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The leading killer among the 10000 killers sneered at Gu Zhun at this moment.

From what he said, it seemed that they were very clear about Gu Zhun’s information.

If it’s someone else, you’ll definitely be surprised, because how can your own information fall into the hands of outsiders? Even Gu Zhun’s origins from Eastern Wilderness Great Zhou City have been investigated. This is indeed a terrifying thing. Up.

However, Gu Zhun looked disapproving. He was not surprised at all, because he knew too much about the 10000 killings. He knew that if the 10000 killings were to make a move, using the power of this organization to investigate these things, it really was not. What is difficult.

So at this time Gu Zhun just stood in place and laughed, not at all saying anything.

However, these 10000 killers are not wasting time at this moment, because their 10000 killers have always done things neatly.

And they came to Eastern Wilderness this time not only to accept Gu Zhun this task, there are other tasks to complete.

So no matter what Gu Zhun’s attitude is, they just need to kill each other as soon as possible.

At this time, the leading assassin drew his knife to Gu Zhun while asking: “Boy, don’t blame me for not reminding you. Any last words can be said now. Otherwise, just No chance.”

Listening to the words of the leading killer, Gu Zhun also shook the head at this moment: “I advise you again, you are not my opponents, you can go back and forth wherever you go. Go find a few gods or gods, maybe I will be interested in shooting.”

Gu Zhun finally admonished.

The god kill and god kill in his mouth are actually a kind of killer rating of 10000 killers.

Generally speaking, there are 10000 kinds of killers who kill buildings in 5, namely Earthly Profound Yellow.

Among them, the most powerful is the god killer, the cultivation base of god killer is extremely terrifying, in the entire Nine Realms, the god killer of 10000 killers is also very famous.

In the so-called Heavenly Profound Realm, no cultivator can survive.

That is to say, if it is a 10000-killing Heavenly Killer, none of the Heavenly Profound Realm cultivators in Nine Realms can survive the assassination from Heavenly Killer’s hands.

Since the Ancient period, there have been too many people in Nine Realms who are curious about the organization of 10000 slaughterhouses. Many people are speculating about the strength of the 10000 slaughterhouse.

Because the killer who claims to kill all Heavenly Profound Realm is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

In the end, after many years of discussion, Nine Realms finally got a statement that the 10000-killing goddess is the power of True God level.

It is a cultivator on the Heavenly Profound Realm, and because of this, every time a Heavenly Killer takes action, there is no problem.

However, Gu Zhun knows that, in fact, the 10000 killer is the only cultivation base of the Heavenly Profound Realm.

The reason why these gods can kill all Heavenly Profound cultivators in Nine Realms is because they have mastered a very special hiding technique and assassination technique.

So it can be invincible at the same level.

Correspondingly, above the Heavenly Kill, there is another level, that is, the God Killer of 10000 Killers.

In each generation of 10000 killings, there will always be only one god killer, that is, the uncrowned king selected from all the gods, who claims to be able to kill the existence of True God.

And the success rate is above 70%.

This is definitely an extremely terrifying existence.

Every True God can be said to be the invincible generation of the current world, and can be 70% sure to assassinate True God, which is very terrifying existence within Nine Realms.

Therefore, even now, there are still people in Nine Realms who are questioning whether there is a killer at the level of God Killing in the 10000 Killing Building. It is not clear to others, but Gu Zhun is very clear.

God kills, it does exist.

And every realm in Nine Realms has a god killer stationed there.

It’s just that it’s very costly to ask the gods to take action. Under normal circumstances, the power of the gods’ level will not be taken for a few 10000 years.

Even if a True God wants to invite a god killer, it will be ruined.

Therefore, it can be seen that if you want to ask a mighty killer to take action, the price you have to pay is so great.

Regarding Gu Zhun’s words, the leader of the 10000 slaughterer did not at all pay attention to it. Instead, he was sneaked. He directly plundered the knife and moved towards Gu Zhun to kill here: “Arrogant kid, against you, we are enough to kill!”

After the mysterious kill leader finished speaking, the whole person seemed to have escaped into the darkness and disappeared.

At the same time, the mysterious kill assassins in several other directions were the same, and they all disappeared at this moment.

When the next moment appeared again, it was directly within 3 meters of Gu Zhun’s side.

A dozen black knives showing off one’s ability, moved towards Gu Zhun’s neck.

But at this moment, Gu Zhun was not in a hurry, he did not move.

The mysterious kill leader was taken aback immediately.

Not normal, too abnormal!

Please report that Gu Zhun’s cultivation base should be in the Earthly Profound Realm. It is very likely to be in the Origin Core Realm world. Therefore, ten mysterious killers will be sent out for 10000 killers.

But at the moment they shot, this Gu Zhun didn’t even move, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Such a sight is too abnormal in the eyes of these 10000 assassins who killed buildings.

Because please report to Gu Zhun. Although the cultivation base only fluctuates on Earthly Profound, from the perspective of his previous record, being able to repel True God is definitely a difficult opponent.

Originally, this mysterious killer leader was ready, and he had to go through a bitter struggle.

But this kid didn’t expect even to resist.

If something goes wrong, it will be a demon. At this moment, the mysterious kill leader suddenly felt that something was wrong.

But at this time he felt that it was already too late.

Because, next moment, a sword light passed by, an incredible look appeared in the eyes of the mysterious killer.

Then, soon, he saw the lower half of his body. After a while, the mysterious killer leader who was still very confident was cut in half.

The other mysterious kills are the same, none of them escaped, as if in this brief moment, this a sword light is the most terrifying existence in the world.

Each and everyone was chopped up like a watermelon, and fell to the ground feebly 3 meters away from Gu Zhun.

Seeing this, Gu Zhun also had no choice but to shook the head, seeming to say to himself: “Look, I have said that you will not be my opponents. If you don’t listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you.”

After Gu Zhun finished speaking, his eyes were moved towards another dark corner. From there, a silhouette came out.

He respectfully came to Gu Zhun’s side and stood quietly. After that, he said nothing.

This person is Lu Zifeng.

Originally, Gu Zhun kept him in the Talisman Association, but how terrifying is Lu Zifeng’s cultivation base?

A few 10,000,000 years ago, he entered the existence of the True God realm. The moment when these 10000-killing mysterious killers appeared in Imperial Capital, Lu Zifeng had already sensed it, so he rushed over as soon as possible and directly took these Xuan Sha solved it in one breath.

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