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After walking along a bluestone path paved by the mountainside for about an hour, a cave mansion with an extremely crude appearance appeared in front of Gu Zhun.

I saw that above the stone gate of the Cave Mansion, it was covered with green vines due to the fact that no one lived all the year round.

If you don’t look closely, you simply can’t see that this is actually a Cave Mansion.

Because it is in District D, Inner Sect disciple is concentrated in District C, and Outer Disciple has no right to live here.

Therefore, this place is not crowded for 20 li, so it can be said to be extremely desolate.

Gu Zhun moved the black token in his hand towards the stone gate. With a bang, the gate of the Cave Mansion opened.

When it was turned on, a piece of dust came oncoming, and almost choked the old turtle on Gu Zhun’s shoulder to death.

“Cough cough cough! My lord, this group of Heavenly Eye Sect bastards is not good or bad. I can’t swallow this breath anymore. In my opinion, I don’t need to save any face for the Hundred Eye Divine Monarch, just kill them. And that Liu Family, I can swallow all those idiots in my stomach with one bite. As long as you give an order, the old turtle, I will go to kill the door now!

The old tortoise jumped off Gu Zhun’s shoulders, changed his body, and returned to its original size. At this moment, it fanned the flames beside Gu Zhun.

After listening to it, Gu Zhun walked into the Cave Mansion, and a small wind-rolled spell used it at will. After sweeping the dust inside the Cave Mansion, he slowly looked towards the old turtle beside him. Said.

“Old money, old money, no wonder I said that you have a simple mind and well-developed limbs. Whenever you encounter something, you think about killing the door. Am I that kind of cruel person? Besides, just a few juniors, what’s the use Got such a big fight? Isn’t it just a Cave Mansion in Ding District? Don’t worry, I will bring you back to this place soon.”

A casual smile appeared on Gu Zhun’s face. After taking a look at the old tortoise beside him, he said mysteriously.

At this time, the old turtle was listening to Gu Zhun’s words, and he mumbled in his heart as “unable to bear”.

It is of course not able to figure out Gu Zhun’s thoughts, and it does not know what Gu Zhun wants to do next, perhaps, this is the gap between himself and this master.

After watching Gu Zhun clean up the Cave Mansion, the old turtle almost didn’t yawn. It felt like it must have hallucinations. When did this adult’s temper become so good?

Just when Gu Zhun had just cleaned his Cave Mansion and just sat down to take a rest, his butt was still not obstructing the stool. Suddenly, his token was lit up for a while.

Gu Zhun narrowed his eyes and saw that from his token, a loud voice rang along with it: “Inner Sect disciple Gu Zhun, before today’s unitary time, arrived at Sect Scripture Pavilion. Starting today, Scripture Pavilion The cleaning and tidying work of the house is done by you alone!”

Within the token, the voice stopped abruptly after speaking. After Gu Zhun listened to it, he also pulled out his ears from the disabled to bear. The voice just hurt his ears.

After listening to these words, Gu Zhun did not have time to say anything, but the old tortoise who was also in the Cave Mansion was angry at this time.

“This group of bastards are so tired and crooked! My lord, the young one will go and help you eat them alive now. I can’t bear it if you can bear it.”

Old Turtle said with a grim face.

It has followed Canghai Daosheng for so many years, and few people have dared to talk to it like this, let alone a group of juniors. Therefore, the old tortoise is not good at this time, and almost goes out to kill people out of control.

And at this time, Gu Zhun also shouted directly: “Old money, it’s okay, I have lived for so many years, and my temper is still so irritable. Scripture Pavilion that’s all, I just have nothing to do when I am idle. It is so angry. We Let’s go.”

Gu Zhun’s attitude has become abnormal since he entered Heavenly Eye Sect. At this time, Laogui couldn’t understand what he said.

However, since even this adult said so at this moment, there was fire and nowhere to post it, so brace oneself followed Gu Zhun out of the Cave Mansion and walked in the direction of the Scripture Pavilion.

It was dusk at this moment, and the sun was setting, and the Scripture Pavilion in Heavenly Eye Sect was also very dim, without the slightest light.

Before Youshi, Gu Zhun arrived as scheduled and came to the Scripture Pavilion, where there was already a steward with a goatee waiting for him.

At this time, seeing Gu Zhun sitting on the back of a giant tortoise came slowly, his face became ferocious.

At the next moment, I saw him walk up to Gu Zhun and said: “Gu Zhun, you are so slow, but you didn’t put me in your eyes? If you believe or not, today I can make you unable to eat. Go!”

The manager said fiercely, warning Gu Zhun.

In fact, looking at this person’s appearance, Gu Zhun also knew what this guy was. On the first day he entered Sect, he targeted his stupid man. He thought with his butt and knew that this guy is definitely a Liu Family person.

The steward was eager to catch Gu Zhun’s braids, so it was Gu Zhun’s expectation that he came to stab him.

It’s just that after listening to his words, Gu Zhun still has the expression that he doesn’t panic, he just glanced at this person with a strange look, and then said leisurely: “Master in charge, these words What you said is wrong. The content of the sound transmission you gave you before is clearly before the unitary time, and now even the unitary time has not arrived. I can only be regarded as early, so how can I say that it is slow?

Besides, if you slander me like this, I can tell you that my heart is not very good. I was accidentally terrified by you for 10000. Now I fainted and lay here, but someone was watching.

Gu Zhun is also an Inner Sect disciple no matter how you say it. You dignified a manager deliberately framed an Inner Sect disciple and scared an Inner Sect disciple out of trouble. This kind of consequence, when the time comes Sect traces it down, I don’t care, I just don’t know your acceptance. I can’t bear it. “

Gu Zhun said slowly at this time, also deliberately looking towards this steward with a provocative look.

At this time, the steward heard Gu Zhun’s words.

In the past, he was the only one who scolded some disciplines, and he had never met a discipline who dared to talk back to him.

Naturally, I’ve never touched Gu Zhun’s head like this, so when Gu Zhun said something like this, the manager’s face immediately became difficult to look.

Because, although he was annoyed by Gu Zhun’s attitude in his heart, he was really afraid that this person would do what he said.

I really lay here for a while, and at that time I couldn’t cleanse myself even if I jumped into the Styx.

Therefore, at this moment, the Liu Family manager looked at Gu Zhun, turned his eyes at him for a long time, and finally did not hold back a word.

No way, the first time he faced a rogue like Gu Zhun, he could only be choked to death.

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