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Among the crowd, the old man holding the silver cup was surrounded by everyone, and almost everyone had a divine light in their eyes.

Dreaming of being chosen by this old man, becoming Heaven’s Chosen Son, following the big brother into Divine Sect, stepping heavenly ascension, and then heaven defying and changing his life.

However, dreams are beautiful, but reality is very cruel.

The look of these people scrambling, but the old man faintly shook the head, indicating that none of these people is the person he wants to find.

And the old man observes everyone by the same standard, looking at their eyes, but in the end, his face finally showed disappointment.

It is a pity that none of them qualified.

“Ai, it seems that none of us was selected.”

“I really don’t know what kind of person the Senior is looking for. There are so many people here, and there is not one qualified. This is too demanding.”

“I see, the old man just came out to tease me and waited idly. He simply didn’t come to find the destined person. Otherwise, how can he just glance at the person when he chooses, without asking even a question?”

“Shhh, you can’t talk nonsense about this. Have you forgotten the lessons learned by the little god son?”

Among the crowd, no one was picked by Senior. Immediately, it was like pouring a drop of water into a hot oil pan, and the crowd immediately became agitated.

However, no matter what they say, the old man is always like that. The one who should shake his head is still shaking his head, and none of them caught his eye.

At the same time, Wang Xian was also squeezed among the crowd. He still didn’t understand what his Young Master meant by letting him try one’s luck.

Looking at the old man now, none of them has chosen one.

Wang Xian asked himself, his cultivation base is not the highest among them. In terms of innate talent, the talent of 1000 gods is high enough.

South Sea 1000 God Island is a genius who was born in 1000 years.

Even such a person is not liked by this Senior. Isn’t it okay to come by yourself?

The people here are far better than himself, and Wang Xian has no hope of him at all.

It should be just a cutscene.

Wang Xian comforted himself so, and then he just walked along the crowd line moved towards the middle.

“Senior, look at me, I am 19 years old this year, the cultivation base has reached 5000 4 Hundred Cauldron Realm, and I also conquer the flames, and now I have conquered 3 kinds of flames, I am definitely the destined person you are looking for! If you don’t believe me, I will show it to you.”

The youngster in front of Wang Xian stretched out a hand like a juggler at this time. At this time, there were 3 different colors of flames surging at his fingertips like running water.

Even Wang Xian couldn’t bear to bear with wide eyes.

This person is simply Tianzong genius!

I don’t know what method was used to be able to be compatible with 3 different flames within the body, which is really terrifying.

However, even in the face of such a genius, the Senior only glanced at him diagonally, then calmly shook his head.

“It’s a pity, your juggling is good, but it’s still not the destined person I was looking for.”

The old man still refused.

But at this youngster hearing this, his neck was flushed, and he was obviously very angry.

People who couldn’t accept their genius for a while were rejected, and immediately, I saw him shouted with arms akimbo.

“What, you actually said that my strange fire is juggling? Well, Old Guy, you remember, prosperity and decline never last, do not bully extremely the youngster!”

“Let’s go, let’s go, no destiny is no destiny!”

Senior wasn’t too lazy to talk to this juggler, waved his hand, turned him aside, and looked at Wang Xian who was behind him.

Wang Xian was a little nervous at this time, because the person in front of him was an old man who didn’t know the depth. Although he was just trying one’s luck, Wang Xian’s heart was still sweating at this moment.

“Youngster, how old are you this year?”

Senior looked at Wang Xian, this time, he actually asked a rare question.

Wang Xian was a little flattered, and said quickly: “I, I am 17 years old this year.”

“You practice spear?”

“Senior, you, how do you see it?”

Wang Xianda startedled, as if he had never revealed his weapon since at first.

How does this Senior know that he is practicing spear?

is it possible that he has seen himself before?

As soon as this speculation appeared in Wang Xian’s mind, he immediately rejected it.

Impossible, I have never left in Great Zhou City before. At that time, Wang Xian was just a poor fellow, and it was impossible to contact this old man.

Faced with Wang Xian’s surprise, the old man laughed heartily: “Eyes are the windows of a person’s soul. Sometimes, a person’s eyes can see a lot of things.”

“Then Old Mister, how did you tell that I was practicing spear?” Wang Xian touched his head, still a little bit unsure.

“In your eyes, they are clear, transparent, and have a vigor, which other people don’t have. They are very similar to spear, press forward, until death. This kind of look is not available to people who cultivation other weapons. Moreover, your Movement Art and body shape, from the moment you first walked in front of me, I can see that you are definitely a spear genius.”

Senior slowly said: “You have a fate with me, youngster, would you like to pick up my Legacy? Spear Art inheritance of my body?”

When Wang Xian heard the old man’s words, he was shocked immediately.

Some even suspect that I have heard it wrong.

Is this destined to yourself?

inheritance Legacy?

Before that, Wang Xian didn’t expect that he would actually succeed, because his original idea was that that many people were rejected, and that’s all.

But didn’t expect, this one of my own cutscenes, actually was really favored by this Senior.

However, with such an opportunity in front of him, Wang Xian had no reason to refuse. At the moment, he knelt down directly when he saw him.

“Disciple Wang Xian, I have seen Teacher!”

“Good! Good! Good! I can’t imagine that I will find such an excellent heir 7 million years after Lin Zhanyun’s death. God treats Lin as not so bad! Disciple, this silver cup will be given to you today, I hope you will comprehend the profound mystery, I will pass on my Legacy in the future, I need to know and don’t fall my reputation!”

Senior held his right hand, and the silver cup was immediately moved towards Wang Xian’s hand. After speaking, he moved towards another direction and took a look. It was also moved towards Gu Zhun nodded. Then, in front of everyone, it turned into one The light spot fell into the silver cup, disappeared.

At this moment, Wang Xian was holding the silver cup in his hand, and when he looked up, the Senior just disappeared out of thin air, which immediately made Wang Xian dumbfounded.

Before I understood what was going on, Gu Zhun walked over slowly at this moment.

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