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This red clothed woman is the daughter of Heavenly Blade Sect sect master, young and energetic.

At this time, Gu Zhun broke a finger, naturally impossible to give up, and immediately shouted to Fu Bo.

“Fu Bo, give me revenge! Kill them! I want to tell my father!”

But who is Fu Bo?

Mixture 9 Qu ancient city has long been an old river and lake for so many years.

It is impossible to follow a little missy film, even though this little missy film is the daughter of Heavenly Blade Sect sect master.

Knowing that the group of people in front of them could not afford to offend, Fu Bo immediately said: “This gentleman, it’s offended. It was my family’s lady’s fault just now, so let’s say goodbye!”

Forber decisively subdued.

Although their Heavenly Blade Sect is still a bit famous in the ancient city of 9 songs, it is really not a first-class Sect. There is only one Origin Core and more than a dozen Origin Sea cultivators in the door.

In a big city like 9 Qu Ancient City, there is no storm at all.

Heaven knows Gu Zhun, this group of people is who, if it is a discipline within 1st Rate Sect, it is not something they can afford.

Uncle Fu recognized this truth on the spot, let alone him, I am afraid that the sect master of Heavenly Blade Sect is here, and it won’t have any advantage. If you continue to entangle, maybe it will bring them the disaster of Heavenly Blade Sect. .

Fu Bo knew the choice immediately.

After giving some pain-relieving medicine pills to the red clothed woman, after dealing with her injury, she greeted Gu Zhun to leave this place of right and wrong.

At this time, Gu Zhun also glanced at Huang Wei next to him, and Huang Wei immediately shrank his head.

Obediently, he doubled back the old Styx coins he had stolen from the other two days ago.

“Sir, this…”

“My people stole these things from you, you can take them away, but the woman just fingered me, and I broke her finger as a lesson. Now we don’t owe each other, you can go.” Gu Zhun , It is a clear distinction between public and private.

Don’t favor Huang Wei just because he is doing things for him now.

a debtor must pay his debt.

Fu Bo and the others froze for a moment, obviously didn’t expect Gu Zhun to say that, also nodded, got up from the ground and left here.

After they left, Huang Wei looked at Gu Zhun gratefully.

Gu Zhun didn’t even look at him: “You don’t need to say anything, I will break your hand if there is such a thing in the future.”

Own Feiyundu empty-handed, originally passed to his subordinates, at first, it was a skill to sneak into the enemy camp to steal important secrets.

But didn’t expect is now being used by Huang Wei to steal things all over the street, which is simply tainting his Martial Arts.

Gu Zhun is already benevolent without cutting off Huang Wei’s arm on the spot.

Of course it won’t give him a good look.

At this time, Gu Zhun is looking at one thing in the corner of the shelf in this store.

Then, he picked up that thing.

Blow away the dust.

This turned out to be a fishing net.

This is a very ordinary fishing net with no extra decorations. It is stored here. It is considered to be a warehouse item and has not been sold for a long time.

Watching Gu Zhun take out this fishing net, Huang Wei on one side also reminded him that he was unable to bear.

“Master, you can only use fishing rods to fish in the Styx. It is useless to buy fishing nets. Profound Nether fish is not so good to fish. Fishing with rods is very difficult. Fishing with fishing nets is a matter of fantasy story. .”

Huang Wei was right.

Within the Styx, the locals here know how difficult it is to catch Profound Nether fish.

Ordinary old fishermen go to battle in person, and it is difficult to catch Profound Nether fish, let alone fishing nets.

Ten nets go down, ten nets it’s empty.

The speed of Profound Nether fish is so fast that it is not catchable by fishing nets.

However, Gu Zhun at this time didn’t seem to hear Huang Wei at all.

Instead, he insisted on buying this fishing net.

Seeing this, Huang Wei could only stop persuading.

Now that the uncle’s interest is here, he can’t say anything.

Anyway, when the time comes inside the Styx, he will naturally know how difficult the Profound Nether fish is to catch.

Buying fishing nets is also a waste, otherwise, this thing will not be used to hold the warehouse for so many years.

After checking out at this store, when they came out of the Treasure Celebration Workshop, the sky in 9 Qu Ancient City was already dark.

Seeing this, Gu Zhun took Song Qingyi and the others straight out of the city and came to a ferry.

This ferry is called Fengming Ferry.

It is also a famous ferry crossing here in 9 Qu Ancient City.

From this ferry, you can see that there are many small boats docked here, waiting for someone to hire a boat.

“Young Master, why do we have to come fishing at night? Wouldn’t it be the same tomorrow morning?” Song Qingyi looked at the dark and windy night and asked the impossible to bear.

“Miss Song, you are an outsider at first glance. Everyone in the ancient city of 9 Qu knows that the Profound Nether fish in the Styx will only come out at night. The sky like this dark and windy night is the most suitable for fishing. If you come during the day, let alone fishing, you won’t even be able to find a boat crossing the river.”

Huang Wei spread this knowledge to them.

Hearing what he said, Song Qingyi suddenly realized that it was also an understood, why at night, there were more and more people at Fengming Ferry.

It turns out that fishing in the Styx must be at night.

The entire group soon came to the Styx, standing on the deck, looking at the big river, you can see that the big river is so wide that you can’t even see the sides at a glance.

Not to mention seeing the end and the source, it is simply wishful thinking.

The river is turbulent, flowing from west to east in a rushing force. Just standing on the edge of the Styx can feel the smallness of oneself and the vastness of Heaven and Earth.

The strange thing is that the water in this Styx is actually black.

Like a huge piece of amber, it is pure black.

Yin Yue felt strange and squatted down to extend the hand to touch the river water, but Huang Wei stopped him directly.

“Miss Yin Yue, this Nether-River Water is not ordinary river water. It cannot be touched. As long as it touches a little, no matter how strong the body is, it will be corroded. Moreover, Nether-River Water has no buoyancy, even if it is a piece of water. Paper, a leaf falling in the river, will immediately sink, and Ladu can’t pull it up, even these ferry boats are made using some extremely special driftwood on the river Styx.”

Huang Wei reminded.

Yin Yue was frightened, and quickly took her hands back. She didn’t want to be corrupted.

At this time, there was a smile on Gu Zhun’s face.

Of course he knows what Huang Wei just said.

Or in other words, in the current Nine Realms, I am afraid that no one knows Styx better than him.

In fact, Nether-River Water is not as terrifying as Huang Wei said, just like Gu Zhun now. Golden Wings Great Peng Art cultivation has reached the point of perfection. If he jumps into the Styx to take a bath, this Nether-River Water may be able to sink him, but it will definitely not corrode his body.

Because it can’t corrode at all.

shook the head, without worrying about these issues, Gu Zhun came to the side of one of the ships and talked with the boatman inside.

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