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Gu Zhun’s words have been said.

But immediately, Huang Wei was dumbfounded.

“Burn, burned?”

Does it burn like this?

“But, sir, these are the great abilities of 10,000 years ago!”

Who can enter here, or those who have the courage to enter here, which one is not a cultivation base?

Among these corpse mountains, which one’s cultivation base did not reach the Heavenly Profound Realm world before his death!

Just burned, it is simply reckless waste of natural resources!

“Otherwise, what do you want to do? Take all these corpses back to confess?” Gu Zhun listened to his words and rolled the eyes.

As soon as Gu Zhun said, Huang Wei choked.

It seems right too.

He just thought that so many corpses were powerful before they were alive, but didn’t expect it would be useless to keep these corpses if they were not burned.

is it possible that I can still hold it back one by one for it?

With so many corpses, he still didn’t know how many years he would move.

“Then burn it.” Huang Weican said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, only Gu Zhun glanced at Qu Bao Bao, Qu Bao Bao immediately understood, and took out a burst fire rune from his storage bag.

Throw this Rank 3 fire rune onto this corpse mountain, and after that, a fire raged.

After a while, this pile of corpse mountains was thoroughly burned, and everyone sighed after watching such a scene.

Looking at the one after another silhouette in the fire, when they were alive, which one was not Heaven Warping Genius, they were all powers of their own era, and they weren’t dead here in the end.

If it weren’t for Gu Zhun to come here, these mighty corpses would not know how many years they would be trapped here.

It may be several 10,000,000 years, or even forever unable to be freed, forever unable to reincarnate controlled by those dead souls forever.

“oh! ”

Seeing a big fire, I don’t know how much power was burned, everyone was sighed and didn’t say much.

After the corpses were burned, the flames disappeared, and everyone could see that these corpses were burned, but in place, the Divine Armament, Magic Artifact, and many storage bags used by these powerful people during their lifetimes were all left. It piled up into a small hill and placed it there.

These treasures were not used by these powers before they died, and those dead souls were not used anymore. Divine Armament was not at all useful to them, so they have been kept until now.

The fire of Qu Baobao just now can burn the powerful corpses of tens of thousands of years, but it can’t burn the treasures. Therefore, when the corpse is burned, these treasures are all left.

Presumably, whoever it is, seeing this huge treasure mountain, will be unable to bear to swallow.

Because it’s so tempting.

Most people can’t resist this temptation at all.

This is equivalent to putting a golden mountain in front of a mortal, who can bear it.

So many treasures, just take out one, it’s rare treasure!

Some things, even Outer World can’t see, belong to the priceless things.

You know, these are the treasures of some Heavenly Profound Realm powerhouses and even True God powerhouses!

One can imagine the precious value of what can be carried around by this level of power.

Some things are even comparable to the Sect Protecting Treasure of the general Great Sect Sect.

Huang Wei and the others could see that their saliva was about to stay, and then they looked towards their Young Master.

Gu Zhun doesn’t care about these treasures, and doesn’t even bother to take a look.

At the beginning, he included the treasure house of the Sea Sword Sage. The boy, the Sea Sword Sage, liked to collect some treasures when he was alive. So, what kind of treasure does Gu Zhun have here?

He really didn’t like these things.

Even if it is Magic Artifact, Gu Zhun is too lazy to look at it, because when it reaches the level of Gu Zhun, the general Divine Armament Magic Artifact is no longer important.

One piece of Magic Artifact and ten pieces of Magic Artifact are the same in his eyes, and there is no use in more quantities.

Perhaps, only treasures such as Dao Jian can enter his eyes.

Therefore, when looking at the eyes of the juniors like Song Qingyi, Gu Zhun directly waved his hand and let them pick it up by themselves.

And he has no interest in these things at all.

“Since they have all helped them get rid of it, it’s okay to take advantage of them. Go pick them all,” Gu Zhun said.

Everyone was hearing this, and the divine light was suddenly revealed, and after that, they swarmed up and selected one after another.

The collection of Heavenly Profound True God is still very rich.

After a while, Huang Wei and the others’ eyes began to see flowers.

The treasures here are simply too rich.

Divine Armament, Qibao, are everywhere, even Magic Artifact, there are 100 pieces.

Getting treasure here is faster than grabbing money, because you have to grab the money, but to get treasure here, just bend over and pick it up.

The treasures of 10000 pieces were divided up by Huang Wei and the others in a short while. They also returned with a full load. Everyone has at least dozens of scary Magic Artifacts in their hands.

Moreover, none of them are low-level Magic Artifacts. The Heavenly Profound Realm cultivator uses them. How can they be low-level Magic Artifacts?

Most of them are high-end, even top grade Magic Artifact.

If you tell this story, I’m afraid I don’t know how many Nine Realms cultivator eyes will be shocked.

Now Song Qingyi’s collection of each of them, even the Great Sect Old Ancestor, may not be able to catch up.

And just when everyone returned with a full load, suddenly, among 10,000 Li Solitary Grave, an abnormality happened.

Just listen to the sound of “bang!”

There was a movement that stunned the sky. Everyone saw that in the northernmost area of ​​10,000 Li Solitary Grave, an invincible aura was revealed at this time, endless rays of light rushing into the sky, terrifying!

“My mother, what’s the matter!”

“It’s horrible, that aura, I feel like I’m going to be torn apart so far. There is still such a terrifying existence for 10,000 Li Solitary Grave?”

“Is it possible that is True God powerhouse? No, True God powerhouse may not have such a terrifying breath! Who is this?”

Wang Xian and the others were frightened and said one after another.

At the beginning, when they were facing the Supreme Old Ancestor of Yellow Springs Sect, an old True God powerhouse, they never felt such a horrible atmosphere when they were in the ancient city of 9 songs.

It seems that compared with the aura just now, what Lin Di, what True God is weak!

The hearts of everyone were horrified, and a bold idea appeared in their hearts.

is it possible that, among 10,000 Li Solitary Grave, there are characters above True God!

However, such a character was born at this time, and everyone could not imagine what they would encounter next in this 10,000 Li Solitary Grave.

is it possible that, is it necessary to meet with that kind of power?

Song Qingyi They just thought about it, and they all felt a burst of scalp exploding.

A breath away from ten thousand li has already made them feel torn apart. If they encounter it, I am afraid that they can kill these people with just one look!

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