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Listening to Gu Zhun’s words, Lin Di can be described as eye socket cracked.

This bastard, he actually wanted to kill his grandson in front of him.

If you change any other person, I’m afraid you have to go up and fight with him.

It is simply bully intolerably!

However, at this time, Emperor Lin just stared at Gu Zhun with blood-red eyes. The battle just now made him understand how far between himself and Gu Zhun is.

Although he is True God, the Black Mountain Qibao in the opponent’s hand is even more secretive. In peak state, he is not the opponent of this kid, not to mention that he is injured now.

It was a miracle that Gu Zhun didn’t kill himself just now. If he goes on now, Emperor Lin is almost certain that when the time comes a Black Mountain is suppressed, I am afraid he will really die here today.

Although Lin Biao was important, Emperor Lin was still able to tell which one was more important at this time.

Although he normally loves this grandson, he still won’t lose his life for Lin Biao.

However, Emperor Lin still looked towards Gu Zhun with a hateful look.

However, it is a pity that Gu Zhun ignored what this person’s gaze was like, because for now, he just finished what he said 3 days ago.

Three days ago, he said he would kill Lin Biao, so now, he must kill Lin Biao.

For Lin Zhong’s anger, Gu Zhun is just faintly smiled.

“What do I dare?”

Immediately, he stopped lingering, his hands lit up, and a silver long blade flew out of his storage bag.

cold light 4 shot.

Apparently, this is also a Divine Armament weapon.

I saw that Gu Zhun moved at this time, and his hand raised the knife.

“Stab!” With a sound, a big head on Lin Biao’s body flew up like this, blood light 4 splashed and rolled to the ground.

“No! Biaoer!” When Lin Di saw this, he saw with his own eyes that his beloved grandson had his head cut off in front of him. Immediately, Lin Zhong was called out pitifully and felt a surge of blood energy in his heart.

It went black, dignified True God, almost fainted here.

“Oh my God, really killed it!”

“Sure enough, it is the Ominous Person. As long as it is said and done, this is to behead the Emperor Sun in front of Emperor Lin!”

“It’s too fierce. I will meet this Ominous Person in the future. I will leave without saying anything. Such a character is not something I can provoke.”

“What a joke, don’t say provoke me, I feel my legs shaking when I see him now!”

9 In the ancient city of Qu, some cultivators trembled in their hearts, watching the scene just now, and they all said.

At this time, under the gaze of the 1000 cultivators on the scale, Gu Zhun had already picked up Lin Biao’s head.

Stand on the city wall and show it to the cultivator of the entire 9-koji ancient city.

Seeing that Lin Biao’s first level was really cut down, even the people of Three Sects and the other two sects of Styx were unable to bear sucked in a cold breath at this moment, and their gazes looking towards Gu Zhun became extremely jealous.

While the cultivators were discussing the commotion, at this moment, I saw the ancient city wall of 9 Qu ancient city, and Gu Zhun spoke at this moment.

“Everyone, Lin Biao is dead. According to the rules, the emperor’s grandson is the first class, the reserve price is 1000000 Spirit Stone, and each increase is not less than 50,000 Spirit Stone. There is no upper limit. Now the auction begins!”

Gu Zhun’s voice spread throughout the ancient city and reached many people’s ears. In the next second, many people’s faces changed.

Among them, the Elder of the Dark Yin of the Extreme Yin Sect and the Elder of the Guhe of the Corpse Huai Sect, their faces became weird. At this time, many people looked towards the direction of Yellow Springs Sect, looking at the Emperor Lin.

Sure enough, after Gu Zhun announced the news, in the Yellow Springs Sect camp, Lin Di’s face suddenly became like a cloud, and his face was black, how ugly and ugly.

“Tsk tsk, this Gu Zhun is really cruel. It doesn’t matter if he kills his grandson in front of Emperor Lin. Now he is actually going to auction it. Isn’t it disgusting?”

Mingyin Elder said.

Immediately, his face also showed a smile of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Within the Three Sects of Styx, the private friendship is actually not very good, and Three Sects jointly control the Styx.

There is a saying that one mountain can’t be shared by two tigers, let alone 3 Great Sect.

In fact, in the Three Sects of Styx, there has been a lot of friction in private for several 10000 years. In recent years, it has become more and more fierce. So you can see the Yellow Springs Sect is so stale. People of the Extreme Yin Sect and the Corpse Sect certainly don鈥檛 mind hitting. a person when he’s down.

At this time, taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune is inevitable.

Compared to these two sects, Yellow Springs Sect seems very embarrassing at the moment.

Especially Lin Di.

At this time, his face was even more embarrassing.

He finally understands why Gu Zhun didn’t take advantage of the futility to kill him just now, it was just for this time.

Imagine that Lin Biao died in the hands of Gu Zhun, and now the other party took out his grandson’s head to auction in front of a cultivator with a price of 9 to 1000 in the ancient city of 10000 songs.

His so-called Yellow Springs Sect Supreme Elder is also a generation of True God grandfather.

If at this time even Lin Biao’s corpse capital can’t be retrieved, their Yellow Springs Sect will never look up in the Three Sects of the Styx and the Northern Territory in the future.

I am afraid that reputation will drop a thousand zhang in one fall, which is a very terrifying thing.

In other words, this is no longer a conspiracy, it is simply a conspiracy.

Gu Zhun announced to the world, a conspiracy specially prepared for him.

Auctioning Lin Biao’s body in front of everyone, you can’t do it or not.

Moreover, it must be bought back.

This matter is related to the face of Yellow Springs Sect and the face of Lin Di, so it is not for them to choose.

“Okay, a Gu Zhun, a good method!”

Lin Di stood there, complexion ashen, sternly.

Now that things have developed, even if he wants to leave, he can’t do it anymore. He must bleed and take Lin Biao’s body back.

“Master Lin, what should we do?”

At this moment, Lin Zhong’s Direct Disciple from Yellow Springs Sect asked.

This matter is no longer what they can control, so the decision must be made by a higher level.

The Emperor Lin was very angry at this time, how could he manage that many, and immediately he cursed.

“Fools, a bunch of rice buckets, what else can you do? Back to Yellow Springs Sect, you can collect as many Spirit Stones as you can. Biao’er’s body is still in his hands, is it possible that watching Biao’er’s body get another 2 Will Great Sect take it away? Then we, Yellow Springs Sect, don鈥檛 look up and behave!”

Lin Zhong was furious, it was already this time, the gang still needed to ask such stupid questions.

They made it clear that they were coming at them, and they had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Gu Zhun is now the dominant player in the game. They are not as skilled as others and can only follow Gu Zhun’s rules of the game.

“Yes, the disciples go here!”

The Direct Disciple of Yellow Springs Sect was also frightened by the anger of his own Lin Di Old Ancestor, immediately, he was nodded quickly, and then turned into a stream of light moved towards Yellow Springs Sect and flew away.

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