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A large number of bone people retreated, curled up into the ground again, not even daring to gasp.

There is a Golden Wings Great Peng suppressed here. Unless they are too fate, they are destined not to dare to appear again.

At this time, Gu Zhun watched most of these bones retreat to the ground, too lazy to chase after.

Going to chase these bones, Gu Zhun has not been so idle yet.

It’s almost enough to repel them, anyway, I didn’t come to these bone men.

Using this bone man to teach Song Qingyi a lesson, Gu Zhun’s goal has been achieved.

After resting on the spot for a while, Song Qingyi and the others knocked on 2 medicine pill to recover their state, and then Gu Zhun took them to move on.

This time is moving towards the hinterland of 10,000 Li Solitary Grave.

Along the way, after experiencing the Bone Man incident, Song Qingyi and the others also became vigilant and did not dare to be careless.

Once bitten by a snake, ten years of fear of well ropes is not nothing serious.

Almost every time there is a turmoil, Song Qingyi and the others are ready to fight hard.

But the strange thing is that there is no unusual behavior along the way.

Until Yin Yue’s eyes slanted, then her face turned pale with fright and changed drastically.

She looked towards one direction, pointed there, her face turned pale.

Everyone hurriedly followed Yin Yue’s direction and looked over, only to see there was movement over there.

A group of ghost qi black clouds soaring towards the sky pressed towards them.

In the dark clouds, it seems that there are 100 to 1000 dead souls condensed in them, rushing to Gu Zhun’s side.

Dead soul!

It is the most threatening terrifying thing among 10,000 Li Solitary Grave.

Over the years, I don’t know how much power has died in the hands of this thing.

Even True God, encountering the black cloud accumulated by the souls, will not escape.

Why do so many people have not come back after entering 10,000 Li Solitary Grave?

A large part of the people can’t even pass the outermost bone man.

Even if some people rely on luck, some people rely on strength to pass the level of bone people.

But if you enter the 10,000 Li Solitary Grave, you will die if you encounter the dead!

Is Revenant terrifying?

Actually speaking of which is not terrifying.

If it is a single power, it is not much different from a calcaneal man.

Few dead souls can reach Cauldron Power Realm.

Moreover, the more important point is that the number of dead souls is not large. In 10,000 Li Solitary Grave, the number of dead souls is not as large as the number of bones to some extent.

As far as Gu Zhun has seen, the largest army of dead souls is only 1000 dead souls forming that’s all.

However, it is these seemingly ordinary army of dead souls.

How did it succeed in destroying True God?

If you don’t know the inside story, I’m afraid it’s true.

A group of things that even Cauldron Power Realm has not reached.

Even if there are 1000 together, it is not an opponent of True God at all.

Even said, it is not enough for True God to slap to death.

But, just like this, the souls still obliterated the True Gods who tried to break into the 10,000 Li Solitary Grave.

The mysterious in it is.

The soul of this thing, if strictly speaking of which, he does not exist.

In other words, he neither belongs to the present nor the future.

The soul of the dead is transformed after the death of a person, and the special characteristic of 10,000 Li Solitary Grave is added.

Therefore, the dead souls that can be here are all very peculiar. Their bodies only exist in the past, and they have come to the present over time.

So even if a True God encounters these dead souls, the power of True God is strong.

However, they are strong, but they have no effect on these dead souls.

Just ask, how can a True God that exists in the present be able to injure the souls that exist only in the past?

Between the two, there is more than 2 years, even over 1000 years.

No matter how strong the True God is, even if it has the ability to burn the heaven and boiling the sea, it cannot cross the long river of time to kill these dead souls.

However, these dead souls can reach True God.

So, this is destined to be an unfair battle.

True Gods have an empty cultivation base, but they hit the cotton like a punch without any effort.

But the souls are weak or weak, but people can hit you.

The cultivation base of the souls is not high.

But if you punch you every day, True God can’t stand it after 10000 years.

Therefore, most of the True Gods who entered here were slowly worn to death by these dead souls.

As for True God to escape?

It’s easy to say, when True God encounters such a difficult ghost as the dead, it would be great if it could run away so easily.

10,000 Li Solitary Grave will not be listed as one of the 5 deadly places.

“These, shouldn’t they be the legendary souls!”

Huang Wei muttered to himself, said.

Legend, the most terrifying ghost among 10,000 Li Solitary Grave!

No one has seen it before, only stories about dead souls have been circulated in Nine Realms.

Because no one has ever come out alive from 10,000 Li Solitary Grave, the truth about the dead souls has always been a controversial ending.

Huang Wei at first also thought that the legendary dead soul was fake.

But didn’t expect, it actually exists!

Legend has it that even True God will die if you encounter it!

Huang Wei was frightened, how could he have thought that people like himself are so lucky.

Simply heaven defying to explode.

The army of dead souls can be touched.

Huang Wei felt that he might have used all his luck in his life today!

Good guy, it seems that the scale of the black cloud is not small, Huang Wei’s courage is about to be shocked, and Hou Xiaoshuang is about to run away when he picks up his younger sister.

However, he didn’t run 2 steps, but was pulled back by Gu Zhun with beckoned.

“Master, what are you doing? That’s a dead soul! Let’s run quickly!” Huang Wei finally ran out 2 steps, didn’t expect was pulled back again.

Immediately, Huang Wei almost cried!

Don’t bring this to play!

You don’t run to count you as courageous, but there is no need to drag yourself to die.

Army of the dead!

He can afford to offend.

But after Gu Zhun listened to his words, immediately disabled to bear rolled the eyes to Huang Wei.

He really couldn’t imagine how the underlings of the warlord he had passed to the present, actually gave birth to such a thing as Huang Wei?

It’s just that people talk a lot.

“When you encounter an army of dead souls, you think you are smart. Those True Gods are fools. If running can solve the problem, will so many people die here? Running will only make you die faster. Stay here. Now, since I brought you in, I will bring you all out.”

Gu Zhun said.

Army of the dead.

It is indeed a difficult role.

If Gu Zhun hadn’t made any preparations before, he might have been messed up if he encountered the army of dead souls.

But now he is different, he hasn’t revealed a hole card in his hand yet.

The army of dead souls may be a ghost in the eyes of others.

But in front of Gu Zhun today, he is a younger brother.

Don’t panic at all!

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