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After a while, Gu Zhun sat on the bed and put the dragon-shaped jade pendant on his neck. Then he calmed down and started to absorb it.

Human cultivation, in the final analysis, is like an egg, an eggshell is like Nine Realms, and a chicken is like Primal Chaos.

Human Body is immersed in Primal Chaos to absorb Spirit Qi between Heaven and Earth into Dantian essence storage place.

Essence Qi gushes out and rushes towards Dao Palace 5 dirty, conceiving 5 gods.

Extend to the 4 limbs, connect to the extremes of Heaven and Earth, touch Heaven and Earth with 4 limbs, and converge on the dragon pillar of the spine, such as the Human Body bow.

Dragon Transformation came out, rushing to the bullfight, and the dragon traveled to Nine Heavens, and went straight to the 100 guild caves above the head of Immortal Platform, the home of the soul, casting the foundation of immortality.

Human Body is like a constantly working machine. Spirit Qi is like the energy that drives the machine. The more Spirit Qi it absorbs, the more the machine can multiply and store, and the more effective it will be.

At this moment, Gu Zhun’s body has been cultivated by him to a terrifying realm, then the current Gu Zhun within the body presents such a situation.

It’s like a big tank, but there are only a few drops of water in it.

The average person has a lot of Spirit Qi within the body, and the body is too weak to bear Spirit Qi, so they must first cultivation and breakthrough before they can swallow more Spirit Qi.

But Gu Zhun is completely the opposite. His body is too strong. Instead, he didn’t swallow Spirit Qi, resulting in thinness within the body Spirit Qi. So now he has only one thing to do, devour Spirit Qi crazily, and then constantly break through realm. The world will do.

During this period, Gu Zhun did not say anything about bottleneck.

So next, he fell into a crazy breakthrough.

The Spirit Qi and Immortal Qi in the dragon-shaped jade pendant have reached a terrifying load, which is incalculable by the cultivator in Nine Realms. After a while, the number of Gu Zhun within the body Divine Cauldron begins Grow crazy.

From the original Shiding, to the later 300 Cauldron, to Thousand Cauldron, Ten Thousand Cauldron!

One after another, the broken mirror aura appeared, and Gu Zhun felt that his within the body also had a continuously surging force.

Soon, reaching the Ten Thousand Realm, his Blood Cauldron within the body also reached a terrifying 90000 9,999 seats.

This is a scary number.

The general Nine Realms cultivator, in the Cauldron Power Realm, will never stay for such a long time to develop so many Divine Cauldron.

The general Ten Thousand Cauldron cultivator actually refers to the person who condenses a Ten Thousand Cauldron within the body.

In fact, this is far from the limit that a cultivator can carry.

One Ten Thousand Cauldron upwards, there is a higher realm, within the body can carry more Divine Cauldron.

It is a pity that 90% of cultivators will not choose to continue cultivation in Cauldron Power Realm because they feel that this is a waste of time.

There is such a rule in Nine Realms.

Divine Cauldron, the cultivator within the body, has the background to impact Origin Sea Realm as long as it reaches 10000 tripods. At the same time, it is also the easiest way to break through Origin Sea Realm.

Conversely, if you choose not to break through during a Ten Thousand Realm, but to continue Cauldron Forming, then every time you produce a Divine Cauldron, you will have more difficulties in breaking through Origin Sea Realm in the future.

Legend has it that someone once condensed 40000 Divine Cauldrons in Cauldron Power Realm. It can be said that the perseverance is surprising, and he has become the uncrowned king of Cauldron Power Realm under Origin Sea. No one can do Cauldron Power Realm cultivator. Rival him.

But what is regrettable in the end is that this person has too many Divine Cauldrons within the body, which will lead to the failure to successfully enter the Origin Sea Realm in the next 10000 years. In the end, he is depressed directly because he cannot break through for a long time.

Therefore, after this person, many cultivators in Nine Realms will not condense more Divine Cauldron ideas in Cauldron Power Realm, and they will directly break through Origin Sea Realm when they are in Ten Thousand Cauldron.

First, it was for insurance. Second, I was watching everyone around me break through to Origin Sea Realm. I was naturally anxious, for fear of lagging behind others.

So over time, in the current Nine Realms, very few people even spend time in the realm of Cauldron Power Realm.

However, Gu Zhun is different. He is a reborn person, and he knows every cultivation realm too well in his previous life.

He knows that Cauldron Power Realm is also the most critical link. In his previous life, he condensed 70000 7700 77 Divine Cauldrons in Cauldron Power Realm, and then broke through Origin Sea Realm. Even then, when he was Breakthrough Origin Sea, became the uncrowned king of Origin Sea Realm.

You can even leapfrog and kill Origin Core cultivator, disregarding all the cultivators of Nine Realms.

Therefore, he knew how important the realm of Cauldron Power Realm is to the future of a cultivator.

Maybe others don’t care, but he can’t care less.

In this life, his opponent is Old Thief Heaven, so Gu Zhun also strives to reach an extreme in every realm.

Therefore, at this moment, his within the body also condenses 90000 9,999 Blood Cauldrons at once.

Among them, the energy contained in each Blood Cauldron is 10000 times that of the ordinary Divine Cauldron, which can be described as terrifying.

In other words, now Gu Zhun is standing here, I am afraid it is a Great Desolate giant beast.

Having absorbed such a huge amount of energy, Gu Zhun looked towards the dragon-shaped jade pendant on his neck. At this moment, the consumption of this jade pendant is only one hair from nine oxen.

So next, Gu Zhun also continued cultivation.

The number of Divine Cauldrons within the body has now reached a limit. Gu Zhun is still a little dissatisfied with this, because he does not know why, but he still feels that 90000 9,999 Divine Cauldrons are not the realm of the realm of Cauldron Power Realm. .

He always has a feeling that above the 90000 9,999 Divine Cauldrons, there seems to be a limit that has not yet been exploited.

Therefore, Gu Zhun has not chosen breakthrough Origin Sea Realm, but is still exploring and unearthing.

One day, two days …

From this day on, several days have passed, Gu Zhun has always been in the Talisman’s Association and has been closed in this way. During this period, Lu Zifeng followed closely guarding Gu Zhun’s door. He seemed to have become a Nine Realms’ most loyal guard, guarding the gate of Gu Zhun.

Even if it was the ancestor of the heavenly revolution of the Talisman Association, Chairman Zhou came, and was directly driven out of the courtyard by Lu Zifeng, not allowing anyone to approach him.

And the President Zhou of the Talisman Association naturally did not dare to make any criticisms.

Because he is a smart person, he knew that the terrifying of Lu Zifeng in front of him was just a face-to-face, and a look made the ancestor of Heavenly Revolution feel the horror of this person.

It was not something he could provoke, and even the entire Talisman Association would not necessarily provoke this master.

Therefore, the ancestor of the heavenly revolution was very respectful to Lu Zifeng, and didn’t dare to neglect anything, so he left here directly and didn’t bother.

He also told everyone in the Talisman Association that no one could approach his small courtyard before this Senior Gu had left the customs!

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