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Seeing the sudden appearance of these mysterious bone men, both Song Qingyi and Wang Xian were shocked.

Even though they are now the experts of Ten Thousand Realm and even Origin Sea, they are still 10,000 Li Solitary Grave after all!

They had never seen such a strange scene.

Therefore, when these bone people appeared, they immediately tightened one of their strings, and they dared not slack anymore.

At this time, Gu Zhun looked at them not far away, but didn’t mean to make a move. Wang Xian and the others were also smart people. Seeing this kind of performance by their own master, they immediately knew that Gu Zhun was going to test them. Up.

Therefore, they even dare not relax.

His eyes fixed on these bone people.

These bone people are also extremely disgusting, most of them climbed up from the ground, seeming to have been asleep for a long time, and extremely fierce.

As for the others, they crawled out of the coffin, still carrying bloodshots and remnants of flesh and blood, making them even more disgusting.

However, although these bone people are different, their gazes looking towards Song Qingyi and the others are the same at this time.

It’s all the same greed.

For tens of millions of years, no Human Race cultivator has entered the 10,000,000 Li Solitary Grave, and these bones have not tasted the taste of flesh and blood for tens of millions of years. At this time, they smelled the popularity, and naturally got up from long sleep for the first time. .

“Flesh! Flesh!”

“Jié jié jié! Eat…”

These bone people have already died and don’t know how many years, because they have some spiritual wisdom, but they have already been reduced to walking corpse, and they can’t even speak completely.

Simply is a bone supported by basic primitive ideas.

Finally, these bone people could no longer bear this temptation, and immediately rushed forward.

The army of bones like mountains and seas moved towards Wang Xian and they killed them here, each and everyone opened their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, greedy flowing water.

There are even bone people who have fainted. At this time, they dared to point their spear at Gu Zhun. A dozen bone people moved towards Gu Zhun unexpectedly extended their white claws.

However, when their claws were more than ten meters away from Gu Zhun, Lu Zifeng was coldly snorted, and the white long sword was unsheathed. After a breath, the bone man within 20 meters was killed. Do not stay.

Even so many bone people didn’t even have a chance to resist, they were killed directly.

When the bone man next to him saw this, the three of them looked towards Lu Zifeng and finally became very jealous. They didn’t dare to touch these three people again, so they could only move towards Yin Yue and rushed towards them.

Although bone people are walking corpses, they still have the basic ability to judge danger.

From the moment Lu Zifeng took action just now, that many of his own companions were killed and clean, they have already realized that these three people are absolutely terrifying existence, and they are not able to move.

They could only pick the weaker ones, so they could only focus on Yin Yue.

Compared with Lu Zifeng’s threat, Yin Yue and the others are naturally far behind.

Therefore, on their side, it has already become a sea of ​​corpses.

In the middle of the sea of ​​corpses, you can see that Song Qingyi and the others have gathered together spontaneously at this moment, facing all directions and forming a whole to deal with threats from all directions.

Because of the command of Song Qingyi, the big sister, although there are a large number of these bone men, it is really not an easy task to win them in a short time.


A loud whip sounded, and Red’s long whip was drawn on the body of a dozen bone people. Suddenly, the force of terror drew the dozen bone people into a pile of fragments, completely losing their breath.

Mei Suqin is struggling to fight the bone man who is continuously rushing over on her side. At this time, she also feels a little helpless: “Sister Song, this is no way to go on! There are too many bone people, we can’t get out of trouble!”

Immediately, Wang Xian was also swept by a spear, 7 bone men were swept out, and he also said: “Yes, there are too many, I can’t kill it!”

Song Qingyi hearing this, she has naturally discovered this problem.

In this 10,000 Li Solitary Grave, it is simply the home of these bones.

heaven knows how many bone people are buried under the ground in this ghost place?

Although their strength in the short term is very strong, the general strength of these bone men is in Meridian Opening Realm, and there are few bone men from Cauldron Power Realm.

As for Wang Xian and the others, the worst is now the cultivation base of Thousand Cauldron Ten Thousand Cauldron. These bone men of Meridian Opening Realm, it can be said that they can kill more than a dozen with a single shot.

However, even though it is said that, it is not the way to go on like this. Although the strength is leading, it cannot hold back the large number of people.

There are too many ants to kill the elephant.

Not to mention these fierce bone people.

And these bone humans are not ants, each and everyone has the power of Meridian Opening Realm. If they wait until they run out of power and these bone humans rush forward, they will definitely die.

Song Qingyi’s face is not good, she is thinking of a way.

However, no matter how many ways she can do at this time, there is nothing to do.

Because now they are stuck in the middle of the sea of ​​bones and want to go out, easier said than done?

Song Qingyi can only reduce their consumption to the greatest extent, so as to support a longer time, but it is basically impossible to say that they are directly taken out.

Even if the Origin Sea might be able to volley into the void, Song Qingyi did not dare to test easily.

heaven knows what the 10,000 Li Solitary Grave rules are like.

It’s okay if you don’t fly. Once you fly, the ghost knows whether it will attract the attention of all bone people. If these bone people put all their goals on themselves when the time comes, and work together to suppress and kill themselves, then Song Qingyi There is no place to cry.

So, escape is impossible, you can only fight head-on!

“Now there is no way. We can only kill it head-on. As long as we rush out of the sea of ​​bones, we are safe. In this way, we are divided into 2 groups, one group is responsible for attacking, the other group recovers Spirit Qi and physical strength as soon as possible, and the 2 groups exchange With cooperation, such consumption is minimal!”

Song Qingyi said his thoughts and immediately received Wang Xian’s approval.

Now that’s the case.

So, soon, these juniors were divided into groups.

There are 2 groups.

The first group, led by Song Qingyi, consists of three individuals: Qu Baobao and Yin Yue.

The second group is led by Wang Xian, and the group members are Huang Wei and Mei Suqin.

The 2 groups are exchanged every quarter of an hour.

The resting group recovers the Spirit Qi and stamina consumed within the fastest time.

Once such a system is established, it will be implemented immediately.

Baby Qu was not stingy. He took out 8 Rank 3 and exploded fire rune all around with a bang.

Suddenly, a fire sea came, and in an instant, 100 to 1000 bones were burned to death.

Song Qingyi and Yin Yue 2 people also not to be outdone, each took out their own means, one sword and one knife alternated each other, a group of people moved towards the edge of the sea of ​​bones and killed.

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