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“Old Ancestor, what happened?”

Seeing the sudden violent body shape from Old Ancestor that day, in Cave Mansion, many Liu Family executives were shocked and did not react at all.

Isn’t it just that the ground shakes a bit, what major event can there be?

However, they didn’t realize that the face of the Tianli Old Ancestor at this time was as ugly as it turned into pewter.

“The Spirit Vein in Cave Mansion was taken away.” The Old Ancestor of Heavenly Eye Sect said.

“What! How is this possible!”

“Old Ancestor, you are cracking a joke!”

Several senior Liu Family executives were hearing this with terrified look on their faces. Then, they each and everyone everyone talking at once, they all couldn’t believe it.

Spirit Vein What is that?

The Heaven and Earth spirit root rooted in 10000 Liushan, the legend is that Hundred Eye Divine Monarch, the ancestor of Heavenly Eye Sect in the Ancient period, asked a true invincible power to refine it by Supreme means.

Since then, everything about 10000 Liushan has been settled.

A few 10,000,000 years have passed, their Heavenly Eye Sect has experienced drastic changes, but even so, the many Spirit Veins on the 10000 Liushan have not changed at all, and they are simply untouchable.

But today, how could it happen that Spirit Vein was taken away?

Who has this ability?

The senior executives of Liu Family looked suspicious, but at this time, the Tianli Old Ancestor didn’t have the time to entangle with them and rushed directly out of the Cave Mansion. The scene that happened below stunned him.

Because in front of him, the entire 10000 flowing mountain is undergoing drastic changes at this moment, countless snow melts and 10,000,000 flowers bloom.

Under the ground, you can even see that there are countless Spirit Veins of different colors swimming out of the place where they were originally, like small snakes, swimming wildly, after a while, they all moved towards one. Direction away.

“This, this, how could this be?” Following the Tianli Old Ancestor who rushed out of Cave Mansion, and several senior leaders of Liu Family, they also saw such a picture at this time, and only felt that they were top Of the head there was a breath of cold air.

10000 Spirit Vein of Liushan, really has a problem!

A group of people at the top of the Liu Family sucked in a cold breath. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that such a thing would happen one day.

At this time, in the Cave Mansion of Area A, one after another stone gate was opened, and each of them had a number of Supreme Old Ancestors that were normally impossible to see.

Obviously, their Cave Mansion Spirit Vein also had a problem.

Seeing this, the senior executives of Liu Family were shocked. They sensed their Cave Mansion in Zone B through their Cave Mansion tokens, and finally reached a conclusion.

All Spirit Vein of 10000 Liushan have been taken away!

What the hell happened to this?

Many people feel that their brains are not enough.

They have lived for so long, is there such a nonsense thing in the world?

I’ve seen people stealing Divine Armament, people stealing medicine pill, and even people stealing Monster Beast, but this is the first time I’ve seen someone stealing Spirit Vein!

Is there such a talent?

The senior members of the Liu Family are speechless, but the Supreme Old Ancestors at this time will not sit still.

Those Spirit Veins are too important to them. Normally, there is Spirit Vein support. They don’t have to worry about insufficient Spirit Qi, so they can cultivate as much as they want.

But now once the Spirit Vein is taken away, the greatest advantage of the 10000 flowing mountain in the future will be gone.

These Spirit Power Cave Mansion will also become ordinary Cave Mansion, there is no advantage at all.

At that time, I am afraid that their cultivation path for Supreme Old Ancestors who are already difficult to upgrade will become more impossible to move a single step.

Therefore, they must track down Spirit Vein to the end. Moreover, they also want to see which great character it is with such an eye-opening hand.

Chasing these Spirit Veins all the way, in the end, they came to an area before.

When I came here, someone could not help being surprised.

This is because this is not another place, it is still in Heavenly Eye Sect, and it is also a cave mansion area in Heavenly Eye Sect that is normally not visited by anyone.

These Heaven and Earth Spirit Veins gathered from all directions and poured into the Cave Mansion in this small area. Almost instantly, the Spirit Vein in the Cave Mansion has reached a level of horror. .

If someone senses the underground with Spirit Power, they will definitely find that at this moment, under the ground of Cave Mansion in Ding District, at this moment, there are probably over 10000 Spirit Veins that were originally scattered across the 10000 Liushan areas.

These Spirit Veins were packed here, and almost instantly, this cave mansion, which was originally called the worst cave mansion in the entire 10000 flowing mountain, was immediately transformed into the best cave mansion.

This is an undoubted matter.

Imagine that normally one Spirit Vein can raise a cultivator, even in the Cave Mansion in Area A occupied by Supreme Old Ancestors, there is at most one Spirit Vein, but the difference is the Spirit Vein in Area A. It’s nothing more than that’s all.

But now?

There are 10000 Spirit Vein continuously moved towards this Cave Mansion, and the good and the bad are always coming.

It can be imagined that this Cave Mansion may become the best piece of Heavenly Paradise in the entire Heavenly Eye Sect and even the entire Eastern Wilderness in the future.

“It’s too… it’s too much. I pulled out the entire Spirit Vein of Heavenly Eye Sect. Who did this good thing?”

“Here, this Cave Mansion is going to be heaven defying. If I can cultivation here for one day, I’m afraid I will be in Outer World for one year!”

“Don’t say anything, look at those Sect executives, their faces are all green.”

There are disciples talking about it one after another, and at this time there are also smart people whispering to remind friends around them.

Sure enough, many people can see that almost all the faces of Inner Sect disciple and Sect executives are ugly and scary at this time.

As for what it is, I’m afraid anyone can figure it out.

Such an approach has already touched their interests. To draw so many Spirit Veins here at once, this time has offended many people.

Normally, they all rely on Spirit Vein cultivation, and the cultivation speed is several times that of ordinary people but ten times. Now that the Spirit Vein is taken away, they are equivalent to take out 1000000 Spirit Stone from your storage bag.

Can you bear this?

I can’t bear it.

So, at this time, the Old Ancestor that day was the first to whisper: “Go, check, who did this thing, whose site is this Cave Mansion? Check it out for me! Must catch this stealer of Spirit Vein people!”

The voice of the Tianli Old Ancestor suppressed infinite anger, almost like a volcano about to erupt.

Some of the disciplines hearing this around him shuddered and turned around to check.

But at this time, many people looked at each other in blank dismay after listening to the words of this Tianli Old Ancestor, as if suddenly thinking of something.

The Cave Mansion in this area is always desolate, and it seems that I have never lived in who.

No, it seems that a few days ago, an Inner Sect disciple who had offended Liu Family moved in. So, there was only one resident in Ding District.

Gu Zhun?

This person stole the Spirit Vein of the Fonds?

This guy is a wolf!

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