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Song Qingyi cut with a sword, very fast.

Even Wang Xian didn’t see how fast Song Qingyi’s sword was, and everyone only took a blink of an eye when Song Qingyi’s sword reached the old man’s face.

And the old man still didn’t hide at this moment.

Song Qingyi is frowned, because when she cut out with this sword, she suddenly had an illusion that the environment around the old man seemed a little out of touch.

Song Qingyi didn’t realize what was going on.

Immediately afterwards, her sword fell.

The unexpected thing not at all happened. Although Song Qingyi’s sword was fast, she made a rare mistake with this sword. Not at all really hit the old man.

Instead, the old man moved a step casually, and her sword was cut directly against the old man’s back.

Risky and risky.

But he didn’t really cut the old man.

How is this going!

Song Qingyi was dumbfounded.

And not only she, but even Wang Xian, Yin Yue, Huang Wei, Mei Suqin and the others are dumbfounded.

None of them reacted, because they all thought they were wrong.

How is this possible?

It was hacked.

That’s Song Qingyi!

There is such a thing.

A great power of Origin Sea Realm, using a sword to cut a seemingly ordinary old man, he can actually hack it!

It’s impossible!

This was the first thought that flashed through Wang Xian and the others.

What happened is basically impossible!

But at this time it happened, and it happened in front of so many of them.

Therefore, when Song Qingyi’s sword landed, they were immediately stunned.

They did not understand at all what was going on with that thin old man.

No coincidence.

The feeling just now!

Maybe Wang Xian and the others didn’t feel it, but Song Qingyi, who was the principal, knew it clearly because she could feel it.

When I cut my sword just now, at the crucial moment, I felt out of touch with the surrounding environment.

The old man just took a light step like this and his sword was crooked!

This is not an ordinary person!

It is definitely not an ordinary person.

If he is really a mortal, how can he take that pace?

This is an expert!

Song Qingyi has never seen such an exquisite Movement Art.

“Guest, do you want something?”

At this time, the old man didn’t seem to mind Song Qingyi’s behavior to him just now, but slowly walked to the other side, still asking indifferently.


Immediately, Gu Zhun laughed, as if he had expected this ending.

I saw Gu Zhun speak: “Boy, after so many years, I thought your broken shop was closed down, didn’t expect is still open.”

As Gu Zhun said so, the old man paused, the dry skin on his eyebrows wrinkled into a piece, looking towards Gu Zhun.

He seemed to be wondering what he meant.

“Why, don’t you know me? I haven’t seen you in just a few years, so you won’t forget me too. Back then, I helped you take the pearl from that ghost place so that you could escape from that ghost place. .”

Gu Zhun said, and then he laughed.

At this time, the old man seemed to think of something and looked at Gu Zhun with an incredible look.

After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and asked in a dry voice: “It’s you? Are you still alive?”

Gu Zhun immediately turned black: “What are you talking about? Am I so easy to die?”

Kid: “That’s right, that many people on the World Domain battlefield failed to kill you. You are indeed not that easy to die. Why, after so many years, you will come to Fengdu? It shouldn’t be a special trip to see me.”

Said the kid.

Song Qingyi They stood aside at this moment, looking at these two people strangely, and they were very surprised.

Their Young Master actually knew this old man, and listening to them, it seemed that the two of them were familiar.

They should have known each other for a long time, and the old man’s attitude to talking to his Young Master is still very bad, and he looks rather unfriendly.

The master of my family is not angry, he seems to be willing to talk to this old man like this, and it seems that there is still a story between them.

Song Qingyi They were right.

The kid has a big resentment qi to Gu Zhun, and he speaks very rudely.

So when he recognized Gu Zhun just now, he almost didn’t do it directly.

And Gu Zhun was naturally aware of this, and immediately he said with a smile: “Boy, we are all Old Friend, have you not forgotten that thing back then?”

“What do you say? When you kidnapped my beads back then?”

The little ghost looked at Gu Zhun fiercely and asked.

Gu Zhun rolled the eyes: “Bah! Why did I abduct your beads? The beads were originally a masterless object, and if Laozi hadn’t picked the beads away, you thought you could live until now? Now I know the thing. It’s a treasure, you come to ask me? Why is your face so thick?”

Gu Zhun airway.

In fact, all these things have to start with Ancient Era, which was more than 2 1000 years ago.

When Gu Zhun met the little ghost, in fact, he had not yet come to Fengdu City. At that time, the little ghost was only a solitary soul, unbound ghost among 10,000 Li Solitary Grave.

He doesn’t have spiritual wisdom, and he wanders in 4 places. There are dead souls like this, among 10,000 Li Solitary Grave.

However, ghosts like ghosts are a little different from other ghosts.

He seemed to be thinking. He didn’t know when he started to move on his own. The activities he called were not aimless, but conscious.

The little ghost began to approach the weaker ghosts around him and swallow them.

Gradually, the little ghost is getting stronger and stronger, and spiritual wisdom has become more and more comprehensive.

Finally, I don’t know how many years have passed, the kid has become one of the dead souls among 10,000 Li Solitary Grave.

Even among 10,000 Li Solitary Grave, the kid can be said to call the wind and summon the rain.

However, the kid is not content with this. He has great ambitions and is unwilling to stay in the 10,000 Li Solitary Grave forever. He seems to be rushing out and come to Nine Realms to take a look.

However, because of some things, the kid offended a terrifying existence within 10,000 Li Solitary Grave.

Pursued by the terrifying existence, the little ghost panicked and fled into a Danger Land.

This Danger Land turned out to be a big formation.

This array is extremely terrifying. It has existed for an unknown number of 10000 years, and even the terrifying existence dared not enter it at will, so after the little ghost entered it, the existence left directly.

Because he thought the kid was bound to die.

Fortunately, the little devil didn’t die at all, he survived fortunately and stayed alone forty thousand years in that big formation.

During the forty thousand years, it was not that the kid had never thought about breaking the array and go out, but it was really because the big array was too scary.

With the horrible cultivation base of the little ghost, with such superb strength, it is impossible to break the formation.

Until forty thousand years later, Gu Zhun entered the 10,000 Li Solitary Grave with the future Yellow Springs sword ancestor.

I got what I wanted within 10,000 Li Solitary Grave, and after preparing to leave, I accidentally discovered this big formation.

That time, it was actually the first meeting between Gu Zhun and this kid.

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