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Gu Zhun’s conjecture is indeed correct. After this incident, the life of the little god son can be said to be getting worse and worse.

In order to redeem him, 1000 Shenfu paid a very painful price, and also used a great favor of Pure Buddha Island. Not only that, the treasure of the 1000 Shenfu town was also because of this little god. of.

It is conceivable that so much price was exchanged for a little god child, even if the little god child returns to the 1000 God’s Mansion in the future, the treatment will not be as good as before.

Because 1000 Shenfu is not a fool after all, a Sect can inherit until now, there must be smart people.

What they want to cultivate is the elite who can support the future heir of a Sect in the future, instead of nurturing a fool who will cause trouble everywhere, and the destruction of the future Sect is in the hands of this person.

After this incident, the status of the little god in the 1000 God’s Palace dropped drastically, and within a few years he was excluded from the marginal figure. The 1000 God’s Palace also directly removed this person 2 months after the incident. The position of the little god child was removed, and another Heaven’s Chosen took the stage.

Although the cultivation potential of this Heaven’s Chosen is not at all, this little god child is high, but fortunately, this man is a smart man, and he is very smooth in the world. The cultivation base and so on can be discussed separately. Now the lord of the 1000 god house But understood, what is most needed for a Sect inheritance is a talent who can lead Sect.

Such talents are much more precious than a cultivation genius.

Therefore, after the little god child returned from the Great Yan Dynasty, life must be difficult.

On the contrary, after this incident, Gu Zhun left the Imperial Capital of Great Yan Dynasty and headed towards Great Zhou City.

Before leaving Imperial Capital, the presidents of the Talisman Association and Elder were earnest and well-meant advised to keep Gu Zhun, but how come Gu Zhun doesn’t know what they’re playing? .

But this time, Gu Zhun has no emotion at all.

Are you kidding me, this girl is my own discipline, and is not a member of your Rune Master Association. I can take her away whenever he wants to.

Leading Qu Baobao directly out of the gate of the Talisman Association, Gu Zhun took out a streamer boat and left here in a fairy boat.

In this regard, no one from the Talisman Association dared to stop it.

Some time ago, I saw the power of Gu Zhun. Not only did he have the ability to instantaneously become a talisman, even the Venerable teamwork and an ancient Buddha of Pure Buddha Island were not his opponents.

Even if the entire Talisman Association is hollowed out, who is his opponent?

Therefore, at this time, Gu Zhun wanted to leave, and they did not dare to stop.

As for Qu Baobao’s grandfather Qushan, he is even more impossible to stop him.

Because he was like a mirror in his heart, knowing whose granddaughter was able to make this step today, and he also knew that the ancestor of the heavenly revolution had several brushes, which were not much higher than him.

But that Mr. Gu is different. He has seen his magical Qushan with his own eyes.

As the grandfather of Qu Baobao, he certainly hopes that his granddaughter will have a better future, so of course he will not stop Gu Zhun from taking Qu Baobao away.

Seeing such a scene, the President Zhou could only stare, and there was no way.

Maybe, this is fate!

Such a genius is destined not to be possessed by their Talisman Association.

“President, are you sure you don’t stop it?”

At this time, several Elders from the Talisman Association were anxious and asked about the ancestor of the heavenly revolution.

They are also anxious. The innate talent of Qu Baobao on Rune Dao realm is obvious to all. At the age of 9 years old can reach the realm of Rank 4 Xuanfushi, which is very scary.

Enough to be called a Rune Dao genius who will not be born in 10000 years.

The Talisman Association has never heard of it for so many years, such a good seedling, can’t just let it go!

You know, by comparison, when they were 9 years old, they all played in the mud at home, and they hadn’t even heard of what Fu Zhuan was.

Therefore, these Elders are of course anxious.

But after what they said, the ancestor of Heavenly Revolution shook his head. He had already figured it out, “Forget it, forget it, let’s go back. Such a talent, the shallow pool of our Talisman Association, is destined to be unable to support it. , Are they all gone, isn’t there a saying, “I’m lucky, I lose my life?”

The ancestor waved his hands and said.

Listening to what he said, the Elders of these runemaster associations were also sighed, and then left dejectedly.

On the other side, after Gu Zhun left the Imperial Capital of the Great Yan Dynasty, they have been driving within Eastern Wilderness.

“Young Master, where are we going?”

Mei Suqin came behind Gu Zhun at this time, made a pot of tea for him, and asked.

“Go to the Divine Red Clouds case.”

Gu Zhun looked at the sea of ​​clouds, slowly said.

Mei Suqin hearing this nodded, she thought her Young Master was going to Heavenly Eye Sect, didn’t expect to go to Heavenly Eye Sect, but to Divine Red Clouds.

However, immediately, Mei Suqin reacted.

its not right!

What is the Young Master doing in Divine Red Clouds?

That is a 1st Rate female repair Sect of Eastern Wilderness. I have never heard of it before. What is the relationship between my Young Master and Divine Red Clouds?

So with this curiosity, Mei Suqin asked, “Young Master, what are we going to do in Divine Red Clouds? Do people in Divine Red Clouds also owe you something?”

After all, there are 9 Qu Ancient Town and Dayan Imperial Capital first, so Mei Suqin inevitably thought of this, because before Gu Zhun had been blackmailing a lot of Sect.

So at this time Gu Zhun is going to Divine Red Clouds. It is inevitable that Mei Suqin thought of this.

Gu Zhun listened to Mei Suqin’s words, just glanced at her, and immediately disabled to bear nodded, jokingly said, “Yes, but Divine Red Clouds owes me not a thing, but a person!”

“A person?”

Originally, Mei Suqin was not very confused, but now Gu Zhun said that, she was completely confused.

What is this nonsense?

So what did Divine Red Clouds do?

Why do you owe your own Young Master alone?

Seeing Mei Suqin’s bewildered look, Gu Zhun immediately said slowly, “A few years ago, my parents ordered a baby kiss for me. The woman is the chief custodian of Divine Red Clouds. It’s been so long, of course I have to go to the Divine Red Clouds sect to see, how can I say, I have to get a wife back.”

Gu Zhun said.

Mei Suqin suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the same thing!

But she had heard of this a long time ago. At that time, she was still an Outer Disciple of Heavenly Eye Sect, and Divine Red Clouds was the 1st Rate Sect of Eastern Wilderness Peak. A few years ago, it seemed that this was true. One thing was that Shang Guanyue from the Divine Red Clouds sect married an unknown family child.

Back then, there was a great uproar over this incident, but as time passed, this incident was gradually forgotten.

Now that Gu Zhun mentioned it, Mei Suqin only remembered this, but she didn’t expect that the person who had made a relationship with Divine Red Clouds was actually her Young Master.

This is really a surprise!

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