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“The ancient Styx coin? What is the ancient Styx coin?”

Qu Baobao’s brows became tighter, and as a result, he spread the ancient book handed over by Boss and looked at the copper coins that Gu Zhun had thrown over.

These are the ancient coins of Styx?

She had never seen anything like this before.

It is also unimaginable that within Nine Realms, there are still places where Spirit Stone is not circulated.

“Girl, this world is much larger and more interesting than what you see now. Eastern Wilderness is too small for you. Eyes Obscured by a Single Leaf, this is the truth. The more places you have been to, you will know more things. As for the ancient coins of the Styx, the source of this currency is a mystery in itself. You still don’t want to ask, as long as you know, in 9 Qu Ancient City In, the only thing that can be traded here is this kind of Styx ancient coin.”

Gu Zhun laughed, pats the baby’s little head and let her get up.

Then, Gu Zhun took the lead and moved towards one direction.

Song Qingyi and other women followed Gu Zhun, followed him along the street 7 and 8 and finally turned into a small alley, came out of this alley, and saw a lively restaurant in front of him.

A golden light glittering plaque directly above the restaurant’s gate reads impressively: “3 cups of restaurant” these 4 characters.

Gu Zhun stood in front of the restaurant with a smile on his face.

3 cups of restaurant Ah, it’s been a long time since I’ve been here, it’s still so lively.

“Let’s go, let’s go in and open a few rooms first, and we will live here for a while.” Gu Zhun stood here for a while, and then he took the lead and moved towards the restaurant and walked in .

As soon as he walked in, a young man with a towel on his shoulders greeted him with a smile.

“Yeah, guest, do you still stay in a shop?”

Gu Zhun looked at this little boy, laughed, and replied: “Is there still a sky-shaped room?”

“Guest, it’s really unfortunate that you came here. The Tianzifang was booked by a few great characters yesterday, and now only the groundzifang is left. Look…” The little servant knew Gu Zhun’s words. This is a regular customer.

The rooms of their 3 cup restaurant have level, and the sky word is the highest standard. Generally, no one who can tell the sky room is an ordinary person.

So at this time, Xiao Si was also embarrassed.

I thought this master would be angry, but didn’t expect Gu Zhun to speak much better than he thought.

When he saw that he was laughed, he was nodded: “Then there are 7 rooms. In addition, prepare a table of good dishes for us.”

After Gu Zhun said, with a flick, he threw out an ancient Styx coin and threw it into the arms of the young man.

This is a tip.

The young man saw that this grandfather was so lavish, it was an ancient Styx coin.

Immediately this little boy was beaming: “Good guest, please take the second floor seat!”

Having said that, they went up to the second floor of the restaurant with Gu Zhun and a few people.

When they entered the 2nd floor of the restaurant, they didn’t know that at this time, on the other side of the restaurant, they had a pair of eyes fixed on them. After they went up, the body flashed of this person followed Gu Zhun and they boarded behind. 2nd Floor.

Sitting in the lounge on the 2nd floor, the environment of the 3 cup restaurant is still good, there are special performances by showgirls and dancers, and drinking tea here is not boring.

Soon, the restaurant’s food was served.

They are some of the most famous dishes here. Wang Xian and the others ate a hearty meal. When they were in Eastern Wilderness, they ate Fasting Pill every day, which is called a cultivator of hard cultivation. They have not eaten food for a long time. Up.

It was a rare meal at this time, but it was still dipped in the light of Gu Zhun, so at this time, Wang Xian and the others would naturally not be polite.

Compared with the devouring of these people, Gu Zhun looks much more elegant. After just a bite of each dish, he loses interest. From the perspective of the building, he seems to be remembering something.

At this time, Wang Xian was eating while looking at this restaurant, and he asked: “Young Master, why is this restaurant called a 3-cup restaurant? This name is so weird, I have never seen a restaurant called this name. .”

“Yeah, I also find it a bit strange.” Listening to Wang Xian’s words, Yin Yue and the others echoed.

They felt strange when they first saw the name of this restaurant. Now they are mentioned by Wang Xian, of course they have to ask.

Listening to their questions, Gu Zhun also laughed at this time and drank a sip of tea. Anyway, he was idle, so he simply told them.

“In fact, this speaking of which has something to do with the specialty of this restaurant. It is said that a kind of wine in their family was pointed out by a great character a long time ago. Since then, the skill of winemaking is superb. Legend has it that the wine in this restaurant That kind of wine, no matter who it is, can’t drink the third cup. When the second cup is at most, he is already drunk. If the third cup is forced to be shouted, then the drinker must be drunk here. .”

Gu Zhun said.

As soon as he said what he said, Wang Xian’s suspicion was immediately met.

“This is too fake, how could it be possible to have this kind of wine? Spirit Qi can be used to resolve the cultivator drinking, let alone drinking 3 glasses, it is impossible to get drunk after drinking 3 cylinders!”

Wang Xian said with a smile and didn’t take the rumor in Gu Zhun’s mouth seriously.

But, at this time, before his voice fell, another voice came from behind Wang Xian.

“This is bad, brother, what you said is wrong, you know, there is no lack of strange things in the 1000 world, you know, a long time ago, this 3 cup restaurant, but there was really one A True God was once drunk here, otherwise, these 9 ancient cities, how can this restaurant be so big a tone here?”

When this voice heard, Wang Xian and the others’ eyes suddenly looked there, even Gu Zhun, at this time, looked in that direction with interest.

I saw that the voice came from the direction of a handsome man dressed in white clothed, walking up the stairs from the first floor, and said to them from a long distance.

“No way, True God will get drunk too?”

Wang Xian was surprised. This was the first time he had heard of such a thing.

True God!

In his eyes, they are the stars in the sky, which only exist in legendary characters.

Will such a character get drunk here?

In this world, is there really a kind of wine that has such a miraculous effect?

Wang Xian couldn’t believe it if he didn’t see it in person.

“Of course there are, and that True God was very famous in the Ancient period. If I remember correctly, that True God should be called Sacred Domain True God.”

Gu Zhun laughed. At this time, his gaze looked towards a person, strangely talking about the name Sacred Domain True God.

Without everyone’s attention, in a corner of this table, a man’s old face was immediately red, and some sorry people lowered their heads.

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