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Seeing the 5-horse bronze cart here, whether it is the Mingyin Elder of the Extreme Yin Sect or the Guhe Elder of the Corpse Huai Sect, their expressions are serious at this time.

Although they are the same as Three Great Sects, their identities are too different. The Yellow Springs Sect can be counted on one’s fingers.

His identity is Senior of Equivalent to Cultivator World, so at this time Mingyin Elder and Furukawa Elder both bowed.

In any case, the current Yellow Springs Sect is also one of the three sects, and their ordinary Elders still have to pay respect when they see the senior of Yellow Springs Sect.

“Junior Extreme Yin Zong Mingyin, I have seen Senior!”

“Junior Corpse Huai Zong Guhe, I have seen Senior!”

2 Elder paid respect of Great Sect.

However, in the public, the mysterious power of the Yellow Springs Sect in the 5-horse bronze cart did not at all say a word at this time, it was just coldly snorted.

Without even stopping for a while, the two people of Mingyin in the Three Sects of the Styx River passed directly to the city.

It can be said that this is the slightest don’t give face.

At this time, looking at the backs of the five-horse bronze carts drifting away, whether it was the Elder of the Dark Yin of the Extreme Yin Sect or the Elder of the Ancient River of the Corpse Huai Sect, the faces of people were not pretty.

What they say is also a face with a face in the Three Sects of Styx. At this time, the public has lost face. Although you are the cultivator Senior of Yellow Springs Sect, it is true that you don’t give face.

However, on second thought, the mysterious power of Yellow Springs Sect also has a reason for doing so, and it is reasonable.

After all, people in their clan were tied up this time, and people from the Extreme Yin Sect and the Corpse Huai Sect came to watch the show.

So it’s understandable that they have ridiculed their face.

Thinking of this, Mingyin Elder and Furukawa Elder 2 also sneered, no longer said anything, one after another brought their own men into the city.

It is already the 3rd day. According to Gu Zhun, today is the day when Lin Biao is to be killed.

Therefore, after the Styx Three Sects settled in the ancient city of 9 Qu, at the same time, a lot of eyes were projected into the original Lin Biao mansion.

It is because the person who lives there now is the culprit of this storm, Gu Zhun!

Now the people of Yellow Springs Sect have arrived, and this time, Yellow Springs Sect has shown its absolute attitude.

5 Horses and bronze carts press 9 Qu ancient city, Supreme Old Ancestor is here.

Many people’s eyes are cast on Gu Zhun’s mansion, all wondering if his current attitude will change.

After all, what we are about to face is not the former Lin Biao, but the entire 1st Rate bulk like Yellow Springs Sect.

If Gu Zhun is counseled at this time and changes his mind, I am afraid no one will say anything.

Just as the voices of Outer World were endless, at the gate of Gu Zhun’s mansion.

A carriage stopped here, and Wang Xian stood beside the carriage, waiting quietly.

I saw the people of Outer World gazing eagerly, and finally, from this mansion, the silhouette of Gu Zhun appeared here.

At this moment, Gu Zhun still looks like drwsily, and he walked out from the main entrance of the mansion leisurely without worry.

Behind him, everyone could see that Lin Biao was tied up by the five flowers and was pushed out in tatters.

Someone saw this scene, saw Lin Biao’s scene at this moment, unable to bear sucked in a cold breath.

Because Lin Biao at this time seems to be two completely different people from three days ago.

If Lin Biao 3 days ago is still the influential figure of 9 Qu Ancient City, it is a hedonistic son of rich parents with great power.

So now Lin Biao is simply miserable, and he is two people with Lin Biao before.

Not only was she extremely weak, but the various scars of horrible to see on her body just made people shiver at the sight.

At this time, careful people can even find that they can’t even feel the breath of Spirit Qi in Lin Biao at this moment.

And Dantian was dry, clearly a 20-30 years old youngster, but at this time, he felt like a dying old man.

“Hiss!” Someone was sucked in a cold breath, and suddenly there was a bold idea in his mind.

“Could it be that Lin Biao’s cultivation base has been abolished!”

“Impossible, then Gu Zhun dare to do it?”

“It’s true, I have already felt that Lin Biao’s Spirit Qi within the body has fallen apart, and the dantian has dried up. This is indeed a sign of being abolished. Now Lin Biao is an ordinary person. No, he is not as good as an ordinary person. He is dying! “

Someone sees this, loudly said.

Everyone suddenly held their breath and looked towards Gu Zhun with a shocked look, somewhat disbelieving.

They can’t believe that Gu Zhun really dare to do it!

And it’s direct!

For these 3 days, Lin Biao probably suffered a lot from Gu Zhun, and even Dantian was abolished. This shows that.

It turns out that they misunderstood Gu Zhun at first. After they arrested Lin Biao, the words they released were simply not empty talk, but something they really wanted to do.

These scars were impossible to be caused within a day. It is conceivable that Gu Zhun is definitely not the kind of believable men and women. From the first day Lin Biao was arrested, he probably suffered endless torture.

This Gu Zhun method is not straightforward and upright, but omnipotent.

It makes people feel shocked!

At this time, Gu Zhun slowly walked onto the carriage. Lu Zifeng and Laogui had returned from the Extreme Yin Sect. The old turtle was entrenched in front of the carriage, and Lu Zifeng personally pulled the car for Gu Zhun.

A carriage slowly moved towards the gate of the ancient city of Qu.

Immediately after this carriage, there was another carriage. On top of the carriage, Lin Biao, who was like a dead dog, was strapped to it at this time and was dying.

Bumpy all the way, moved towards the city gate.

After the two carriages galloped away, at this time, people gathered around the entrance of the mansion only realized it later.

Gu Zhun, this time it’s a real game!

Actually, I had torn my eyelids with Yellow Springs Sect, so I had to carry Yellow Springs Sect frontally.

A huge storm, on this day, slowly lifted the tip of the iceberg.

These cultivators gathered here were unwilling to miss this good show, and they all began to fight for the future, moving one after another, each and everyone turned into streamers, and followed the 2 carriage moved towards the city gate and flew away.

They wanted to see who was the real winner in the event of beheading Lin Biao.


The carriage was swiftly running on the main road of the ancient city of 9 Qu. At this time, the main road, which was originally bustling, was empty, and no one dared to stop here and block the way of Ominous Person.

2 carriage moved towards the direction of the city gate.

However, at this brief moment, a stream of light appeared here, blocking the front of the first carriage.

The cultivators who follow closely from behind were surprised, not knowing what happened.

Who is it?

How dare you stand in the way of Ominous Person here?

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