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The opening of the eyes of the ancient Buddha is a very terrifying thing.

At this time, everyone can perceive that just the ancient Buddha opened his eyes, and the air all around seemed to have a shock, as if an inexplicable coercion was suppressed, making many people feel I feel a little difficult to breathe.

Just a line of sight has such a formidable power, which immediately makes some onlookers feel shocked.

The cultivation base of this ancient Buddha is really deep and unmeasurable, maybe it is beyond the existence of True God.

Facing such an ancient Buddha, is it possible that Ominous Person is an opponent?

Many people are worried about it.

At this time, the ancient Buddha eyes opened, and the first thing is to turn his attention to those Venerables.

At this moment, the ancient Buddha said, “What is disturbing?”

“The ancestor, the disciple has no intention of disturbing it, just because in the Great Yan Dynasty Imperial Capital, I met a fanatic who extorted 200000000 million Spirit Stone from us on Pure Buddha Island. Nowadays, several senior and junior brothers have been sold to this person. , The disciplines are unable to fight, so the ancestor of summon, please call the master for us!”

These Venerables complained to their ancient Buddha at this time, and they also told the ancient Buddha again to add fuel to the truth.

When they were talking, Gu Zhun didn’t make any movement at this time, but looked at them quietly.

Sure enough, after these Venerables finished speaking, the ancient Buddha’s face finally set off a ripple.

“It turned out to be like this. People who dare to blackmail me from Pure Buddha Island are hard to find in Nine Realms. It seems to be an interesting person too. Where is this person?”

This ancient Buddha Dao.

Listening to the words of this ancient Buddha, those Venerables looked towards Gu Zhun with a kind of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Boy, this time is your turn of bad luck!

The faces of these Venerables were so smug that they almost laughed directly.

However, to their surprise, Gu Zhun at this moment, facing the ancient Buddha’s gaze, did not even escape, but greeted him, “Hey, the young one came, and the old one came, why? Do you have any objections to the cost of the 200000000 Spirit Stone of Pure Buddha Island?”

Gu Zhun said at this time.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the ancient Buddha in the sky.

The eyes of this ancient Buddha at first were a bit angry. He looked at Gu Zhun as if he wanted to do it at any time, but when he looked down, the more he felt Gu Zhun’s eyes were familiar.

Until the end, he seemed to have discovered something. In the end, he seemed to see a person’s shadow from Gu Zhun’s eyes.

In the end, this ancient Buddha complexion was greatly changed, as if he was shocked by something, shouted loudly, “It’s you! Impossible! How could it be? How could you be here! You are not…”

The ancient Buddha almost exclaimed.

This is unbelievable in the eyes of outsiders, because at this time, in their eyes, it is as if the ancient Buddha had been frightened. Seeing Gu Zhun was like seeing a ghost.

Immediately, many people looked at the expression of this ancient Buddha and sighed in their hearts.

This Ominous Person is the Ominous Person!

No matter who it is, even if an ancient Buddha is here, he will be terrified.

Look at what scared the ancient Buddha.

“It’s really hard for you. After so many years, you still recognize me. So, for the sake of acquaintances, I won’t make it difficult for you. Today I will let your people go. Within ten days, I Bring me the Spirit Stone you want, otherwise, I will visit your Pure Buddha Island in person, how about?”

“My lord, why are you doing this? To embarrass a group of juniors, as you are, there is no shortage of money.”

At this time, the ancient Buddha had a wry smile on his face.

If it was someone else, then this ancient Buddha would definitely not even think about it. He slapped it directly with a slap. Whether it was who, if he dared to blackmail him on his head, it would be the old birthday star hanging himself, pure courting death.

But when this person was Gu Zhun, the ancient Buddha would not dare to do that.

Don’t say he dare not. Even if you give him ten more courage, he will not dare. At the beginning, Pure Buddha Island was powerful enough a few 10,000,000 years ago. Nine Realms is always one of the top two. Why is it mixed now? It’s so miserable, is it hiding in such a remote place?

It’s because of offending this one.

Now Gu Zhun is blackmailing them. They can’t give it to Pure Buddha Island, but 200000000 million Spirit Stone is too much. Pure Buddha Island can get it out, but the problem is that they are reluctant to get it out.

Of course, this ancient Buddha was reluctant to take it out, so this time I also talked to Gu Zhun.

But the question is, is Gu Zhun the kind of reasonable person?

The answer is: no!

Not at all!

If Gu Zhun had all reasoned, there would be no reasonable people that day!

Gu Zhun doesn’t care about that many at this time. I don’t care who you are. It’s only for the sake of an old friend to make it easy for you. I love it, don’t let it go!

It’s just that you guys from Pure Buddha Island are going to be detained.

“Stop talking nonsense, since you know who I am, you know what my personality is like, and reason with me, it seems that you brat’s memory is not good enough, and this little money may be better for others than fortune, but for For Pure Buddha Island, it’s a small amount of money. Don’t think that Laozi doesn’t know how much wealth you have accumulated on Pure Buddha Island for so many years. Do you think I don’t understand your little urine? Give me the money as soon as possible, otherwise If I do, Laozi will personally visit your Pure Buddha Island when I get my hands free. At that time, it’s not a matter of money!”

Gu Zhun was not polite at this time, and said directly to Zhangkou.

After Gu Zhun finished speaking, when the ancient Buddha heard Gu Zhun’s words, especially the second half of the sentence, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have really seen a ghost, and said quickly, “Good, good, give it, we give it! 200000000 Spirit Stone, delivered within ten days, Sire 10,000,000 don’t come to our Pure Buddha Island, you bastards , Don’t go back with me yet!”

After the ancient Buddha finished speaking, he waved his hand and left here with those Venerables of Pure Buddha Island.

At this time, Gu Zhun watched them leave without stopping, because he knew that the people from Pure Buddha Island would definitely send him the money, because they were more unwilling to Gu Zhun to go to them than anyone else. trip.

Therefore, at this time, he is absolutely assured of the people of Pure Buddha Island, the monk can run away, but the temple won’t run with him, he is not in a hurry.

Besides, he was anxious that the people from Pure Buddha Island would not send him the ransom. It would be even better if he breached the contract. He would have reason to go to Pure Buddha Island and take a trip to Pure Buddha Island and take all the things he hadn’t obtained before. Getting it in hand is simply the beauty of one move, two gains.

So at this time, Gu Zhun just let go of those Venerables.

However, after that, he cast his gaze on another person, that is, the Lord of the 1000 God’s Mansion!

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