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Seeing that Shi Yang’s stick was so powerful, it moved towards Gu Zhun like a turmoil, and the women of the Divine Red Clouds sect were also unable to bear.

It’s as if someone grabbed their heart with a hand at this brief moment.

At this time, even the red brush Elder looked at such a stick, he was shocked by the impossible to bear.

“Worse, Shi Yang’s stick used 100% of its strength, plus his original strength of Meridian Opening Realm Middle-Stage, so superimposed, this stick might even be the general Cauldron Power Realm expert. Can’t stand it.”

“What should I do? Huh? Why is this Gu Zhun standing still? What the hell is this guy thinking, get away!”

Listening to Hongfu Elder’s words, Zhou Wei and An Biru and other women were also unable to bear worrying about Gu Zhun, and faintly worried for him.

Although they had never met Gu Zhun before, the past few days Gu Zhun brought them a lot of interesting things.

So, for such a guy, although a bit annoying, in general, Divine Red Clouds and the others still don’t want Gu Zhun to die like this.

However, at this time, they can’t understand Gu Zhun. Faced with such a mighty stick in Shi Yang, according to normal people’s thinking, the first thought should be to avoid directly, not to insist on the edge.

However, Gu Zhun on the ring was uncharacteristic at this time, and didn’t even move his footsteps.

Instead, he stood there directly, and even smiled at the stick that Shi Yang smashed.

At this time, the daughters of the Divine Red Clouds sect did not notice, even the last Shangguanyue who had been sitting at this moment was impossible to bear. The palms of the hands were tightened a little, and they looked towards Gu Zhun on the ring in the distance, with a hint of worry. .

“What is this guy thinking? is it possible that it is courting death? Does he really think he can catch this stick? This is a full strength attack from a Meridian Opening Realm cultivator!”

In the audience, watching this scene at the moment, some people couldn’t help but be surprised.

“In my opinion, Gu Zhun should be scared and stupid. He even forgot to escape. Now he is dead.”

At the same time, some people still frigid irony and scorching satire, it is not too much to watch the excitement.

However, for these people’s guesses, Gu Zhun directly responded to them with actions in the next second.

On the arena, Shi Yang was hitting the sky with a stick at this moment, and his eyes were split with bleeding threads. He looked mad. Every time Shi Yang killed someone, he had a bloodthirsty impulse.

This time, he is no exception.

However, when he moved towards Gu Zhun with a stick, Shi Yang found something wrong.

Because at this time, not at all happened what he expected.

This Gu Zhun, facing his own stick, did not escape?

How is this going?

Not only did he not escape, he even stood still, looking at himself with a joking look.

This scene was put in Shi Yang’s eyes, and immediately, he was angry.

This kid, is it possible that look down on yourself?

At this moment, Shi Yang was irritated, and immediately, with his temper, he had no reservations in one breath at this time.

All of the Spirit Power within the body was injected into this Vajra long stick at once, and the power that came from moving towards Gu Zhun suddenly increased several times.

“Gu Zhun, die!” Shi Yang shouted.

“Bang!” With a sound, a stick was hitting Gu Zhun’s head.

With this blow, immediately, everyone’s heart seemed to be struck by a big clock.

I can see that above the ring, dust is flying at this moment, the entire stone platform is completely destroyed, and countless slate stones splashed and scattered in 4 places.

In the dust, Gu Zhun’s silhouette can no longer be seen.

I can only see the horrible destructive power brought by Shi Yang’s stick.

Going down with this stick, Gu Zhun might be smashed into flesh.

Seeing this scene happen, almost everyone’s heart has such a result unanimously.

Except for this result, there is no other probability. The stick of Shi Yang is hard-carried on the front, not to mention Gu Zhun, even the general Cauldron Power Realm expert will be half dead.

Gu Zhun is dead.

Even the Red Cloud Elder of the Divine Red Clouds sect is so determined, and An Biru and other women are also sighed for it.

Excited divine light appeared in Shi Yang’s eyes, and the pleasure of killing filled his heart.

Just when everyone thinks so.

In the next second, as a gust of breeze slowly came, the dust from the messy arenas in the square was blown away.

Vaguely, everyone saw one silhouette coming out in the mist.

Seeing such a silhouette, almost everyone in this brief moment was stunned, as if someone had caught their throat.

“Gu, Gu Zhun! How could this be possible!” All the audience was frightened. Even the many Aristocratic Family Elders on the examiner’s bench suddenly stood up from their seats, completely unable to believe it.

Among them, the one who was most frightened was Shi Yang, who was opposite Gu Zhun.

Just now, he witnessed Gu Zhun’s head being smashed by one of his own sticks with his own eyes. The feeling is absolutely not wrong, and it is impossible to beat him.

But why is this guy okay?

This is totally unreasonable, this guy should be dead!

Shi Yang was terrified. It was the first time he encountered such a thing. To what extent has this fellow’s fleshy body been cultivation?

Shi Yang couldn’t imagine it.

At this time, Gu Zhun looked towards Shi Yang, but he was faintly smiled, touched his forehead, and said: “If you are stronger, maybe it will make me feel a little bit. Unfortunately, what you just did A stick, not even interested in letting me avoid it.”

Gu Zhun’s words are straightforward.

To what extent has his flesh been embodied?

I am afraid that the entire Eastern Wilderness cannot imagine, the Gold Skin realm of Golden Wings Great Peng Art.

Already comparable to the fleshy body of an adult Golden Wings Great Peng galloping in Nine Realms in the Ancient period, the oil pan Blade Mountain is like a bath.

Not to mention the stick of Shi Yang, even if another 100 Shi Yangs come, they will not be able to make a white mark on Gu Zhun’s body.

This is the physical terrifying of Golden Wings Great Peng Race.

His words reached Shi Yang’s ears, and immediately, a layer of secret sweat appeared on Shi Yang’s face.

When Shi Yang opened his mouth and wanted to say something and so on, Gu Zhun just raised his hand and interrupted him.

“It’s getting late, let’s end it quickly.” Gu Zhun said.

Immediately afterwards, everyone held their breath and saw that Gu Zhun raised a hand diagonally in the air at the moment, splitting a palm on his chest.

An extremely golden Spirit Power instantly shot out with a palm of his hand, slicing directly across several feet, and smashing into the ruins of this ring.

“Stab!” A sound.

The people in the entire square were sucked in a cold breath, and in the next second, they could see that this dark golden Spirit Power was chasing after Shi Yang.

Along the way, it was drawn on the ground, pulling the entire ground paved with bluestone into an extremely deep gully, which was more than 100 feet long.

This gully is one inch wide and several fingers deep. It extends from the feet of Gu Zhun to several feet away, wherever it goes, it cuts tofu with a knife.

When Shi Yang saw this scene, his whole body was frightened, and his soul was gone. How dare to stay, he turned around and urged Movement Art to escape to the examiner’s bench.

While running away, the man shouted in horror: “Elder, help…”

It’s a pity that all his words have not been shouted out, and the Elders of Shi Family have not had time to react. At this time, behind Shi Yang, the Golden Spirit Power has already caught up.

“Hiss!” A sound of flesh being cut open.

The golden Spirit Power flicked through Shi Yang’s body, instantly cutting his whole person into 4 segments.

Shi Yang’s face was still horrified, but at this moment, his body had stopped working, and the four segments of Fleshy body crashed down, blood flowing into a river.

There was dead silence in the square.

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