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Seeing that these two little missy had picked up the small bowls and were about to pour the soup into their mouths, the old woman’s eyes also showed a hint of unremarkable light.

But at this time, Qu Baobao and Hou Xiaoshuang’s mouths were about to touch the mouth of the bowl.

At this time, Gu Zhun just coughed, stretched out his hand, and took both soup bowls from the hands of these two girls.

“Teacher, you …”

Baby Qu is puzzled. I don’t know what’s wrong with my Teacher. What is it for me to grab my own bowl and so on?

However, when facing Qu Baobao, Gu Zhun was laughed and said directly: “Teacher happens to be a bit thirsty, I’ll drink it first.”

Gu Zhun has said so, Qu Baobao can only be nodded, so he can’t grab water from his Teacher.

Not to mention Hou Xiaoshuang, just acquiesced.

It’s just that, only the old woman’s face seemed to have a divine light of dislike passing by, and she was bitter in her heart.

Afterwards, she just watched Gu Zhun not even think and drank all the 3 bowls of soup every bite.

“Well, not bad, three more bowls!”

Gu Zhun did 3 bowls, threw the soup bowl on the table, and threw it in front of the old woman pushing the cart, and said casually.

The old woman was shocked when she saw this, as if she was taken aback.

I saw her body stiffened at this moment, like a machine, looking at Gu Zhun steadily, her eyes full of incredible.

However, Gu Zhun looked at her with a smile at this time and said: “Why? Can’t I refill it?”

Gu Zhun sneered, showing white teeth.

When the old woman saw it, her whole body was scared, and she quickly nodded: “Yes, you can, of course you can.”

Then, she quickly grabbed 3 bowls and took 3 more bowls out of her wooden barrel.

“Guest, please use it.”

The old woman seemed very scared, with shaking hands, putting the bowl on the table.

Gu Zhun ignored her and didn’t seem to see her. He just picked up the bowl and gurgled, and poured 3 bowls of soup again.

“Come back!”

Gu Zhun threw the bowl back again.

The old woman was frightened this time. Seeing someone drank her 6 bowls of Soul Eating Soup, she didn’t have any ass. She was simply unheard-of.

Is that human being?

Immediately, the old woman didn’t dare to move. Since she came to Fengdu, her soul-chewing soup has never failed.

No matter who it is, even the cultivator of Heavenly Profound Realm, as long as you drink a bowl of her soul-eating soup, three immortal souls and seven mortal souls will be swallowed thoroughly by the curse in the soup, and even the body will be eaten by the Poisonous Insect. It has an empty shell and becomes a puppet, let her control it.

However, just today, for the first time, the unfavorable Soul Eater soup has failed.

Therefore, this old woman was immediately silly.

That’s 6 bowls of soul-eating soup.

The usual Heavenly Profound Realm cultivator can be done in just one bowl, and you can’t die again.

6 bowls of soul-eating soup, even True God can kill it!

This guy seems to have nothing, just drink water and eat as usual, and he has to refill his cup.

The old woman was frightened all over, knowing that she was in the way this time, and she was so lucky that she kicked the iron plate.

Immediately, the face of the old woman became uglier than white paper. Gu Zhun asked her to refill the cup, but she did not dare to move.

“Why, no refills?” Gu Zhun sneered and looked at her.

The old woman was so frightened that she knelt directly on the ground, kowtowing her head continuously: “Senior, the little one has eyes and no beads, she offended Senior, please beg your senior.”

“Hehe, Soul Eater Soup, I haven’t seen it for how many years. I don’t think that after Ancient, this thing is still in the world. Who gave you the dog egg and hit my mind on me! You ate the bear heart Leopard is bold!”

Gu Zhun this time, directly angry.

The boundless power crushed down.

With just that kind of power, the old woman flew out with a bang and hit the wall. The old woman immediately vomited blood and was seriously injured.

“Senior is a life!”

The old woman was scared crazy.

What she said is also the cultivator of the Heavenly Profound Realm. There is also a fierce reputation in this capital. Looking at the whole capital, few people dare to provoke her.

But today, in front of such a young man, she didn’t even have the power to backhand, and even the other party did not make a move, so she was directly shocked by the opponent’s imposing manner.

What level of power is this?

The old woman was scared silly.

I didn’t read the almanac today when I went out, and even if I kicked an iron plate, I also kicked such a hard iron plate!

is it possible that is True God face to face?

The old woman still wanted to say something, but this time, Gu Zhun didn’t bother to talk nonsense with her. He took a palm and patted the top of the head of the old woman directly, patted her into a pile of powder.

“Soul Eater Soup, hmph!” Gu Zhun was still angry. Although he shot the old woman to death, but seeing this thing about Soul Eater soup, he immediately made his face as cold as frost.

Because, he originally thought that this thing of Soul Eater Soup had been lost in Ancient, and didn’t expect it to be inherited to the present.

And the reason why Gu Zhun got such a big fire is actually because he had a subordinate in the past, who died on this soul-eating soup, and even three immortal souls and seven mortal souls were cursed to eat. It’s clean, Gu Zhun couldn’t save it even if he wanted to.

Gu Zhun can be described as fresh in his memory. In furious, he directly pulled the man who created the soul-eating soup from Nine Realms, and added 3000 capital punishment to him directly to die without a burial site.

From then on, some veterans of Gu Zhun at that time knew that Soul Eater was a taboo of Gu Zhun, and no one dared to mention it, but didn’t expect that this act recklessly hit his head. Forget it, he actually brought the Soul Eater Soup to Gu Zhun again.

Gu Zhun directly recalled some of the past, and in his anger, directly suppressed and killed the person.

In fact, this old woman Life Source is called Granny Shiran.

Perhaps she is not well-known elsewhere, and she might not even have heard of her name.

But in the city of Fengdu, Granny Shilan’s name is very loud.

Because this person is vicious and merciless, even the Heavenly Profound cultivator can calculate the soul eater under her hand. The cultivator who died on her soul cultivator without knowing these years has reached a terrifying number.

And every time Granny Shilan kills a cultivator with the soul-devouring soup, there will be an extra war corpse under her hands. In these years, Granny Shilan has no one dares provoke in the capital city, and a large part of the reason lies here.

There are too many war corpses in her hand. If she provokes her, she is equivalent to stabbing the hornet’s nest. When the time comes, a bunch of Origin Core Realm Earthly Profound Realm war corpses come up, even the True God powerhouse is troublesome.

So for so many years, if there is who in Fengdu, no one dares to mess with it.

Then Granny Shiran is definitely one of the well-known figures, and even these years have such a saying.

Ning to mess with King of Hell, and don’t mess with Granny Shiran.

Otherwise, you don’t know how you died.

But it was such a grandmother Shilan who made everyone in Fengdu heard of her. Today, in a situation no one knew, she kicked the iron plate of Gu Zhun and was photographed on the spot as powder, even a whole body. Did not stay, and died here.

If it is known by outsiders, I am afraid I can only sigh.

You can live if you do evil, but you can’t live if you do evil.

You said you are okay to mess with Gu Zhun, what are you doing?

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