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“Okay, I will pass you Feilong Du empty-handed. It is also you and me. Remember to practice harder in the future. Don’t insult the reputation of this Martial Arts, let alone your grandmother’s reputation.”

Gu Zhun looked at Huang Wei, and after a while, he stood up and said to him.

Huang Wei was a little surprised when he heard Gu Zhun’s words: “Young Master knows our grandmother?”

In fact, when Huang Wei just accepted Gu Zhundu’s Feilongdu empty-handed cultivation essence, he was also very curious.

He was curious, how could Gu Zhun have these things in his hands.

You know, the Martial Arts of Feilongdu empty-handed, but the unspread secret of their two generations of Huanghou family inheritance.

And it’s still word of mouth.

What is word of mouth?

It means that without any book jade slip as the carrier record, only the person who cultivation this Martial Arts will pass this Martial Arts verbally to the next selected offspring before his death.

It stands to reason that the empty-handed Feilong of their family was basically impossible. In this generation of Huang Wei, it was also because of the decline of talent that Huang Wei picked up a bargain. Otherwise, even Huang Wei would not even have access to it. Martial Arts to this level.

But as an outsider, how did Gu Zhun know the cultivation key of Feilongdu empty-handed?

And listening to him, it seems to know their grandmother of Huanghou 2 family.

Gu Zhun knew what Huang Wei was thinking, but at this time, he didn’t want to get entangled in this issue.

Just faintly laughed, and said casually: “I just heard of that’s all.”

After that, Gu Zhun didn’t want to mention more.

Huang Wei was hearing this, and he could only give up. The master didn’t want to mention it, he definitely didn’t dare to ask again.

However, for now, it is enough to know that the uncle is not malicious to him.

Huang Wei calmed down and buried his doubts in his stomach. Then, he looked towards below.

At this moment, the streamer Yijiezhou had fallen, and the scale of an ancient city appeared before Huang Wei’s eyes.

Huang Wei squinted his eyes and looked at the appearance of this ancient city. Suddenly he felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But he is not sure yet, so at this time he can only rely on the memory in his brain to try to remember.

It wasn’t until Gu Zhun’s Flowing Light One World Boat landed completely, when Huang Wei saw the city card hanging on the city wall in front of him, he suddenly reacted.

Immediately afterwards, an expression of horror appeared on Huang Wei’s face, and finally remembered to find a place.


This is Fengdu!

Oh my God!

Huang Wei was almost frightened.

Why did you come to this place!

The clan books of their Huanghou 2 family had records of Fengdu before. This is a ghost town!

Legendary Nine Realms is one of the top 5 dead places, 10,000 Li Solitary Grave is in Fengdu.

Bliss world in Cultivator World.

Why did you come here?

“President, Young Master, what are we doing here when we are here? This is not a good place.”

Huang Wei shrank his neck. He had read the records of Fengdu in the clan books of Huanghou’s two families. He was in awe and fear of Feng. If possible, he didn’t want to go in at all.

This can be more terrifying than 9 Qu Ancient City.

Gu Zhun looked at him and replied: “Of course there is something to come here, otherwise, who wants to come to this ghost place.”

Gu Zhun was right. If it wasn’t really something, otherwise, he really didn’t want to come to a place like Fengdu.

Because the ghost qi in this place is too heavy, although Gu Zhun is not afraid, every time he comes here, he always feels uncomfortable.


Hearing Gu Zhun’s words, Huang Wei knew that there was no room for retaliation, and it seemed that he had already settled.

Now nodded, fortune-telling.

The entire group entered Fengdu, the huge gate, which was always open for a long time, and the gate of Fengdu seemed to have never been closed.

Song Qingyi It was the first time that they came to such a place. Of course, they were very curious about where they went and saw.

Of course, this is only for those who don’t know the inside story.

As for people who know something about Fengdu, such as Qu Baobao or Huang Wei, it has been a torture since arriving in Fengdu.

Even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, for fear that some demons and ghosts would be disturbed.

When I came to the city gate of Fengdu, Yin Yue was curious when looking at the desolate scene of the city gate, opening the mouth and said: “This Fengdu actually doesn’t even have a gatekeeper. It’s too desolate.”

She remembered that when they went to the ancient city of Jiuqu, the gate of the ancient city of Jiuqu was called a lively, people coming, people going.

This 酆 is said to be a bliss world, no one can see how to get in and out, not even a gatekeeper.

Regarding Yin Yue’s question, Gu Zhun laughed and said nothing.

Baby Qu directly rolled the eyes.

The worst is Huang Wei. He was not courageous, so he almost cried at this time.

It seems that this great aunt has not figured out the situation until now.

This 酆 is known as a ghost town, where is who can get in and out of here?

Seven out of ten are ghosts.

Have you seen what the hell soul comes out in broad daylight?

“Let’s go, let’s go in.”

Gu Zhun did not answer Yin Yue’s question, just said indifferently.

Nodded, everyone followed Gu Zhun’s footsteps into the city.

In the city of Fengdu, as soon as they stepped into this place, everyone shuddered from the impossible to bear.

Because, it seems that since they entered the city, the surrounding air has dropped several degrees. Even if they are both cultivators, at this time, they all feel a bit cold on the back, which is very uncomfortable.

Even Gu Zhun wrinkled his brows at the moment, and his face showed an expression of dislike.

This horrible place really came 100 times, making him uncomfortable 100 times.

I ignored this uncomfortable feeling.

Gu Zhun took a step forward and walked directly inside.

In this kind of place, he doesn’t want to wait a moment, it’s better to leave as soon as possible after finishing things.

This kind of uncomfortable feeling is not something Gu Zhun alone has. Song Qingyi has this feeling in each of them. Before they could say this feeling, they saw that their master had already stepped out. You can only brace oneself follow.

Walking on the main road in Fengdu gave Song Qingyi Yin Yue and the others a very strange feeling, because this main road is too deserted.

In broad daylight, I can’t even see a few silhouettes.

Even if I can see people occasionally, there are only a handful of 2 or 3 people, and they are all alone, with their heads down and their faces unclear, and they hurried past.

Several times Yin Yue tried to stop one of them, but the place left without even lifting his head.

Moreover, the most weird place is not here, but the white paper money flying in the sky, and all kinds of coffins stacked all over the street.

Even on the two sides of some coffins, a lot of paper people were placed on each side.

These paper men are very vivid, and they seem to be godlike, but it is precisely because the paper men are so alike, their eyes are fixed on them.

On the contrary, it gave Yin Yue and the others an uncomfortable feeling. Even looking at these paper figures in broad daylight, they felt extremely scared.

Yin Yue and the others felt bad at this time.

This Fengdu, unlike Gu Zhun said before, is a place of bliss.

On the contrary, it is nothing like a dead city.

Even Yin Yue began to wonder whether there are really living people in such a big city?

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