final top 6 campaign is also without the cumbersome registration procedures before.

Put ten or three scrolls directly into a box isolated from Spirit Power.

Everyone who advances to the final competition will come forward to draw a scroll, and the person who gets the same number of scrolls is the opponent of the top 6 in this round.

However, because there are thirteen people who have advanced to the third round this time, one person will win a blank scroll in this round.

And the person who draws the blank scroll can be directly promoted by a bye.

The chance of a bye is rare and precious, because it is possible to advance to the third round, and everyone knows that everyone is not someone who is easy to deal with.

Being able to directly advance to the top 6 bye is of course the best choice. You can save your strength to ensure the full state of the next round of the first 3 competition, and you can also wait and see the opponent’s specific level in advance.

So, of course everyone wants this bye scroll.

Therefore, when the drawing of the scrolls first started, many people rushed up and fought for it. The fierce appearance seemed to give people an illusion, as long as the person who took the scrolls first would be able to get the one. Same as blank scrolls.

Unfortunately, when they finished the extraction, each and everyone opened their own scrolls, and their expressions became helpless.

Because at this time they all discovered that the scrolls in their hands had drawn the numbered scroll.

Immediately, including the audience, everyone’s faces became strange.

Didn’t I just say that one of these must be bye?

So where did that scroll of bye go?

Many people’s expressions are confused.

Next moment, but someone suddenly discovered that the number of people drawing the scroll seems to be wrong.

It should be ten or three people. Why are there only ten?

one short!

Who is missing?

Someone counted them down.

In the end, when they finished counting, a person’s name appeared in their minds.

As soon as the name appeared, many people’s faces became more exciting.

Especially the women of the Divine Red Clouds sect, their expressions are particularly weird.

Gu Zhun?

This guy is late again?

And it’s fine to be late, luck is so good, nothing is done, others will help him arrange.

Direct bye…

What kind of luck is this.

Many people feel that their brains are not enough.

Immediately, someone’s heart is out of balance.

what is this?

It’s all for this kid to be lucky enough to advance to the first two rounds, and it actually gave him a bye!

Look, is this doing personnel matters?

Why is this guy so lucky?

Enter the top 3 directly bye?

Many people are mad with jealousy, thinking that Gu Zhun’s luck is a bit very good. If this is given to them, they can do it too.

Why God is so partial, taking care of Gu Zhun alone.

Moreover, this person has not yet been to the scene of the Big Bi.

Be late again.

Without even thinking about it, I must still be sleeping!

This kind of thing is not the first time.

At this time, seeing such a wonderful result, the examiner who was responsible for guarding the box extraction also had a wry expression and turned his attention to the organizer’s examiners.

At the same time, these Aristocratic Family examiners also felt a headache.

A Gu Zhun is really enough for them to have a headache.

However, after all, this is the result obtained in full view, so although Gu Zhun did not come, the result of the bye has already come out.

There seems to be no other way except to acknowledge the good luck of others.

As a result, although these Aristocratic Family Elders looked a little embarrassed, they were helpless at the moment, nodded, and directly announced the start of the competition.

Because at this time, it doesn’t matter if Gu Zhun is not there. The top 6 has nothing to do with him.

After receiving instructions from these Elders, the host Elder who was in charge of the competition also gave a bitter smile.

Then directly announce the start of the final competition.

At this time, the square was divided into 6 arenas.

On each arena, two people stood at the same time. These people took one out at random, and they were the best Heaven’s Chosen among the younger generation of Great Zhou City.

Among them, the most dazzling is the Gu Ziqing of Gu Mansion who has come to Sacred Star Academy.

Among these ten two people, Gu Ziqing is undoubtedly the strongest recognized. In this time of the top six battles, she won the No. 2 reel.

Therefore, Gu Ziqing’s opponent is also very miserable, but he is a direct line of Heaven’s Chosen and Zhou Chao from Zhou Family of 2nd Rate Aristocratic Family.

However, Zhou Chao’s name Heaven’s Chosen was completely inadequate in front of Gu Ziqing.

And compared with Gu Zhun, Zhou Chao’s luck is simply bad.

At first, when Zhou Chao drew this number himself, he still couldn’t believe it. Just because he was so bad luck, he drew the strongest?

Therefore, when Zhou Chao stepped onto the ring to face Gu Ziqing, the result of this battle was already doomed, and many people didn’t even need to look at it.

This week, I’m overwhelmed, and I simply can’t do 3 moves under Gu Ziqing’s hands.

In fact, just as everyone thought, Gu Ziqing didn’t save Zhou Chao any face at all, and he didn’t waste time.

Within three moves is to kick him off the field directly, and then raise his proud head.

The past few days were made by Gu Zhun, and the rays of light of her Heaven’s Proud Daughter, Gu Ziqing, were almost covered.

Until this moment, Gu Ziqing could feel it again. With the voice of the audience, she seemed to have returned to the most dazzling position.

Gu Ziqing’s confidence was immediately recovered. At this time, she also seemed to be able to rediscover the feeling of overlooking everyone when she was at Sacred Star Academy.

Therefore, in this brief moment, Gu Ziqing felt that she was awakened.


Today, she is the only protagonist!

The others are just used to embellish her.

As for the bone washing pill for 1st place, she should also be determined to win!

Why was he scared by the trifling Gu Zhun?

Thinking about it now, Gu Ziqing felt a little ridiculous.

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