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“Big brother, what are you going to do?” Listening to Liu Yu’s sneer, Liu He asked shiver coldly on the side.

“How? It’s very simple, isn’t Gu Zhun being promoted to Elder? He wants to be promoted to Inner Sect disciple, so he must choose from the elite disciple of outer sect.

Since he wants to play with me, Laozi will naturally play with him. This King will now dig all the elite disciples into my Liu Family before him. Look at Gu Zhun, no matter who he is promoted, he will have to be in the future. I am a member of Liu Family.

At that time, I want the surname Gu to shoot himself in the foot! “Liu Yu said gloomily.

However, just after Liu Yu’s words were finished, Liu He just squatted to remind himself of this seemingly stunned big brother: “But, big brother, although there are not many Heavenly Eye Sect outer sect elite disciple, there are 2 300. No., my Liu Family wants to buy them all, is this possible? I am afraid that financial resources alone are not enough.”

“Then send a letter to the master’s house, and let the master’s Elder send someone to deliver it as soon as possible! As long as you control the Heavenly Eye Sect, what Liu Family loses in the future will be doubled back!” Liu Yu kicked his younger younger Brother Liuhe’s body, hate iron for not becoming steel.

In his eyes, Liu He has been like this for so many years, and his mind never turns when he does things.

Liu Yu is also very satisfied with this move.

Putting a long line to catch a big fish, since Liu Family lost a lot to buy the elite disciple this time, he will definitely get more in the future.

Liu He was kicked by his big brother, and he didn’t care about the face in front of the junior, so he quickly went down without being nodded.

After he left, Liu Yu ordered Liu Hui to pay more attention to Gu Zhun’s movements in the outer sect, and then let Liu Hui go back.

After leaving Inner Sect Liu Residence, Liu Hui’s face is also triumphant.

After listening to his own Liuyu Elder’s plan, Liu Hui almost raised his eyebrows to the sky.

He seemed to be able to see in the next second that Gu Zhun, who had also been arrogant and despotic before, found out that the Inner Sect disciple he was promoted to was the face of regret after Liu Family.

Just thinking about it made Liu Hui feel refreshed.

“Hmph, the last name is Gu, you shouldn’t be 1000, you shouldn’t be 10000, you shouldn’t be against my Liu Family, people who dare to fight against my Liu Family will not end well, this time, you just wait to die !” Liu Hui said with a sneer, corner of the mouth raised.

Then he hurriedly walked out of the Inner Sect 10000 flowing mountain, and moved towards outer sect.

In the outer sect, Gu Zhun came to the private mansion specially arranged by the outer sect for Elder, and then he couldn’t leave the door behind closed doors. A person in the room looked at the behavior record of the Outer Disciple given to him by Lu Yang.

First of all, he pulled out the one about outer sect elite disciple and threw it aside.

He didn’t even bother to look at it. With his understanding of Heavenly Eye Sect today, among the outer sect, the reputation of these outer sect elite disciple is an evil that is well-known.

Relying on his identity as an elite disciple, he deceives good and indulges evil in outer sect all the year round, and has done a lot of good deeds, without exception.

All of this was caused by the Liu Family’s high-level civil strife over the years, and many Elders just wanted to manage but couldn’t manage it.

Therefore, in the first time, Gu Zhun directly packaged and eliminated these so-called outer sect elite disciple.

Then, he started to read the records of the outer sect common disciple.

From this look, it was a whole day, until noon on the 2nd day, Gu Zhun slowly walked out of the room.

Song Qingyi and the others sighed in relief when they saw Gu Zhun coming out. In their eyes, their Young Master has been silent for a day, and they didn’t say to retreat before that.

Therefore, if Song Qingyi hadn’t stopped him, Wang Xian would have hit the door directly.

Seeing Gu Zhun coming out at this time, they also let go of their hanging hearts.

“Young Master, what are you doing this day? Why is there no movement at all.” Yin Yue walked to Gu Zhun’s side and asked.

“It’s nothing. I just studied the Outer Disciple’s behavior records given by Lu Yang. Now that Lin Xinyin has promised to help Heavenly Eye Sect get promoted to Inner Sect disciple, it must be done well.” Gu Zhun laughed and looked at Yin. Yue and the others said.

Yin Yue and the others listened to Gu Zhun’s words and finally realized it at this moment.

It turned out to be studying conduct records, no wonder.

“Then Young Master has found a suitable candidate?” Wang Xian asked.

“I found a batch, but I still have to go and see the details.” Gu Zhun replied, and then he took Song Qingyi and the others out of the mansion, toward the outer sect common disciple Walked to his residence.

At this time, among the 10000 Liu Family residences in Liushan, Liu Family in the Imperial Capital of the Great Yan Dynasty, after receiving the expedited letter from Liuhe, it was an overnight trip and sent them enough to buy 2 The cultivation resources of more than 100 outer sect elite disciple are being sent to Liu Residence at this time.

After receiving this batch of resources, Liu Yu personally reviewed it. There are a few 100 boxes of cultivation resources. Together, these resources are comparable to the boxes Liu Yu personally selected and gave to Gu Zhun a few days ago. The sum of resources.

Liu He followed Liu Yu, looking at these resources, it was also unable to bear distressed.

“Big brother, do we really want to give out all these things? This is my Liu Family’s accumulation of nearly 100 years, 10000 yuan…”

“Shut up, you crow’s mouth, in my Liu Yu’s eyes, there is no 10000 one. I can’t bear to let the child not catch the wolf. Only in this way, my Liu Family can stand up in Heavenly Eye Sect in the future.” Liu Yu scolded .

He originally thought that although Liu He had a bad brain, that’s all, but Liu Yu only learned today that his younger brother was not just a bad brain, but he didn’t even have any business acumen.

Ignoring Liu He, Liu Yu directly ordered that the 100 boxes of cultivation resources were divided into more than 2 100 copies and sent to the residences of the elite disciple.

It is bound to persuade them to accept and take an oath to let them do things for Liu Family in the future.

In order to achieve this, he also specifically talked to the Liu Residence family in the Great Yan Dynasty, and asked them to arrange more than 2 talkative lobbyists over.

The more than 2 people were suddenly scattered by Liu Yu, and Liu Yu suddenly felt that he had pulled back a city.

At this time, Liu He was watching so many cultivation resources being sent out. He was also worried and said: “Big brother, sending it out so quickly, it’s too anxious, don’t you just stop looking at the situation?”

“What do you know? This is called the first to be strong. You can get the most benefit by buying people’s hearts in front of Gu Zhun. Otherwise, waiting for the surname Gu to promote them to Inner Sect disciple, my Liu Family, this can only be regarded as the icing on the cake. It’s not provide timely help anymore, the meaning and effect of it are also indirectly reduced by several percent.” Liu Yu glared at Liu He behind him, and said to him rare.

After listening to his big brother’s words, Liu He also suddenly understood, it turned out that this is the case!

The two effects of provide timely help and icing on the cake are definitely provide timely help more memorable and easy to make people feel good.

Liu Yu is Liu Yu, big brother or big brother!

Liu He immediately admired prostrate oneself in admiration, and pointed at Liu Yu with a thumbs up: “Wonderful, it really is a smart plan!”

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