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In this world, everyone has their own secrets.

And the secret of Han Chengnian is that 36 years ago, after the end of Hundred Sects Meeting, he failed miserably and returned to Profound Heaven Sect. At that time, he was regarded as the shame of Sect. He was the Inner Sect who exceeded 1st Rate Sect. Disciple, actually lost to a 2nd Rate Sect woman.

At this time, in the Hancheng Year, it can be said that Profound Heaven Sect was nailed to the pillar of shame.

However, when Han Chengnian reached the lowest point in his life, God finally seemed to pity him and gave him a chance to transfer.

When he was practicing in the 100,000 Great Mountains, he dug out a pearl from the belly of a Monster Beast.

It was such a pearl, which changed the fate of Hanchengnian for the next 30 years.

Because this is not an ordinary bead. In such a pearl, what lives in is the Remnant Soul of the Old Monster that has lived since Ancient Era to the present.

This old monster was said to have died in the World Domain battlefield, and was killed by a strong man who was so powerful that Heaven and Earth could not tolerate it. Fortunately, this Old Monster got a Secret Technique that could hide his soul when he was young.

Therefore, he escaped from the pursuit of the Hell Soul Envoy, parasitic in this pearl, and sleep for 10,000,000 years.

By coincidence, he lived in the 100,000 Great Mountains and was accidentally eaten by a Monster Beast, and later fell into the hands of Han Chengnian.

After the Old Monster woke up, he had a crazy idea. The idea was that he wanted to cultivate Han Chengnian and help him reincarnated in someone else’s body. He wanted to use Han Chengnian’s power to help him resurrect.

Therefore, in these 36 years, Han Chengnian has been able to rise in such a fast time and sit on the throne of Profound Heaven Sect Great Elder.

Even the first chief of Profound Heaven Sect, Wang Han, was beaten into a scrap after the rise of Han Chengnian.

And Han Chengnian has also called himself within the body this Old Monster as Feng Senior for so many years.

Because this person is suspicious and paranoid. Even though he has been trained in Hancheng for more than 30 years, he has not even told him his full name even today, only his surname.

But even so, Han Chengnian has gained a lot of benefits from this Old Monster over the years.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to cultivation to Origin Sea Realm in just over 30 years, and step into Origin Core with just one step!

As for this compass, it is something that Old Monster has been talking about 30 years ago. This compass has made this old man remember for several 10,000,000 years, although the current Hancheng Year does not know how much this compass is. Strong, but looking at Old Monster so cherished, Han Chengnian also had a general impression in his heart.

This must be a peerless thing!

Otherwise, for so many years, he knew how critical the Old Monster’s eyes were, and how critical he was, he would never put an ordinary compass in his eyes.

But even though Han Chengnian had a bottom in his heart before that, he probably knew that this compass was not simple, but after witnessing the power of this compass at this time, he admitted that he still underestimated the power of this treasure.

Because, at this time, even in the face of a Great Sect Protection Array of the size of Heavenly Eye Sect, this breaking the formation compass can actually start breaking the formation drastically without avoiding it.

Moreover, the speed of breaking the formation made Han Chengnian dumbfounded.

It took only 5 minutes to resolve 80% of the formidable power.

Directly forcibly opened a gap in this large array.

It’s almost overbearing to a realm.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Xinyin of Heavenly Eye Sect and other high-level officials were completely stunned.

“Is this fake? My Sect’s big formation was broken so easily? What kind of treasure is the compass?”

“Damn it, Han Chengnian, the Old Guy, still has such a breaking the formation Qibao!”

“Sect Master, what should we do?”

Many people look hard to see the point, but things have come to this step. The Great Sect Protection Array of Heavenly Eye Sect was easily broken by an unknown compass. Although the big array was still there, it was torn apart. A huge gap is what is different from disappearing not at all.

Therefore, the gazes of all the high-levels at this moment all looked towards Lin Xinyin.

Lin Xinyin took a deep breath, looked at the red compass above her head, gave a wry smile, and said.

“Up to now, there is no other choice, just squat to the end!”

Sect Master has said so, what other objections do others have?

At the moment, there was a high-level confrontation, Li Hongfeng was the first to step on the door and stepped out.

“If you want to destroy my Heavenly Eye Sect, pass the level of Li first!”

“Hehe, junior trifling Ten Thousand Cauldron, do you have any words for you here? Get out!”

Seeing a Li Hongfeng who was only Ten Thousand Cauldron suddenly jumped out at this time, the old monster Tianpo laughed immediately.

A finger popped disdainfully, and a huge finger moved towards Li Hongfeng was crushed over here, and the powerful Origin Force of the Origin Sea Realm cultivator immediately flooded the entire piece of Heaven and Earth.

Li Hongfeng had a lasting fight, even if he knew it was dead end, at this time, he still did not withdraw half a step.

At this moment, Li Hongfeng furiously shouted, took out his weapon, which was a purple sword, and struck out the most brilliant blow in his life.

“Kill!” Li Hongfeng shouted.

The long sword swept away in the face of the old monster’s fingers.

However, the dream is always good, Li Hongfeng still underestimated the ability of an Origin Sea cultivator.

How big is the gap between Origin Sea Realm and Cauldron Power Realm?

At this time, it can be seen from the attacks of Li Hongfeng and the old monster.

What Li Hongfeng hit was the most powerful blow in his life, and the old poisonous monster was just a random finger.

Moreover, Boss Tianpo was not good at fighting.

However, even in such a situation, Li Hongfeng faced the Boss Sky Poison, his sword was still broken every inch, almost instantly wiped out with one finger.

The Life Source weapon was destroyed, and Li Hongfeng vomited blood, but in the blink of an eye, the huge finger had already arrived in front of him, and it would be crushed in the next second.

But, at this time, a white light flashed by, and the space fluctuated slightly.

Everyone did not respond.

The power of the old monster Tianpo had already been crushed. In an instant, Li Hongfeng’s silhouette disappeared between Heaven and Earth.

“Dead, dead! My mother!”

“No way, how could this happen! That’s Li Hongfeng! Although he is not an Origin Sea Realm cultivator, he is also a Ten Thousand Cauldron, how could he die so fast!”

“If you don’t even have the ability to resist, there will be no ashes left! This is the horror of Origin Sea Realm cultivator?”

Someone was horrified when they watched this scene. Perhaps this was the first time they saw the powerful blow of Origin Sea Realm.

Boss Tianpo’s attack can be said to have left a deep impression on them.

so horrible.

At this time, the old monster of Sky Poison was sitting on the back of an 8-winged black scorpion, watching Li Hongfeng’s silhouette and the crushed corpse was not left, nor was he surprised.

Just sneer frequently.

“Ten Thousand Cauldron cultivator, heh, in front of Origin Sea Realm, it’s just a joke that’s all.”

Old Poison Monster said.

But his voice hadn’t fallen yet. At this moment, from the other side, a brand new voice suddenly came out.

“Oh, is it? Origin Sea Realm cultivator, is it amazing? When will the small Origin Sea Realm cultivator in Nine Realms also stand up?”

As soon as this sound came out, everyone was shocked and their eyes followed one after another. Finally, they could see that in a burst of void, the hull of an incomparable gigantic slowly spread out from the cracks in the space.

On the bow, there stood a young man wearing a white clothed young man, and Li Hongfeng who had been killed just now was clear!

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