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Half of the blood essence pitted by Gu Zhun, even the purple tortoise illusory shadow is a bit too much for itself, so it can be said to be very weak at this time, and it needs to borrow Gu Zhun’s dantian to get the maximum recovery.

However, after it entered the dantian of Gu Zhun, it was stunned by the sight of Gu Zhun dantian.

Because at this time, it actually saw that in Gu Zhun’s dantian, there were dozens of scarlet Qi Cauldron, quietly existing in his dantian.

“Red’s Qi Cauldron! This is impossible! The Qi Cauldron of Human Race shouldn’t be golden? What’s the matter with your Qi Cauldron?” The purple turtle illusory shadow was taken aback.

Even if he has lived for such a long time, in the long history, he has never seen any Qi Cauldron of Human Race in other colors.

This is simply something that breaks common sense, but it happened to this Human Race at this time.

“Why, is the red Qi Cauldron unusual? I don’t think it’s anything.” Gu Zhun listened to the sound of blood essence from within the body.

He shrugged and said calmly.

It’s just that, although Gu Zhun’s words are calm, they reach the ears of the purple turtle’s soul body.

Then, the soul body looked at Gu Zhun’s dantian again, always feeling something was wrong, but couldn’t tell what was going on.

The Purple Turtle Soul Body thought, and then, it finally thought of something in the eyes of this one after another red Qi Cauldron, and its 2 eyes shrank fiercely.

“Well, what’s the matter with your Human Race! Why do you have so few Qi Cauldrons? Only a dozen. You are a 300 Cauldron cultivator? Shouldn’t it? 300 Cauldron cultivator How can you be so strong!” Purple The turtle soul body finally realized what was wrong with him all the time.

It wasn’t until this time that it realized that this Human Race was only a 300 Cauldron powerhouse.

Oh no, not even 300 Cauldron!

This guy is simply a pervert!

Although the soul body of this purple turtle is only a drop of blood essence that’s all now, it was also a real Black Tortoise god, with the memory of Black Tortoise.

But with its vision, it has never seen any 300 Cauldron cultivator as powerful as Gu Zhun.

Suppress and kill Ten Thousand Cauldron with one hand, like a plaything in the palm.

If it weren’t for snooping into Gu Zhun’s real realm, or if this Human Race said he was the great power of Origin Sea, the soul body of the Purple Turtle would probably believe it.

This is too subverting one’s view of the world.

Before meeting this person, the Purple Turtle soul body had never dared to imagine that a 300 Cauldron powerhouse could be so powerful.

What would happen if he had a breakthrough to Thousand Cauldron and a breakthrough to Ten Thousand Cauldron?

Cauldron Power Realm cultivator can suppress and kill Origin Sea, can it compete with Origin Core Realm?

This is horrible.

If you continue to fight steadily, this is like adding a realm to others!

When things came to the present, the soul body of the purple tortoise finally put away his contempt, and never dared to call 5 or 6 to this Human Race.

It’s just staying quietly in the dantian of Gu Zhun, not low-key.

Gu Zhun can naturally feel this drop of Black Tortoise blood essence’s successive changes in his attitude.

However, he didn’t care much about it.

To resurrect Black Tortoise, it contains too many things.

It’s not something he can do now. I’m afraid it will take a long time before he can do it, so it’s not in a hurry now.

Still have to be steady and steady.

Ten days have passed since handling these matters at hand.

Gu Zhun walked out of the house, rarely moved his muscles and bones, and walked directly towards the Martial Art Hall in Inner Sect.

According to the instructions to those disciplines ten days ago, ten days later, they will gather at the Martial Art Hall in Inner Sect. Gu Zhun will investigate their cultivation situation after they abolish the cultivation base.

If it does not meet the criteria, it will be kicked out of Inner Sect.

After all, he is not a kind of charity, a person who does not work hard, Gu Zhun naturally has no need to support them.

Martial Art Hall was originally a place where Inner Sect disciples had daily cultivation and Martial Arts.

If it is normally, there must be a lot of Inner Sect disciple gathered here for cultivation.

But since Inner Sect disciple was killed by Gu Zhun from top to bottom some time ago, Martial Art Hall has become deserted. From day to night, except for some handyman disciple to clean up, no one can be seen.

However, today, Martial Art Hall has become lively again.

Because, early in the morning, this batch of new disciplines came here and gathered.

These people are naturally the new Inner Sect disciple who were selected and promoted from the outer sect by Gu Zhun ten days ago.

As soon as they entered Martial Art Hall, they were shocked by the scale of it.

Compared with this, the crude facilities of the outer sect are simply a sky and an underground.

Can cultivation here, you can imagine how much improvement there will be.

No wonder Inner Sect disciple has become stronger and stronger in recent years, and the gap with Outer Disciple will become wider and wider. The original talent of others is higher than you, and the cultivation environment and resources are stronger and richer than you.

What do you compare with others?

Are you better than chicken feathers?

Martial at the splendor of Martial Art Hall, these Inner Sect disciples did not show the appearance that they had never seen the world.

After all, after living in Inner Sect for the past ten days, they have actually gradually adapted.

Among them, Yang Chen has the biggest change.

Ten days ago, he was still a cultivator at the bottom of the outer sect. His innate talent was in a mess, and he was still swallowing the inferior Qi and Blood Pill, working hard for the outer sect assessment.

But now he has changed, and turned into a distinguished Inner Sect disciple.

Now he, under the ten-day endless cultivation, plus the first crab-eater to get the blessing of the highest-quality Wen Spirit Pill from Gu Zhun.

Today’s Yang Chen, the cultivation base can be described as rapid progress, with the full assistance of Inner Sect resources.

Even if Yang Chen abolished his cultivation base, in these ten days, he broke the mirror like drinking water, and let him not only return to the realm of Body Tempering 9th Layer, but also on the 7th day. I made a breakthrough in the bottleneck of Meridian Opening Realm.

Suddenly became a cultivator of Meridian Opening Realm.

Not only that, in the last three days, Yang Chen did not slacken, and directly rushed through the three meridians within the body, in one go, and even had great room for improvement.

In Yang Chen’s mind, such an achievement was simply an impossible thing to accomplish.

Things that I don’t dare to do in my dreams, but now they really happen to me, making Yang Chen suddenly feel that the world is a bit unreal.

And what makes Yang Chen even more excited is that in the ten days of living in Inner Sect, not only did he have a mansion allocated by Inner Sect, his younger sister also got an excellent life.

With no worries, Yang Chen suddenly felt full of energy. Now he is almost like a new person, with a radiant face waiting for Gu Elder’s review in the Martial Art Hall.

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