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“It’s you again!” At this time, seeing Gu Zhun stepped forward, Wu Tian’s face was very unsightly, because he knew that this person had a very high cultivation base and he was definitely not an opponent, and Gu Zhun had only ridiculed him not long ago. For the face, so of course Wu Tian is not pleasing to Gu Zhun at this time.

“I know that Sire realm is very high, and Wu is not an opponent, but this matter is an internal matter of our Talisman Association. It is awkward to say and has nothing to do with Sire. What is decided now is the future of this girl. The question is, the Sire cultivation base is indeed very high, but it is better not to delay the major event of this girl’s life.”

Wu Tian said with a sneer.

At this time, he finally caught the opportunity, and he just let go of the words, just kicking Gu Zhun aside, telling you clearly, your discipline, our Rune Master Association accepted, you can get out Up.

Facing Wu Tian’s words, Gu Zhun just looked at him with a smile, as if looking at a mentally handicapped person.

And Wu Tian obviously noticed Gu Zhun’s eyes. At this moment, his eyes widened: “Why, am I wrong? Is it possible that Sire thinks that his Rune Dao’s attainments are higher than our President Zhou. ? Even if you give this girl to you, you are just mischievous that’s all.”

“Oh? With that said, your Rune Dao realm is quite tall? How tall is it? Is it that tall for 2 or 3 floors?”

Gu Zhun hearing this smiled even more happily. He has never seen anyone dare to challenge himself, an Ancestral Master, on Rune Dao. After so many years, Wu Tian is still the first one.

“Hmph, to tell you the truth, all the people present, except you and your subordinates, are all Rank 4 magic masters, and our Sir President is also Rank 5 magic masters. What are you? I advise you , Still retreat in the face of difficulties!”

Wu Tian said triumphantly.

In fact, what he said is really right. Now in this test hall, there are no other people besides them Elder and Gu Zhun.

And now Qu Baobao has also passed the assessment of Rank 4 Xuanfu Master, so at this time, there are really only two outsiders Gu Zhun and Lu Zifeng here.

So Wu Tian’s words can barely be counted as rough words!

“Rank 4 Xuan Rune Master, Rank 5 Spirit Rune Master, that’s really good, but to me, it’s nothing.”

“Asshole, it’s a big tone, according to what you said, is it possible that you are still a Rank 6 talisman?”

When Wu Tianyi heard Gu Zhun’s words, he was immediately angry, because Gu Zhun’s words were no longer a big issue, but they were completely ignored.

“Rank 6 Earth Talisman? Really not, but if it is the 7th grade Heavenly Talisman, I can barely get the position of a horseman with a cart.” Gu Zhun said.

“Hmph, I think Sire’s tone is not small, I’m afraid I can’t even make a Rank 4 talisman. After all, it’s just a matter of lip service.”

Wu Tianxiao is gone, because Gu Zhun this hairless brat gets more and more ridiculous.

Even Rank 6’s land talisman looks down upon him, and he bluntly said that even the 7th grade Heavenly Talisman is only worthy of him as a groom here.

So at this time, Wu Tian also regarded him as a clown performing here, even if the simplest Rank 4 Fu Zhuan could not be made.

But at this time, when facing Wu Tian, ​​Gu Zhun started directly.

I saw his finger point in front of him, a golden glow appeared in front of them, and then, Gu Zhun’s finger flicked, the golden glow turned into a golden thread, and an ancient talisman seal appeared before their eyes in the blink of an eye. .

Rank 4, Sky Thunder Symbol!

Heavenly Thunder Talisman, this is the most complex and difficult to draw among Rank 4 talisman seals, it is Rank 4 advanced talisman seal.

It is also an advanced version of the Thunder Fire Talisman used by Qubao.

Among the many talisman Elders present, there were no more than 2 people who could make such a talisman seal.

This is not to mention that there is no need for talisman pen and talisman paper, and it is completely empty.

So after Gu Zhun painted this sky thunder talisman, in the entire test hall, all the Elders, including the ancestors of the heavenly revolution, fell into a dead silence.

Because Gu Zhun showed this hand, it has already shocked them, including the ancestors of the heavenly revolution.

The ancestor himself knows the heavenly revolution better than anyone else. Gu Zhun couldn’t do it by himself. Although he is a Rank 5 talisman, it’s not so easy for him to make a heavenly revolution. It was impossible to complete in a quarter of an hour.

So at this time, the ancestors of the heavenly revolution are sure that this Gu Zhun’s Rune Dao cultivation base is definitely above him.

“expert !”

heavenly revolution ancestor in the heart Dao.

The gaze he looked towards Gu Zhun has also become different. This is definitely an expert.

And it’s still a hidden expert.

If it weren’t for Wu Tian’s step-by-step push, I’m afraid Gu Zhun would have been playing the pig to eat the tiger next to him. Now he was so forced by Wu Tian, ​​the Old Guy, that the real person stood up without showing his face.

Nine Realms are so big, there are so many generations of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

“Ai, Mr. Rune Dao Wushuang, my ancestor of the heavenly revolution is not an opponent, Qu girl, it seems that you and I have no relationship between master and disciple!”

After seeing Gu Zhun’s Rune Dao, the ancestor of the heavenly revolution immediately understood. With Gu Zhun’s knowledge of Rune Dao, I’m afraid he’s beyond his reach, let alone compete with this great character for the discipline. This is definitely Take the thing of throwing an egg at a rock.

So at this time, the ancestors of Heavenly Revolution simply clicked directly and confessed directly. Anyway, losing to such an expert is not ashamed of himself.

But Wu Tian is different. He originally looked at Gu Zhun uncomfortable, thinking that the other party was just a person with a high realm on the cultivation base that’s all, and at best he was a brave and brave man.

There are too many people with a high cultivation base realm in the world, and they have gone to sea more, but he is a Rank 4 mysterious talisman, only a few of the Eastern Wilderness?

So he was very proud at first, but now it’s different. Gu Zhun directly defeated him in the area he was most proud of, and he was defeated vividly and thoroughly, crushing what he was most proud of on the ground. The crumpled kind.

He can actually make Rank 4 talisman, and it is also a Rank 4 advanced talisman like Sky Thunder Talisman.

You know, even Wu Tian can’t do this kind of difficulty!

This Gu Zhun not only made it, but also became a talisman from the void. Even the ancestor of the heavenly revolution directly gave in, and Wu Tian suddenly felt his eyes red.

“Impossible! How is this possible? Fake, it must be fake! You used some means, this is not a sky thunder talisman at all, you can’t fool me! The void becomes a talisman, kid, you lie to the ghost!”

Wu Tian screamed, he immediately lost control, because he could not accept such a blow.

Void into a talisman, this is a legendary technique, Rune Dao inheritance for so many years, few people in the history of Nine Realms have used the void to become a talisman, even if it appeared, it is also a celebrity.

How could it appear in Gu Zhun’s hands? Wu Tian didn’t believe it at this moment. At this moment, the emotions in his heart were also extremely complicated, resentment, jealousy, envy, and mixed together, directly moved towards Gu Zhun and roared.

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