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Faced with the palm of the 1000 Shenfu 100 Dan cultivator, many people from a distance could not help but lift their hearts to their throats, sweating for Gu Zhun.

However, at this time, Gu Zhun still looked calm and natural. He smiled and watched the palm moved towards himself, but he didn’t even move at all.

Such a scene immediately made many people dumbfounded.

What is this kid doing?

Still not avoiding?

is it possible that in courting death?

This is not a palm of any cat any dog, but the full palm of a 100 Dan cultivator. Just imagine, a 100 Dan cultivator’s full palm is enough to shake the sky and the earth, and razed a mountain. On the ground, condensed into a move moved towards Gu Zhun Call, so powerful, how terrifying?

But now Gu Zhun is not evasive. In the eyes of other people, what is courting death?

So at this time, many people looked towards Gu Zhun as if they were looking at a fool.

This kid specified that there was a problem with his mind, otherwise, how could he not have a chance to hide?

However, at this moment Gu Zhun is totally disinclined to pay attention to other people’s ideas. At this time, he actually wants to try his Void God body.

Since the Golden Wings Great Peng Art was transferred to the void body refinement within 10,000 Li Solitary Grave to condense the Void God body, Gu Zhun has not tried the formidable power of this Void God body.

At this time, I just borrowed the palm of this 100 Dan cultivator to test my strength.

In the previous life, Gu Zhun did not at all cultivation Divine Physique, because at that time Gu Zhun already had a very powerful physique.

And at that time, he didn’t have the opportunity of this life, he could use the 10,000 Li Solitary Grave in the half pond of ancient holy water to open the 3 Hidden Meridian and condense the Void God body.

To be honest, Gu Zhun has been greedy for such things as Void God for a long time. Now that the cultivation is successful, he has long wanted to try it.

Therefore, Gu Zhun is too late for the palm of the cultivator of the 1000 gods, let alone hiding.

Gu Zhun’s thoughts are naturally only known to him. The cultivator opposite to 1000 God’s Mansion does not know Gu Zhun’s thoughts at this moment. In his eyes, this kid who doesn’t know the name looks like the palm facing him at this moment. Stupefied, staying in place.

From his point of view, this kid was frightened and forgot to hide.

Immediately, the cultivator of the 1000 God’s Mansion was sneaked.

However, he still didn’t mean to keep his hand at all, a palm was still moved towards Gu Zhun and patted over here.

“Dead!” The 300 Cauldron cultivator slapped it with one palm, as if he could see Gu Zhun being slapped with this palm.

But at this time, something unexpected happened.

A 100 Dan cultivator shot Gu Zhun’s palm with all his strength. Not only did it hurt Gu Zhun, he couldn’t even make Gu Zhun back 2 steps. It was like a rock falling into the water without splashing any ripples. Start, such as throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

“How could this happen!” The 1000 God Palace cultivator opposite looked dumbfounded.

Many people around were also shocked.

What’s the matter with this kid’s body!

It’s okay to hard-wire 100 Dan cultivator with one palm!

Is there such a physique in the world?

I really saw a ghost today.

“Boy, what kind of body are you!” The 1000 pill cultivator in 100 God’s Palace shouted. At this moment, his face was full of horror, and he regarded Gu Zhun as the enemy of life, and he stood up.

Cultivation In their realm, there are very few idiots, most of them are smart people.

Looking at such a weird kid, if this 100 Dan cultivator treats him as a weak person, then he will be basically helpless.

But even if the 100 Dan cultivator asked this question, Gu Zhun did not look at him.

At this moment, he took a deep breath.

Just now, the palm of the 1000 people from the God’s Mansion slapped it against Gu Zhun’s Void God body. Gu Zhun could feel that his Void God body completely absorbed the power of this palm at that moment. , Turned into a pure Origin Force into his dantian.

It can be said that the palm of the 100 pill cultivator not only did not cause him any damage, but instead made his Origin Force within the body more abundant.

Is this the Void God body?

Gu Zhun couldn’t help feeling very satisfied.

It really deserves to be the most Peak body refinement cultivation technique in the first echelon of Ancient Era.

In the end, Gu Zhun looked towards the group of people in 1000 God’s Palace again.

Just now I took them to experiment with Divine Physique, which made them jump up until now, and they have already experimented.

Then this group of people has no effect.

Now that you have provoke yourself, let’s get rid of it.

When Gu Zhun’s gaze looked towards the people of 1000 God’s Mansion, at this moment, there was a chill in the heart of that little god son, as if he was being stared at by something terrifying.

Even the two 2 Dan powerhouses in front of him, looking towards Gu Zhun at this time, felt a dangerous aura sweeping towards them.

It made them both unable to bear back 2 steps, staring at this dangerous and weird kid with wide eyes.

“What do you want to do? I tell you, we are 1000 people from the palace!”

The little god child took a few steps back, his eyes looking towards Gu Zhun filled with horror.

Even if he was blocked by 2 1000 Dan cultivators from 100 sacred mansions before him, but I don’t know why, the little god child always felt that even these 2 100 Dan cultivators could not give him the slightest sense of security.

Immediately, the little god child reminded Gu Zhun.

At this time, Gu Zhun was about to speak, at the end of the street, at this time there was another neat footstep.

This is an army, and there is a banner in the army.

The two words “大燕” were written impressively on the flying military flag.

It turned out to be the troops of the Great Yan Dynasty.

They were attracted by the breath of the 1000 Shenfu 100 Dan cultivator just now. At this time, they rushed to see what happened here.

After I came here, I saw a mess in this place, with two people facing each other.

The leader of the army is a woman with short hair and valiant and formidable looking, wearing black dragon scales armor, wearing an azure long sword around her waist, sitting on the back of a white beast.

The woman turned to the ground, cleanly, and under the protection of a group of guards, came to the front of the two men.

Immediately, many onlookers suddenly recognized the origin of this woman’s identity.

It turned out to be the Great Princess of the Great Yan Dynasty.

After the opening of the Myriad Sects Assembly, the monarch of the Great Yan Dynasty raised the guards in the Imperial Capital to the highest alert, and brought back some frontier guards.

Among them, the Great Princess volunteered and led a team to patrol the city.

It didn’t expect this time. By coincidence, when Gu Zhun and the little god child clashed, the Great Princess of Dayan was also in the vicinity.

At this time, as soon as the Your Majesty the Princess came here and looked at the confronting two sides, her face became complicated immediately.

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