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Wang Xian naturally knows what the heart-protecting liquid is, because now he simply cannot touch this level of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

In his eyes, some 100-year-old Spirit Medicine can be regarded as rare divine medicine.

So looking at Wang Xian at this time, Gu Zhun certainly did not expect him to understand.

Facing this person’s doubts, Gu Zhun just raised the thing in his hand at this time.

It is a gray storage bag, such a storage bag, the space inside is the smallest kind, and it is also the cheapest kind of storage bag.

Gu Zhun took it from Wang Xian who was picked up last night.

At this time, Wang Xian not only saw Gu Zhun holding his storage bag, but also finally found out that his storage bag had been taken away by others.

Immediately afterwards, his face changed slightly.

Because, in that storage bag, there is stored the cultivation resources he earned by participating in the trial of the Big Six.

He was born in Loose Cultivator, and there is no Aristocratic Family support behind him. Therefore, every cultivation resource, even the most garbage medicine pill, Wang Xian regards it as a treasure.

Therefore, at this time, seeing his storage bag appearing in Gu Zhun’s hands, how could Wang Xian not be in a hurry.

That’s his wealth and life.

“Gu Young Master, what do you mean?” Wang Xian looked towards Gu Zhun and asked.

Gu Zhun is his life saving benefactor. Of course he will not take action against the latter, but at this time Wang Xian still has to ask clearly.

Facing Wang Xian’s question, Gu Zhun was not in a hurry at this time. He threw his storage bag on the table in front of him and said, “Don’t worry, these things you have are just for me. I don’t necessarily want it, and you won’t need these things anymore, just follow me.”

Gu Zhun said.

When he finished speaking, Wang Xian’s eyes became surprised.

This young man actually wanted to recruit him.

And it seems that it’s not casually nothing serious.

After being silent for a while, Wang Xian took a deep look at Gu Zhun. After that, he took a deep breath and asked.

“Then, what can you give me?”

“Resources, Martial Arts, the future.”

Gu Zhun serene said.

Wang Xian was hearing this, his eyes narrowed fiercely, because although Gu Zhun’s words were simple, they only had 6 words of trifling, but these 6 words hit his heart every word.

Resources, Martial Arts, the future.

These are exactly 3 things Wang Xian wanted.

If nothing else, just relying on the person’s insight into the human heart is enough to terrifying.

Therefore, after weighing it up, Wang Xian finally gritted his teeth and made a choice: “Okay, I agree.”

“Good.” Gu Zhun smiled and squinted his eyes.

Perhaps Wang Xian didn’t know at this moment, a decision he made now might be the most correct decision he made in his life.

Because, it is precisely with this decision he made at this moment that will create the future of a spear god who will make the 100 people of the heavens and the Nine Realms True God fearful in 10000 years.

He looked at Wang Xian with great satisfaction, and then Gu Zhun took out a new storage bag and threw it to Wang Xian.

“There are things you need now. As for your original storage bag, you can just throw it away. In addition, the reason why you lost to Gu Ziqing in the top 6 is that besides the realm resources are not as good as her, there is another important The reason is that your weapon level is too low. If it is a true expert, I am afraid that a sword can cut off your spear.”

Gu Zhun said, he was beckoned, and the red light lit up for a while. Then, in front of Wang Xian, a long spear of crimson hit the ground heavily, and the spear slammed into the ground. Deep in the slate.

“This Chilong spear is a good Divine Armament, take it.” Gu Zhun said indifferently.

But, next, Wang Xian shook the head: “Young Master, this Chilong spear is good, but I still think I used this spear more easily, and that spear was my dad back then Leave it to me, so I don’t want to change it yet.”

Wang Xian shook his head, although he looked at the Divine Armament Chilong spear very heartily, but in the end he refused Gu Zhun.

Gu Zhun hearing this, gave this person a surprised look. After that, he just smiled, took back the Chilong spear, and gave Wang Xian a deep look.

This kid is really interesting.

So, next, Gu Zhun also thought for a while, and pointed a little, a scarlet light spot rushed straight into Wang Xian’s forehead.

Wang Xian was shocked and felt this light rush into his mind. An Immortal Scripture slowly spread out in his mind.

At the same time, Gu Zhun’s words came in his ears.

“This blood refinement method allows you to fuse together with your weapon and forge it into a spiritual artifact. If one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers, you will become stronger and stronger in the future. The spear will also become more and more sharp, but if your weapon is damaged, you will also be injured. If the spear is destroyed, you will die. Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Think about it yourself.”

Gu Zhun’s words were heard by Wang Xian, and then Wang Xian’s pupils shrank.

Seeing that next, he hardly hesitated, just moved towards Gu Zhun and bowed deeply here.

“Many thanks Young Master for giving treasure.”

Obviously, this stubborn kid wants to cultivation this blood refinement.

In this regard, Gu Zhun also smiled helplessly. It seems that this person’s Father really has a lot of influence in his heart.

Even the temptation of Divine Armament can be rejected directly.

However, this is not a bad thing.

After giving Wang Xian these things, the next thing is to let Wang Xian work hard.

The Master leads the door and the cultivation is personal.

Although Gu Zhun is optimistic about him, he is not Wang Xian’s full-time babysitter. Impossible has always followed him.

After yawning, Gu Zhun just urged Yin Yue’s Blade Art, then turned back to the room to rest.

When Wang Xian returned to his room, he seemed to be still dreaming at this time.

Even, he still had the illusion that he was dreaming. The moment before, he was still a homeless and alone Loose Cultivator.

Now, he actually has a background and resources.

Wang Xian squeezed the brand new storage bag in his hand, only then could he feel that this was not a dream, but real.

Sitting on the bed in the room, Wang Xian opened the storage bag and looked at the various medicine pill and cultivation resources piled up in the mountains.

Wang Xian’s 3 views were refreshed again, took a deep breath and couldn’t help but marvel.

Own, what kind of person is this with?

So many medicine pill?

Even if it is the Wang Family he knows best before, I am afraid that he can’t get it out after hollowing out the family property.

But the storage bag that Gu Zhun gave himself, so many medicine pills have been flooded.

Moreover, the most outrageous thing is that Wang Xian also found ten bone washing pills in one of his storage bags.

As soon as Wang Xian saw this medicine pill, he was sucked in a cold breath.

This is not the bone washing pill that can only be obtained from the 1st place trial?

That Gu Young Master, shouldn’t it be the wrong storage bag?

Thinking of this, Wang Xian’s cold sweat immediately came down. At this time, Wang Xian, who has always been honest and timid, decided that he must not be greedy for this cheapness.

Since childhood, Wang Xian’s Father taught him that he can’t take things that are not his own.

Therefore, Wang Xian did not hesitate to move anything in the storage bag and opened the door to move towards Gu Zhun’s room.

The things here are too precious, and he wants to return them.

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