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How thick can a person’s face be?

Until today, this Sect Master Lin didn’t really understand after listening to the words of Li Old Ancestor.

This Old Guy, as the Supreme Elder of Heavenly Eye Sect, had paid the benefits of Liu Family privately and caused a panic in the clan. Now he actually hit his mind on a newcomer Inner Sect disciple.

Moreover, this Inner Sect disciple is still a noble person of their Heavenly Eye Sect.

Seeing this, Lin Xinyin’s temperament became a bit angry.

“Heavenly Old Ancestor, there are rules left by Old Ancestor in my Heavenly Eye Sect. Once the Inner Sect disciple chooses Cave Mansion, it belongs to a private domain and has life-long power. Even high-level clan members cannot interfere. You I’m afraid it’s not good to do this,” Lin Xinyin said.

But at this time, Tianli Old Ancestor laughed: “There is no need for Lin Sect Master to bother, Gu Zhun, if you Cave Mansion are willing to give this King voluntarily, how about this King owes you a favor?”

The Tianli Old Ancestor said that when he said this, both Lin Xinyin and Qingyuan Ancestral Master were a little speechless, and they scolded this old bastard to have no shame in their hearts.

This old bastard actually used his lip service to fool the new discipline, but the problem is that if Gu Zhun agrees, then they can’t interfere, because now Gu Zhun this Cave Mansion is his own, even Sect. Master or Supreme Elder have no right to intervene.

Now, it can only be seen that Gu Zhun is not clever in doing things. If he is smart, he will definitely not use his current Cave Mansion to exchange a verbal favor with Tianli Old Ancestor.

Because no matter what the reason, Gu Zhun’s current Cave Mansion is worth more than any treasure. This is the Cave Mansion that brings together all the Spirit Veins on the entire 10000 flowing mountain.

The value is so great that it is impossible to estimate. As long as it is anyone, I am afraid that it is reluctant to give this thing out.

Lin Xinyin thought so, and comforted herself in her heart. Since Gu Zhun can bring Li Hongfeng into the tomb of God, he must be no ordinary person. He must have known such a choice.

Besides, even though Tianli Old Guy said so verbally, the ghost knew whether he would honor it when the time comes.

This kind of pay a small price for big rewards in return, I am afraid Gu Zhun will not fail to see it.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Xinyin and Qingyuan Ancestral Master just relax, and are basically sure that as long as Gu Zhun is not stupid, they will definitely not exchange.

However, their idea came down, and it didn’t take long for Gu Zhun to make them dumbfounded on the spot.

“Since Old Ancestor is speaking, then the discipline must be willing. However, recently the discipline has been poorly clinked, and it needs 2,000,000 Spirit Stone to buy a better Flying Sword. I just don’t know if Old Ancestor is so wise and martial, can he generously donate it? “Gu Zhun’s words came slowly.

His words seem to be casually, but at this time, when it fell into the ears of everyone in Heavenly Eye Sect, it caused many people’s eyes to fall.

This kid belongs to a hippo? Have such a big appetite?

This is simply Lion’s big mouth.

2,000,000 Spirit Stone, because you brat said it, why don’t you grab it?

Many Disciples of Heavenly Eye Sect said in their hearts.

At this time, Gu Zhun’s words also shocked Lin Xinyin and Qingyuan Ancestral Master.

How could they think that Gu Zhun this kid really agreed, but he was still clever, knowing to open the price in advance.

But, even so, this is bad news, because, as far as they know, even though 2,000,000 Spirit Stone is a sky-high price, Heavenly Eye Sect will probably bleed heavily if it can be taken out.

But this day, Old Ancestor has not received the benefits of Liu Family in these years. If he is willing to fiercely, he might really be able to get it out through gritted teeth.

Sure enough, when Lin Xinyin and the other two were thinking so, after listening to Gu Zhun’s conditions on Old Ancestor, the expression on his face also twitched.

This kid dared to ask for 2,000,000 Spirit Stone in one go. This was obviously killing him.

Immediately, Tianli’s Old Ancestor’s expression was flat: “Gu Zhun, are you threatening this King? What Flying Sword needs 2,000,000 Spirit Stone to buy? Do you know what crime is for threatening Supreme Old Ancestor in the clan?”

“Old Ancestor, this is a misunderstanding. I didn’t say to insist on giving it. If you think it’s not worth it, you don’t need to change it.” Gu Zhun shrugged, acting indifferently. He didn’t enter, but at this time, in his heart, he had already taken the Old Guy.

Listening to Gu Zhun’s words, this Tianli Old Ancestor is also unable to bear gnashing teeth. If it weren’t for the old fart of Lin Xinyin and Qingyuan today, a junior would dare to slaughter him like this. According to his temper, I’m afraid I don’t know how many cramps he peeled.

But now, in front of so many disciples and high-level officials, this Tianli Old Ancestor dare not do too much.

So, he can only figure it out.

Even if it was him, the Spirit Stone accumulated over the years would be enough to take out 2,000,000 in one breath, I’m afraid it would be blood.

However, now such a Cave Mansion is in front of him, this is the Spirit Vein that gathers the entire 10000 Flowing Mountains.

Tianli Old Ancestor’s gaze was tangled, and he calculated the account.

In the end, he just glanced at the Cave Mansion in front of him, felt the rich Spirit Power contained in it, and made a decision: “Okay, kid, the deal, here is 2,000,000 Spirit Stone, from now on, you Cave Mansion It’s this King’s.”

Tianli Old Ancestor said, and then, he just took out something from his storage bag, which was a black voucher, and threw it to Gu Zhun.

This redemption ticket has the seal of the Treasure Celebration Workshop. Normally, Tianli Old Ancestor deposits all his money in the Treasure Celebration Workshop. With this redemption ticket, Gu Zhun can redeem 2,000,000 Spirit from the Treasure Celebration Workshop Stone.

“Old Ancestor is magnificent, my kid is very grateful, please give me a testimony. From now on, my Cave Mansion belongs to the Old Ancestor of Tianli. Now the people and goods are cleared. In the future, this Cave Mansion will have nothing to do with me. Old Ancestor, what do you say?”

“Of course.” Tianli Old Ancestor nodded, this kid took the Spirit Stone, and he didn’t dare to do things like go back on one’s word.

At this time, listening to Gu Zhun’s words, Lin Xinyin was also unable to bear in the heart sighed, and even the Qingyuan Ancestral Master next to Gu Zhun cast a disappointed look at Gu Zhun.

Because in their eyes, 2,000,000 Spirit Stone is a sky-high price, but compared to 2,000,000 Spirit Stone, Cave Mansion is a more precious treasure.

Gu Zhun traded Cave Mansion for 2,000,000 Spirit Stone, which seemed to be very profitable, but in fact, he lost to his grandma’s house.

What’s more, in this Cave Mansion, there are still 10000 Spirit Veins on their 10000 flowing mountains.

This kid is too short-sighted!

Lin Xinyin sighed in the heart.

However, now Cave Mansion has fallen into the hands of Tianli Old Ancestor. In the future, I am afraid that the Old Guy’s cultivation base will take another leap.

This is not a good news.

However, when Lin Xinyin looked towards Gu Zhun with a disappointed look, the next second, Gu Zhun only gave a faint smile, and when he turned away, he lightly stepped on the ground with one foot.

Then, the thing that stunned everyone happened again, because at this time, the 10000 Spirit Veins that were originally swarmed under the Cave Mansion of Gu Zhun unexpectedly rioted again.

Each and everyone rushed out of the Cave Mansion, like a tag-a-long, following Gu Zhun.

Such a scene stunned everyone, especially the old Ancestor who had just paid a sky-high price of 2,000,000 Spirit Stone to buy a Cave Mansion in Ding District. At this time, his face was almost black and carbon-like, and his eyes rolled. , Almost fainted out of breath.

Everyone has such an idea in their hearts at this moment.

This fuck, there is this kind of operation?

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