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The appearance of this crow was so strange that it was turned into a stone egg. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Yin Yue would never believe that such a thing would happen in the world.

Moreover, this crow was not an ordinary crow, just a look in his eyes, and Yin Yue suddenly felt his heart cold.

With such sharp eyes, Yin Yue instantly felt that his whole person was seen through.

Immediately Yin Yue knew that this was definitely not an ordinary crow, but a crow with only spiritual wisdom, and the spiritual wisdom was not low, the cultivation base seemed to be a profound mystery, shouldn’t it be an ancient alien species? ?

Or a Great Monster Old Demon left over from Ancient?

Did you steal something on its territory?

Yin Yue instantly felt that he was crazy.

However, after a while, Yin Yue found that the crow’s gaze seemed to have moved away from her body, as if he was only interested in her for a while, and then the crow’s gaze was fixed on Gu Zhun. Body.

After a while, the crow called “ga ga!” 2 times, followed by actually speaking human’s words, and said to Gu Zhun: “Human Race, I know you! I smell that thing on you.” It smells! You have been here before!”

Gu Zhun hearing this immediately showed a wry smile: “Fellow Daoist, how long ago was that all? It’s all about old millet and sesame seeds, do you remember?”

Crow: “ga ga! 3 10,000,000 years ago, you came here once, I remember clearly, you also came to steal the sword, at that time, you took the same sword as now!”

Gu Zhun: “Fellow Daoist’s memory is really good. You still remember things so clearly for so many years. Since you remember me, I will borrow this sword from you this time. Don’t worry, it’s the same as last time. Just pay you back!”

Gu Zhun smiled.

But at this time, the crow on the beam did not seem to buy Gu Zhun’s account.

With a strange cry, one swooped down, a beam of black light passed by, and directly grabbed the ancient sword from Gu Zhun’s hand with his paws, flew back to the sky above Stoneman, and threw the sword back.

The meaning is clear.

Don’t borrow!

Crow: “Last time you lied to me once, this time, you can’t borrow anything, and the sword you took from me last time has already had a big impact on some ghosts. I paid The price is too high, this time you are impossible to take any sword, go back, this time I will not embarrass you.”

The crow slowly said, and then, in front of Gu Zhun and Yin Yue, it combed its wings and made a look like it didn’t get in.

It seems that Gu Zhun is allowed to say anything, it will not borrow.

“Fellow Daoist, why are you doing this? You have 3 swords here. What if you lend me one? It won’t delay too much. I promise you will be returned within 3 days. How about? “

Gu Zhun is rare to be polite this time, and Yin Yue looked surprisingly aside.

It was the first time Yin Yue saw them, the Young Master, speaking to someone so patiently since they met.

And from beginning to end, he was smiling.

is it possible that This crow is really a good existence, so this lord is afraid?

Yin Yue in the heart guessed the origin of this crow.

Probably the most terrifying existence in Styx.

But, at this time, let Gu Zhun try to persuade him, his mouth was dry, and the sky was falling in disarray. The crow was still resting on the shoulder of a Stoneman. Should he comb his wings or comb his wings? He didn’t even look at Gu Zhun.

Say no, don’t borrow!

Gu Zhun didn’t seem to be able to make sense either. He simply sat down.

“Okay, since Daoist Brothers refuses to lend me the sword, it seems that my trip to 10,000 Li Solitary Grave this time will not be possible.”

Gu Zhun seemed to talk to himself.

In Yin Yue’s opinion, it was a sparse and ordinary sentence, but at this time, the Old Crow raised his head and reacted for the first time.

“Ga ga, what did you just say? You are going to 10,000 Li Solitary Grave again?”

The crow said, seemingly interested.

“Yes, otherwise, why would I have spent so much effort running here for 1000 li to borrow the sword from you?” Gu Zhun said with a smile.

“Is it for this girl’s Yellow Springs blade? Human Race, I remember the last time you borrowed a sword, you seemed to have brought a girl. Didn’t expect Yellow Springs blade, this Eternal rare physique, can actually trifling 10,000,000 Let you meet twice within a year, and your handwriting is not small.”

The crow glanced at Yin Yue and said.

After that, Yin Yue started.

This crow is really unusual. His eyesight is fierce enough that he can see his Yellow Springs blade without making a sound. What kind of eyesight is this?

“Fellow Daoist is overpraised, just luck. This little girl’s Yellow Springs blade has not been opened yet. This time I came here to borrow the Daoist sword from Fellow Daoist. I will get 10,000 Li Solitary Grave in the future and open the Yellow Springs blade , Will naturally return the borrowed sword immediately.”

Gu Zhun struck the iron while it was hot and said.

But at this time, the crow shook the head: “Yellow Springs knife body is indeed the most heavenly defying physique in the world. It is indeed your skill to find such physique, but it has nothing to do with me. , Unless you promise me one thing, I can consider lending you the Dao Sword you want.”

Gu Zhun eyes shined and asked quickly: “What’s the matter?”

The crow shook his head: “The conditions are the same as last time. After you enter the 10,000 Li Solitary Grave, help me kill the Old Guy.”

Gu Zhun: “Fellow Daoist, you are difficult for a strong man, you know that I will not do this.”

The crow seems to have known that Gu Zhun would say something like this: “Then I can’t help it.”

But then, the crow’s eyes just turned around, looked towards Yin Yue, and after a while, it said: “Or, there is another way, that girl, you can also worship me as a teacher, I There are also the things needed to open all the physiques of your Yellow Springs knife body. If you are willing to worship my door, I will definitely train you to become an above heaven under earth Number One Blade saint, and even let you hold down the Yellow Springs knife ancestor of the year. At one end, it’s not a problem, how about? Think about it.”

As soon as the crow spoke, Yin Yue actually began to bewitched.

Immediately, Gu Zhun’s face was cold: “Fellow Daoist, you dig my corner in front of my face, it is a bit bullish intolerably, I am impossible to promise you your condition, but I can help you. Another favor, to help you bring back 10,000 pots of holy water you need from 2 Li Solitary Grave, how about?”

Gu Zhun said.

The crow looked towards him and shook his head directly: “This is impossible, I only want you to help me kill that person, or you can bring me back Banchi’s desolate ancient holy water.”

Gu Zhun hearing this, also shook his head immediately: “There are too many half ponds, at most 3 pots!”

Gu Zhun stretched out 3 fingers, as if it was already his bottom line.

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