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Seeing Gu Bai in the wheelchair stabbed towards him with a short sword in his hand, Gu Zhun just glanced at him, not too lazy to look at him.

The dantian of this person has been abolished, and an ordinary person holding a sword wants to kill a cultivator, which is tantamount to a dream.

For him, Gu Zhun didn’t even have the desire to shoot, and simply ignored him.

The old turtle sneezed, and two air currents rushed out of its nostrils, like two dart arrows, directly driving Gu Bailian into the city wall with the car, and smashed into a pool of meat foam.

Gu Bai, die!

When everyone saw this, it was also impossible to bear with a horror, and the gaze of the old tortoise looking towards Gu Zhun became horrified.

Exhale and kill.

This Monster Beast is too fierce.

At this time, Gu Zhun jumped down from the turtle’s back and stepped up the city wall step by step, looking at the sight of the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood outside the Great Zhou City.

Countless Monster Beasts are still on their way, trying to collide against the walls of Great Zhou City.

Seeing this, Gu Zhun’s expression remained unchanged, watching this scene quietly.

Recalling the Beast Wave encountered with Heavenly Eye Sect and the others in 7 Great Mountains 100,000 years ago, compared with the Beast Wave of Great Zhou City this time, it is simply a gap between Heaven and Earth.

Seven years ago, in the 7 Great Mountains, the Monster Beast encountered by everyone in Heavenly Eye Sect was only a few 100,000.

At this moment, the Monster Beast gathered outside Great Zhou City can hardly be seen at a glance, like a sea of ​​Monster Beast. The number of low-level Monster Beasts just playing forwards may have exceeded several 100,000. .

At this time, a red star wolf stepped on the bloody road 3 steps to rush up to the wall of Great Zhou City, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and moved towards Gu Zhun with one claw and moved towards Gu Zhun.

This claw was caught on Gu Zhun’s head, and the sharp wolf claws could cut Gu Zhun’s head in half with just one light cut.

Seeing such a scene, at the crucial moment, many people were embarrassed in their hearts and held their breath for Gu Zhun.

“Young Master, be careful!” Song Qingyi whispered.

As soon as he was about to take the shot, Wang Xian was faster, and he reached out with one hand, and the mark of blood refinement in his palm suddenly brightened.

The white light turned, a spear of the split whale appeared in his palm instantly, the spear turned its head, moved towards the abdomen of this red star wolf, directly pierced its stomach and nailed it into the air.

The Scarlet Star Wolf was pierced through its abdomen. At this time, it also hung weakly, and the Scarlet Star Wolf’s mouth began to whimper.

Because this Monster Beast was splashed with fire oil from the defenders of Great Zhou City, there were large burn marks on the body of this wolf. At this moment, it was nailed to death by Wang Xianyi spear, so it is also at this time. It looked miserable.

Gu Zhun was silent and glanced at the Scarlet Star Wolf. This is a female wolf who has just given birth. It stands to reason that no matter how big the Beast Wave is, the female wolf that has just reproduced shouldn’t be involved.

At this time, Gu Zhun saw the red star wolf’s sobbing wolf head again, the blood-red eyes and the unwilling expression on his dying.



The method of controlling beasts, such a trick, appeared in the Ancient period.

However, it was directly eliminated later because this method of controlling beasts was too bad. Once it was deployed, Monster Beast below Rank 4 was directly controlled, and it was a one-off.

After achieving the goal, these controlled Monster Beasts will quickly burn their lives. After one control of the beast, these controlled Monster Beasts will survive even if they survive.

As long as half a month, as long as half a year, there is no doubt that death!

Originally, Gu Zhun thought that this inferior method of controlling beasts had already been eliminated and lost, and did not expect there to be.

And listening to what Gu Kang said just now, the man behind this Beast Wave should be the so-called 1000 Beast Palace.

Everything is clear.

According to Gu Zhun’s understanding of this method of controlling beasts, there should be two methods.

first is the simplest and most direct one, which is sound control.

Control the Monster Beast group by voice, this is the beginner’s method to control the beast, at most you can control Monster Beast below Rank 4.

There is another type, soul control, also called mind control.

Use your own powerful soul thought power to directly control all Monster Beasts on the soul, and let it be called. This kind of mind-control beast control technique is very terrifying, and the soul strength of the beast control master is also extremely high, even in the Ancient period. There are very few people who can learn this kind of mind control technique.

Compared with voice control, the ability to control beasts with mind control is too strong. It can directly control Monster Beasts below Rank 6 in large quantities and provoke a beast control master who can control mind. It can be said that it is more than stabbing a hornet’s nest. terrifying.

Because the beast control master who knows how to control is a giant walking hornet’s nest.

After the collapse of the Ancient period, the mind control beast control master was completely lost. Now, Gu Zhun will not believe that there is any so-called mind control beast control in this Nine Realms.

As for the so-called 1000 Beast Palace, it is even more impossible. If they have a mind control beast controller, do they still need to find a Gu Kang to hide and complete the plan for 5 years?

A group of Rank 6 Monster Beasts rushed over, and Great Zhou City had no power to fight back.

So, in other words, these 1000 people in the Beast Palace should be a group of voice control?

Gu Zhun sneered in his heart, and then, his eyes were stretched, and he scanned directly among the group of Beast Waves in the distance.

In the end, his gaze stayed beyond 10,000 Feet, and on a Gobi Yellowstone, there were three cultivators with animal faces and ghost faces. At this time, he was holding an azure jade flute and playing a weird music.

found it!

Gu Zhun’s eyes burned.

In the Ancient period, he had dealt with Monster Beast Race, and he had a good relationship with several of the ethnic groups. Even at the beginning, he almost formed a good relationship with a Monster Race girl, but later because of some things, It was delayed.

Therefore, whether it is Gu Zhun or Monster Beast Race, once they encounter those who use force to control Monster Beast, they will never be soft.

even more how, the sadly sobbing look of the Scarlet Star she-wolf just now made Gu Zhun recall some things.

Therefore, Gu Zhun at this time is even less polite.

He cast his gaze on the body of the three beast-faced ghost-faced men beyond 10,000 Feet.

Everyone saw that Gu Zhun slowly raised a hand at this time.

The endless imposing manner in this brief moment is condensed in the palm of Gu Zhun in a flash.

Everyone saw that at this moment, with Gu Zhun’s hand up.

Between Heaven and Earth, the wind stops, the clouds stop.

An inexplicable power is condensed in the palm of Gu Zhun, Prestige Is Like A Prison!

Pushing out with a single palm, between Heaven and Earth suddenly seemed to tremble, the space shattered, and the sun and the moon were shining.

Gu Zhun shot, everyone calmed down, including the Monster Beasts who were attacking the city. At this time, they were so crushed that they couldn’t breathe, as if they were pinched their heart and stopped the offensive.

Gu Zhun stretched out his palm, in a flash, Heaven and Earth Spirit Power condensed in the blink of an eye, and there was a dull vibration in the sky, and a door was opened.

This portal was completely opened. From this ancient portal, a large black hand piled with wild ancient runes explored it, moved towards 10,000 Feet, and the three beast faces and ghost faces were playing the 3 of the jade flute. The people in the animal hall grabbed it.

“You blow your mother!”

Gu Zhun yelled, the monstrous will squeezed down with the black hand, and moved towards these three scums.

“Ancient Immortal Seven Styles, Star Plucking Hand!”

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