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“Elder, can you see what the problem is?”

At this time, the Extreme Yin school’s discipline asked, full of curiosity.

It is conceivable that even if he saw the legendary Lord Lin, who was invincible for the first time, he was defeated so easily, and he lost so miserably, this Extreme Yin sect’s discipline was a little bit unbelievable, so , He asked.

Elder Ming Yin, the leader of the Extreme Yin Sect, just took a deep look at the Black Mountain above the sky: “That Black Mountain is the key!”

Mingyin Elder said.

Immediately, he glanced at Elder Furukawa of the corpse sect next door.

Both of them can see a trace of terrified look in each other’s eyes at this time.

It must be possible to see how good this Black Mountain is.

I don’t know what it is made of, but there is such a terrifying life and baleful qi.

Even the Evil Spirit treasure halberd of Yellow Springs Sect’s peerless murderer, in front of this Black Mountain, it is like a little witch has seen a big witch.

The temper that was directly suppressed was bounced off without a single moment.

It is conceivable that such a mountain is probably more precious than 1000 Magic Artifacts.

It is simply the strange treasure of Supreme!

If it weren’t for the Lord Lindi who didn’t get the slightest bargain on this mountain, they would all want to reach out and grab this mountain with Gu Zhun.

When two sects admired, at this moment, the battle between Gu Zhun and Lin Di hadn’t stopped. At this moment, Lin Di actually stood up from the ruins that had just fallen down again, and he was full of anger and spurred. Supreme Martial Arts, moved towards Gu Zhun, crushed there.

A sky-reaching Origin Force pouring out from between Heaven and Earth, you can see that the Lord Lin furiously shouted, Heaven and Earth Origin Force suddenly rioted, around him, all condensed into a crystal small sword, Hanging there, like the momentum of the nine bends of the Yellow River, rolling in.

This is something that the cultivator of Life and Death Profound Realm can do. True God has been out of the category of mortals and can affect the power of Heaven and Earth to confront the enemy.

So this time, the Martial Arts used by Lin Zhong is an extremely sophisticated one.

I read many of Yellow Springs Sect’s disciplines, and they all have greatly changed disabled to bear complexion.

“9 Sword Array of Yellow River!”

“Lin Ancestor Master actually used this set of sword array!”

“My mother, isn’t this thing lost by Old Ancestor a few 10,000 years ago? Lord Lin actually found it back and refining the Array!”

There is a yellow Springs Sect experienced and knowledgeable academic said.

9 Qu Huanghe sword array!

This is Yellow Springs Sect’s extremely prestigious set of sword arrays 10,000 years ago.

It is said that in that year, there was an ancestor who mastered this sword array. He used to crush the other 2 Great Sects of Styx Three Sects, and his name was not always 2. In that era, he almost relied on this set of sword arrays, and it can be said that he played it all over. The northern invincible is not too much.

At that time, the reputation of the 9-tune Yellow River sword array was extremely loud in the north, almost as well known.

It’s just that because of some things, their Ancestor Master was too ostentatious and offended too many experts.

In the end, he was besieged and died.

After his death, Yellow Springs Sect’s most powerful 9-curved yellow sword array disappeared.

Outsiders believe that even their internal disciplines of Yellow Springs Sect also believe that the 9-curved Yellow River sword array in the clan has been lost.

But they didn’t expect anyhow, this set of Array has actually stayed in Yellow Springs Sect.

And I was taught by this Master Lin, and used it here.

And looking at its imposing manner, Lord Lin actually took great pains on this set of sword arrays. This set of 9-curved yellow river sword arrays is probably not much more than that of the ancestor’s sword array 10,000 years ago. Let it go.

Lin Zhong was loudly shouting at this time, and the whole person was in madness. All he was thinking about was how to smash Gu Zhun’s corpse for 10000 paragraphs.

He is a generation of True God, but the contemporary Lin Di, the Supreme Old Ancestor of Yellow Springs Sect, was actually smashed into the ground by a junior with a strange treasure, without the power to fight back.

This made Lin Zhong suddenly feel ashamed of his face, almost completely lost.

Because in their realm, this face is more important, and reputation is more important to them than anything else.

Gu Zhun not only killed his men, but also abolished his grandson, and now smashed him to death.

This made Lin Zhongyan face sweeping, how could he not be angry.

So at this time, Lin Zhong didn’t care about anything. He directly mobilized the power of Heaven and Earth. The Nine Tune Yellow River Great Array condensed in a single thought. The huge array was spinning in the void, and moved towards Gu Zhun and threw it over. .

“Little bastard, die! This is my Nine Tune Yellow River Great Array from Yellow Springs Sect. It is passed from Ancient’s first attacking array. Even if a True God enters, you have to drink hate. Don’t kill today. You, I, Lin Zhong, wrote 2 words backwards from now on!”

Lin Disen sneered, full of confidence in Nine Tune Yellow River Great Array.

However, at this time, listening to Lin Zhong’s words, Gu Zhun still just looked at this great formation calmly, still not showing much expression.

Then I saw him say: “Ancient’s first attack on the Great Array? Interesting, you really will put gold on your face, what is the Nine Tune Yellow River Great Array? When is it also worthy of being called the First Attack Array? Now? Trifling a small array, dare to be fierce?”

Gu Zhun coldly said.

Nine Tune Yellow River Great Array.

In Ancient Era, it is indeed well-known, but it has not yet reached the point where Ancient is the first to attack the big formation in the legend.

I simply didn’t take Immortal Beheading Sword Formation into consideration!

It’s just that now, after 10,000,000 years, modern people have never seen it, so I made up that’s all.

Otherwise, the position of Ancient’s first attack on the big array would never have the turn of the 9th Sword Array.

The so-called 9-tune yellow river sword array was originally taken from a poem.

“See how, the water of the Yellow River is coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning!”

The ancients created this Array with this verse.

The whole array is made up of 70000 7000 Spirit Power small swords. There are 9 formation eyes. If you are generally speaking, you want to crack the 9 yellow river sword array.

Even if the Array Grandmaster from Nine Realms came to break, it would not be broken in a few days or nights, and there was even a danger of falling.

But for Gu Zhun, it doesn’t have to be so troublesome.

In his eyes, any Array is like a ball of furnishings.

In this world, there is no such thing as Gu Zhun’s unbreakable Array!

In the current world, the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation of that year can give Gu Zhun a high look. The other Arrays are nothing but ears.

I saw that Lin Zhong was full of confidence at this time, and he seemed to be able to see the look of Gu Zhun in despair waiting for death in the big formation for a while.

But at this time, under the gaze of everyone, Gu Zhun moved directly, and it was less than 100 meters away from Gu Zhun.

Gu Zhun slammed, the death prison peak in the sky immediately moved, and directly moved towards 9 曲黄河 sword array in the direction it came.

Gu Zhun’s breaking the formation method is very simple.

Anything can be broken with force!

What can be a single man subduing ten, why use more effort?

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