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After Gu Zhun and the others had left, Yang Chen turned and returned to the room. Younger sister Yang Ling still had an expression of horror on her face. At this moment, she did not know what was happening outside.

Watching his big brother go out, the only thing Xiao Yang Ling can do is pray silently in the house.

Now that Yang Chen came back safe and sound, Yang Ling was finally sighed in relief.

“Brother, who are those people.”

“Oh, an Elder from Inner Sect, promoted to Elder, let me go to the Scripture Lecture platform tomorrow morning.” Until now, Yang Chen was still a little absent-minded.

He couldn’t believe what the Inner Sect Elder meant just now.

is it possible that I really have a chance to be promoted to Inner Sect?

However, as everyone knows, Yang Chen, even in Outer Disciple, belongs to the bottom of his existence.

Yang Chen has a low self-esteem. In addition, he has been taking inferior Qi and Blood Pill. Compared with the cultivator of the same generation, the point where he can dig in the future is very small, and he has almost no potential. People like him have also entered Inner Sect. Chance?

It is not that Yang Chen has no confidence in himself, but that he matures much earlier than peers, and for many things, he also looks farther than peers.

Perhaps, Inner Sect Elder just let himself go to the Scripture Lecture station to clean that’s all earlier.

Yang Chen shook his head, laughing at himself.

Immediately, he touched his younger sister’s little head: “Forget it, let’s eat.”

Xiao Yang Ling’s eyes blinked, behaved and nodded, and the siblings 2 continued to eat dinner.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

In the entire outer sect, some are happy and some are worried.

Those Outer Disciple chosen by Gu Zhun are naturally excited, because they have a hope of entering Inner Sect.

And some other people are those elite disciples of the outer sect, because they scolded Liu Family all night because of the Liu Family incident.

It was not until the night that Liu Family’s attempt to buy outer sect elite disciple reached Gu Zhun’s ears. For this, they almost laughed off Wang Xian and the others.

And Gu Zhun is also shook the head.

It can only be said that Liu Family is doing his own death. Such a move is called a stinker. The current Liu Family can be said to be unpleasant inside and out. The position of Liu Family in Heavenly Eye Sect is even worse. .

When things develop to this step, the biggest beneficiary should be Lin Xinyin.

I am afraid that even she herself did not expect that, by mistake, Gu Zhun used the hands of Gu Zhun to make the Liu Family parasitic in Heavenly Eye Sect for so many years like a tarsal maggot to come to this situation today.

This was enough for Lin Xinyin to be excited for a while.

Next, as long as the iron is hot, and soon, with Lin Xinyin’s means, the entire Liu Family can be pulled up by the roots, and Heavenly Eye Sect can be removed.

It’s just that these things are still hidden in Lin Xinyin’s plan. If you want to try it out, I am afraid that it will not be implemented without 7-8 years of effort.

These are naturally something to be followed. Gu Zhun simply doesn’t want to understand Lin Xinyin’s plan.

He just took a rest in his yard for one night, early in the morning on the 2nd day, before dawn, he brought Yin Yue and the others to the Scripture Lecture stage.

This is the Yin Shi, which is about 4 o’clock in the morning.

Usually, the Scripture Lecture station of outer sect usually has people coming after 9 o’clock in the morning, and the Elders usually arrive here at 1 o’clock.

So, the Scripture Lecture station at this time must be empty.

On the way to the Scripture Lecture station, Song Qingyi was a little puzzled: “Young Master, what are we doing so early? How come there are people on the Scripture Lecture station now?”

“If there is no one, it would disappoint me too much.” Gu Zhun shook his head and said with a smile.

Gu Zhun chose Inner Sect disciple. The first thing he valued was his moral character, which determined whether he was worthy of reuse, so he won the Outer Disciple record from Lu Yang a few days ago.

Second, what he values ​​is whether this person is hardworking.

In his view, compared with innate talent, diligence is the true embodiment of a person’s characteristics, and 10000 things are accomplished by diligence.

If a person knows how to be diligent, then even if his starting point is very low, the future of the person is very promising.

Yesterday, Gu Zhun deliberately told those selected Outer Disciple that the Scripture Lecture station reported in the morning, but he did not say the time.

It depends on everyone’s understanding.

The early bird catches the worm. Although this sentence is rough, it is not without reason.

Coming to the Scripture Lecture station, sure enough, Gu Zhun’s guess was not wrong. Even if it is Yinshi, there are still a few silhouettes of 3 3 2 2 here.

Gu Zhun smiled and looked at the people here.

There are 5 people in total, 3 men and 2 women.

Among them, there is Yang Chen who impressed Gu Zhun deeply yesterday.

Yang Chen should be the first of these five people to come. Before he came, he cleaned the place all the time, and then four more people came one after another.

For this result, Gu Zhun is quite satisfied.

5 people are not bad.

Seeing Gu Zhun enter the Scripture Lecture platform, the expressions of these 5 Outer Disciple each and everyone also became serious, without the ease before, because today’s test will determine their future life.

Regarding the formality of these Outer Disciples, Gu Zhun seemed unusually calm and didn’t say anything. After entering the Scripture Lecture stage, he walked onto the futon where Elder was sitting and closed his eyes and got refreshed.

As for the five Outer Disciples of Yang Chen, at this time, they also found a place to sit down, and they did not dare to release the atmosphere.

Sitting next to Yang Chen was a female disciple, wearing a pale pink robe, with a faint fragrance on her body, which made Yang Chen feel uncomfortable.

Except for his younger sister, this is the first time he has sat so close to a woman.

This made Yang Chen’s face flushed.

This outer sect female disciple is called Han Yun. She also quickly discovered that Yang Chen was unnatural next to her. When she glanced at him a little, she saw the embarrassment of this person. Han Yun smiled lightly in her heart, and then she showed Yang Chen. The kind smile eased the awkward atmosphere.

What happened above are all episodes.

Soon, an hour has passed since Gu Zhun came to Scripture Lecture from Yinshi, and the sun rose. When the first ray of sunlight entered Scripture Lecture, Gu Zhun finally opened his eyes.

At this time, in the Scripture Lecture stage, as an hour passed, 7 more people had come, plus the first 8 people.

Counting it down, there are now thirteen Outer Disciples in the Scripture Lecture station.

Compared with the 20-odd people selected yesterday, they are less than half of what they were yesterday.

However, Gu Zhun still didn’t show much expression at this time. He glanced at Wang Xian next to him. Wang Xian immediately understood, went out and guarded the door of the Scripture Lecture platform.

Up to now, it has exceeded Gu Zhun’s bottom line, and there are still ones that have not come, even if they are eliminated, since you don’t cherish this opportunity, then naturally don’t expect others to wait for you.

Most of the remaining Outer Disciple, I’m afraid I didn’t even think that when I was still preparing in my Cave Mansion, I was actually eliminated.

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