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Hearing that the boy in front of him greeted himself abruptly, Li Hongfeng was a little startled as he was unable to bear.

This kid, is it possible that know yourself?

Long time no see ?

Have you met him before?

This Elder Li was stunned. After all, it had been 7 years, so at this time, Gu Zhun looked at this old man towards his strange look, which was not surprising.

Seven years is enough to change a person, even if they are close relatives and friends who haven’t seen each other for 7 years, some people don’t know each other.

Elder Li carefully looked at Gu Zhun’s appearance and tried to remember it.

However, in the end he still didn’t think of when he had seen this boy before, just when he was about to confirm that he did not know this person.

Suddenly, Li Hongfeng’s eyes floated. At this time, he glanced at Gu Zhun behind him, two silhouettes that looked quite familiar.

One is white clothed like snow, holding a long sword, and the other is wearing a red suit with a long whip around his waist.

In the past 7 years, Gu Zhun’s appearance has changed so much that Li Hongfeng can’t recognize it.

However, the appearance of Song Qingyi and Mei Suqin will not change much.

Li Hongfeng has deep memories of them back then.

Especially the latter, Mei Suqin was the person of their Heavenly Eye Sect back then. He was personally brought into the Land of Divine Ruins. Later, he followed Gu Zhun for 7 years. Elder Li was almost impossible to forget this girl.

In recent years, the teacher from Mei Suqin also often came to ask for her treasure disciple, causing Li Hongfeng to jump around and his head was big.

Therefore, he did not recognize Gu Zhun, but he recognized Mei Suqin and Song Qingyi 2 females at a glance.

And the calculation went on, the next second, he looked towards the young man in costume in front of him, his gaze changed immediately.

So, isn’t this young man the Young Master of the year?

They are all this big now!

That’s right, Li Hongfeng just realized that it has been 7 years unconsciously. When I saw this Young Master, he was still very young. Now 7 years later, he should have grown up.

So at this time, this Elder Li recognized Gu Zhun, and his expression became agitated.

“Young Master, why are you here? Look at my memory. If you said early, I should go out of town for 10 li, Heavenly Eye Sect, and I will welcome you by sweeping the couch!”

Li Hongfeng said excitedly.

What he said is not an exaggeration. Today’s Heavenly Eye Sect can have such a rising trend as it is today. It is entirely due to the love of this Young Master that they also followed into the tomb of the gods and achieved countless Unparalleled medicinal ingredients.

And, thanks to the reminder from the Young Master that year, Li Hongfeng left the Land of Divine Ruins from another location without stopping after collecting the Spirit Medicine outside the tomb.

He didn’t know until he returned to the clan. It turned out that the restriction of the Land of Divine Ruins was closed shortly after they left.

This level lasted for 7 years, and all the cultivators going to the Land of Divine Ruins were locked inside.

It was not released until ten days ago.

Whenever he thinks of this, Li Hongfeng’s heart is unable to bear to sweat.

Fortunately, after listening to Gu Zhun’s words, he didn’t have much greed and stayed in the tomb of God.

Otherwise, I am afraid they will be kept in it for 7 years like other Sect people.

It will not bring back so many Spirit Medicines in time to create such a tyrannical Heavenly Eye Sect.

So, in other words, Gu Zhun can be said to be the same characters as their reborn parents of Heavenly Eye Sect.

It is because of him that today’s Heavenly Eye Sect is born.

Therefore, after Li Hongfeng recognized him, his expression was simply ecstasy, and he wished to confess Gu Zhun to worship him as a True God.

But for Li Hongfeng with this attitude, Gu Zhun didn’t feel much.

Because at this time, instead, he turned his gaze to the blue robe youth beside him, said with a smile: “Brother, are you going to swallow your sword whole, or swallow it in pieces? ?”

Gu Zhun said suddenly. In the next second, the face of the blue robe youth immediately became extremely embarrassed. At the same time, it was also in ones heart trembled and was shocked by Gu Zhun’s words.

In fact, when Gu Zhun greeted this Elder Li just now, his face had already changed.

Because, at that time, when Gu Zhun really said hello when he saw Old Friend, he was also shocked, thinking that Gu Zhun was really old acquaintance with this Elder Li.

But then the mountain road twists around each new peak. After watching Gu Zhun for a long time, this Elder Li still didn’t show the slightest joy on his face. This blue robe youth was finally sighed in relief.

I think I am too worried.

However, just after he didn’t let up his breath for long, this Elder Li suddenly seemed to know Gu Zhun again.

And that kind of enthusiastic attitude, even when I saw Sect Master in normally, I never saw this Elder Li so diligent.

It’s almost as if I saw my father and mother and waited on me carefully.

As a result, the blue robe youth’s heart was lifted up again, and his face completely turned gray.

At this time, Gu Zhun actually remembered what he said just now, so when he heard Gu Zhun this remark, the blue robe youth almost didn’t cry.

This is simply digging a hole for yourself!

He couldn’t wait to draw his face, he was fine to say anything, and now he was remembered by this ancestor.

Should I swallow this sword, or not?

Swallow it, don’t ask, it’s definitely a dead end, no matter how good your stomach is, it’s impossible to digest a sword.

But if you don’t swallow it, good guy, even Elder Li is respectful as a father and mother, a character who can’t wait to confess, is it not with no difficulty to kill himself?

Therefore, at this time, this blue robe youth also does not know what to do.

At this time, listening to Gu Zhun’s words, I, Elder Li, finally glanced at the blue clothed disciple.

“Young Master, did this kid provoke you?” Elder Li asked with great diligence.

Gu Zhun is nodded: “Yes, he bet me and lost, saying that he would eat his sword.”

“Elder, this matter is actually a misunderstanding!” The blue robe youth said when Gu Zhun saw Gu Zhun. He was also frightened, and quickly looked towards this Elder Li with his help-seeking gaze.

However, at this time, Elder Li faced Gu Zhun and didn’t even listen to his explanation. He just helped him pull out the sword in his hand and placed it horizontally in front of this person.

Commanded: “You don’t have to tell me anything, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, the most annoying old man in his life is the kind of person who dares not to bet.

eat! Give it to me! old man watch you eat now! Can’t eat, you are dead today! “

Li Hongfeng said directly, the unprecedented swift and decisive, licking the dog majesty at a glance.

At the next moment, the face of the blue robe youth in front of him was suddenly pulled down, revealing an expression even worse than constipation.

No way ……

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