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old cow eating the young grass grass!

Lin Xinyin stood in front of Gu Zhun’s window. The heart that had finally recovered from the Heavenly Eye Sect high-level meeting immediately became one after another because of Gu Zhun’s words.

If Lin Xinyin himself is not a Sect’s Master, I am afraid that he would hit Gu Zhun with a backhand on the head of this kid early.

Do you really think you are handsome, and my old lady would like you for such a brat?

took a deep breath, Lin Xinyin turned around, regained her state of mind, and said, “How is Master Gu Young’s life in my Heavenly Eye Sect recently? Life is satisfactory, right.”

“It’s ok, barely make do.” Gu Zhun glanced at the female Sect Master weirdly, nodded, and said casually.

“It’s okay to make do with barely, but I take care of Young Master every day to eat well and sleep well, without annoying at all. Recently, my Heavenly Eye Sect was messed up by you.” Lin Xinyin listened to Gu Zhun. With this relaxed tone, he clenched his silver teeth angrily and said, “Master Gu killed me Heavenly Eye Sect that many Inner Sect disciple in one breath. The past few days, there was a mess of porridge among the senior management. Leaving Old Ancestor and Liu Family is even more of an excuse, but you have brought a lot of trouble to this clan.”

“Trouble? I don’t think so. Why do I think I helped you Heavenly Eye Sect in this matter?” Gu Zhun twitched the corners of his mouth after hearing the words of the Lin Sect Master.

“Help us? Is the Inner Sect disciple who killed my Sect called help too?” Lin Xinyin’s face sank, and his eyes fixed on Gu Zhun.

“Now Heavenly Eye Sect’s Inner Sect disciple, or is it your Heavenly Eye Sect’s discipline? It should be called Liu Family’s discipline. If I’m not mistaken, this batch of Inner Sect disciple, in fact, Lin Sect Master had already thought about it. I’m going to change it, but I haven’t had a chance. I’m here to do it this time, how come I’m not helping you?” Gu Zhun said strangely.

After he finished speaking, the expression on Lin Xinyin’s face changed at the next moment. After a while of silence, the female Sect Master finally let out a sigh of relief, and the expression on her face became calmer: “You said Yes, it seems that Hongfeng is right. You are indeed a different kid. I admit, you did what I always wanted to do this time.

However, originally, I didn’t intend to do these things at this juncture. Master Gu Young is so smart, I must know that when I was at Divine Ruins Secret Realm 7 years ago, although I was the biggest winner of Heavenly Eye Sect.

But at the same time, it also provoked a lot of powerful enemies for my Sect. Some time ago, Divine Ruins Secret Realm was reopened. Recently, many 1st Rate Sects have begun to report that they have united against my Heavenly Eye Sect.

I believe it will not be long before my Heavenly Eye Sect catastrophe is coming. Originally, I planned to keep this batch of Inner Sect disciples first, and they might come in handy when the catastrophe arrives.

They waited until after this catastrophe to clean up, but Gu Young Master’s swift and decisive, the speed of action is really beyond my imagination. “

Lin Xinyin said that during this period of time, she was very busy with the future of Heavenly Eye Sect and Gu Zhun.

Seeing Dajie right in front of him, but the backyard caught fire, Lin Xinyin also felt a deep weakness.

“Lin Xinyin, Lin Xinyin, I originally thought that you are a smart person in Heavenly Eye Sect nowadays, but today, I still overestimate you. You shouldn’t really think that you stay Those Inner Sect disciples, when your Heavenly Eye Sect catastrophe arrives, they will really help you Heavenly Eye Sect do something.

Since those Inner Sect disciple will be bought by Liu Family, why not betray you because of other Sects? When the time comes, they are not stabbing the knife in the back, that is all good.

It is not reliable to count on them than to press the treasure on Liu Family. If your ancestor Hundred Eye Divine Monarch is still there, I am afraid that you will be alive by disappointing younger generations like you.

Such a large family business is left to you. After several 10,000,000 years of inheritance, you were actually defeated by your descendants. The Heavenly Eye Sect, which was famous by Nine Realms back then, could actually be made by a Liu Family, who is not in the bottom nine. It’s smoky, no wonder Heavenly Eye hasn’t contacted you for 9 years, and even they gave you up. “

Gu Zhun hate iron for not becoming steel, said.

But after he finished speaking, Lin Xinyin’s original inadvertent eyes at this time shrank suddenly. Hearing the two words’Heavenly Eye’, this Lin Sect Master looked towards Gu with an incredible look. Zhun.

“You know Heavenly Eye! Who are you!” Lin Xinyin almost exclaimed.

Heavenly Eye !

That is a secret in their Heavenly Eye Sect. In the past 10,000,000 years, the name has been passed down by Sect Masters.

It can be said that apart from Sect Master, no one else in the world knows, and even Supreme Elder in the clan has no right to interrogate.

What is Heavenly Eye?

That is an additional mysterious organization formed by Heavenly Eye Sect at the beginning of its establishment.

This organization, in its most prosperous situation, is all over Nine Realms.

Created by Gu Zhun himself, it is not a force that relies on Heavenly Eye Sect.

At that time, Heavenly Eye was Gu Zhun’s eyes inserted in Nine Realms, monitoring the movements of Nine Realms on his behalf.

Later, Gu Zhun integrated Heavenly Eye and handed it to the management of Hundred Eye Divine Monarch. At that time, Heavenly Eye and Heavenly Eye Sect had constant contact.

It is a pity that Heavenly Eye Sect gradually faded. After the Hundred Eye Divine Monarch is gone, the descendants of Heavenly Eye Sect are not even more competitive.

Over the years, the family property has almost been lost, and even the ancestral land has not been guarded, and the Juzong moved to Eastern Wilderness.

It was also from that time that Heavenly Eye cut contact with Heavenly Eye Sect, and there has been no contact between the two forces for 2 years.

But this matter, with the death of the previous generation of Heavenly Eye Sect Sect Master, the news about Heavenly Eye and Heavenly Eye Sect should only be known to Lin Xinyin, and she has never mentioned Heavenly Eye to anyone. all.

Even the confidant of Sect Master Lin, Li Hongfeng, doesn’t know the least bit of fur.

How did Gu Zhun know?

Lin Xinyin’s gaze looked towards Gu Zhun became more and more surprised, and she found that she really couldn’t understand this person more and more.

“I’m who, this is not something you should worry about. What you should think about now is to fill up your Heavenly Eye Sect’s Inner Sect disciple again as soon as possible, otherwise, even if the future of your Sect’s catastrophe is over, there is no next A generation of inheritance, such a big Sect, I am afraid it will end here.” Gu Zhun said with a smile.

And Lin Xinyin listened to Gu Zhun’s words at this time, she came back to his senses, her face also showed a crafty smile.

“Master Gu Young is right. Therefore, after a decision by the senior management, the task of selecting Inner Sect disciple this time will be handed over to you.” Master Lin Sect smiled slightly, she had already dug a hole for Gu Zhun.

Her meaning is also very clear, since you killed the Inner Sect disciple of our Sect, then you are also responsible for promoting the new disciple, which is reasonable and convincing.

But at this time, facing Lin Xinyin’s words, Gu Zhun opened his mouth, and really didn’t know how to refute it.

Good guy, waiting for me here.

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