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Wang Xian turned his body around, and listened to this man like a horse, his face pulled down, and moved towards the man and looked at him coldly.

Father Wang Xian died early since he was a child and was born in a broken family, so he was self-reliant and developed a taciturn and introverted personality.

However, being introverted to introverted does not mean that he will not be angry, and Wang Xian will not be indifferent to the provocations of others.

Therefore, when the Ma Tsai’s scolding blurted out, Wang Xian’s face immediately changed. At this time, he almost put the spear tip into this guy’s mouth.

And at this time, looking at the dark and swarthy young man in front of him, looking at him with a cold light, this horse is disabled to bear in ones heart trembled, and his head is also impossible to bear with the wicked look of Shang Wang Xian. Retracted.

Obviously, this person was a bully and fearful of toughness. Looking at Wang Xian’s appearance, whether it was the imposing manner on his body or the clothes on his body, they were completely different from the commoner disciplines they had encountered before.

This person should also be from an Aristocratic family.

Therefore, when he saw Wang Xian’s first glance, this Ma Zi had already realized that he had encountered a hard idea.

However, although Wang Xian was out of the ordinary, but this Ma Zi did not panic at all.

Because Wang Xian was born in the Aristocratic Family, but his backer is also very promising.

Moreover, it may not work in other places, but here in Heavenly Eye Sect, I am afraid that few people have a greater origin than the backer behind him.

Therefore, this Ma Tsai also has a high waist at this time, which is not worthy of Wang Xian, 2 eyes widened, and hummed: “What are you looking at, don’t you avoid it? Didn’t you see Master Liu going up the mountain? It delayed our Master Liu test In spiritual time, how many heads do you have enough to pay for?”

The horse scolded angrily.

Seeing this Ma Tsai look so desperate, Wang Xian still didn’t say anything, the palm of his right hand moved, a red rays of light condensed in his palm, white qi was born.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk, but that Wang Xian is too lazy to talk.

Because, in the next second, he will dig out a spear, and talking to him in front of a dying person is a waste of saliva and feelings.

From this point of view, Wang Xian and Gu Zhun are a bit similar.

However, just as Wang Xian was about to do it, suddenly, a hand was slapped on Wang Xian’s shoulder, suppressing his urge to do it.

“We are new here, so we have to leave a better image for the people of Heavenly Eye Sect. Moreover, we are not robbers who rob homes and homes. There is a saying, “Forbearance, calm and tranquil? Why should we fight at every turn?” What about killing and killing?” Gu Zhun’s voice reached Wang Xian’s ear and said softly.

Next, he just smiled and cast his eyes on the horse.

At this moment, the horse still looks like to disdain as beneath contempt, watching Gu Zhun press the shoulder of this Black Skin, thinking they are embarrassed.

Therefore, the horse at this time is even more triumphant.

And Gu Zhun looked at this person’s proud look at this time, and in the next second, he didn’t say more.

Stretched his shoulders, raised a hand, and slapped the horse directly onto the left cheek with a “Pa” sound.

When this slap goes down, the force is as high as 1000 jun, it is almost like being hit by a heavy hammer.

The small man intoxicated by success just now, the average horseman was also directly slapped by Gu Zhun this slap and flew up.

“Ouch” rolled down the mountain with a sound.

While rolling, the people around can also see the appearance of this person vomiting blood.

Yin red’s blood splashed all over the place along the ladder, but, despite this, none of the people standing along Mountain Road 2 was willing to extend a helping hand to help the horse’s body.

These people, each and everyone, watched with cold eyes, allowing this person to roll down the 1000-level stone steps, all the way down.

Because most of the people on the second side of the road are civilian children who came to Heavenly Eye Sect to be selected as the new discipline, and they were not less angry about the pent-up frustration of these guys just now.

Seeing that this guy was beaten at this time, they were too late to applaud, so how could they help him?

They know how to forbearance, but they are not fools, so naturally they will not do this kind of degrading thing with a hot face and a cold butt.

Watching this horse rolling all the way down the 1000-level stone steps, he still couldn’t survive. Even if he could survive, I’m afraid there is only one breath left.

Seeing this, Gu Zhun also let out a sigh of relief, and brushed his hands, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

However, at this time, Wang Xian looked at him with a strange look.

“Young Master, didn’t you just say that you should make a good impression when you first come here?” Wang Xian asked in surprise.

Listening to what he said, Gu Zhun also raised his eyelids and didn’t care at all, looked towards Wang Xian, and said, “Really? Did I say it? Why don’t I remember? I shouldn’t say it.”

Gu Zhun said with a straight face.

He always stands by one’s word and never goes back on one’s word.

If you don’t do it, you will never do it!

Besides, he is not a robber, how could he do something that would kill people if they didn’t agree?

Listening to Gu Zhun’s words, Wang Xian’s expression immediately changed and became weird. He took a deep look at Gu Zhun and was too lazy to say anything.

However, Wang Xian’s face now shows an expression that I have already seen through you.

Straight across the expression on Wang Xian’s face, Gu Zhun just turned around, preparing to continue standing back. At this time, another voice rang out at the right moment.

“Stop! Sire, who hurt me in front of me, intends to leave so easily?”

This voice came from behind the crowd, Gu Zhun hearing this, turned his head to look.

At this moment, after the dozen or so servant-dressed cultivators, a man in azure costume walked out slowly, looking towards Gu Zhun with a serious face.

This person should be their head.

And according to the Ma Tsai who was directly slapped down the mountain by Gu Zhun just now, this pretty close is the Liu Ye in his mouth.

I hit the small one and then the big one. Gu Zhun doesn’t know how many times he has seen it.

So at this time, Gu Zhun listened to the words of Master Liu, with a slight smile on his face, and asked what he said.

“Oh? What do you want to do?”

“That Liu 4 was my person just now, you beat him, at least, you have to give me Liu Hui an explanation,” said the man in the green service.

From his mouth, Gu Zhun also understood his name.

Liu Hui!

The name is good, cannon fodder.

And at this time, hearing Liu Hui’s words, Gu Zhun showed a pensive expression.

In the end, his face unexpectedly agreed with him.

Said: “You are right. You should give an explanation. Then Liu Hui Young Master thinks, what kind of explanation should I give you?”

Gu Zhun said with a smile.

Seeing Gu Zhun presenting a cooperative look at this time, Liu Hui’s thoughts that were still about to have a seizure were suppressed at this time, and he glanced at Gu Zhun with a strange look.

Because originally, Liu Hui still thought that he would have to let these servants move his hands and feet to get Gu Zhun down.

But now it seems that this kid is still acquainted, he should have heard of their Liu Family’s reputation in Heavenly Eye Sect.

So at this time, I knew that I was facing Liu Family, and I was ready to give in.

Thinking of this, Liu Hui’s face also showed a just this expression, snorted and said: “I, Liu Hui, is not the kind of unreasonable person. You hurt me. It’s easy to solve it. Only hand fan willow 4, you can cut off his own arm yourself.”

Liu Hui said slowly, at this moment, when such words came out of his mouth, it seemed casually.

Obviously, this guy has done such things normally.

At this time, many civilian children who were watching the excitement around listened to Liu Hui’s words, and their eyes towards Gu Zhun also became sympathetic.

He didn’t expect that this boy was so bad luck this time, he actually provoke Liu Hui, this time he is miserable!

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