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In Nine Realms, Dao soldiers are scarce, which is a thing recognized by people.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this that the power of Taoist soldiers is difficult for many people to understand.

A Taoist soldier can truly crush mountains and rivers and turbulent seas. It is a terrifying weapon.

Although the piece in the hands of the Black Bear King is not a Taoist soldier, after so many years of tempering and tempering, it has also reached a very terrifying point. Although it is not a Taoist soldier, it has infinitely approached low. grade Dao Bing.

So the formidable power of the Wolf Tooth Club in the hands of the Black Bear King is extremely captivating.

Naked eye can be seen, even if it is waving at will, it will be black and wind, flying sand running stone.

At this moment, in the hands of the Black Bear King, this Wolf Tooth Club has exerted the most powerful formidable power. At this moment, this Black Bear King moved towards Big Black Second Black. This time, it has an absolute foundation. Yes, because all its Life Source weapons have been taken out, there is no reason why Big Black Second Black cannot be defeated.

While Big Black and Second Black watched the Black Bear King waving the Wolf Tooth Club at this time, they also had a palpitation. They knew that this Wolf Tooth Club was definitely not an Ordinary Weapon, so they immediately responded to the next moment.

A piece of dragon mouth, two pearls were spit out by them. These two pearls are extremely round and round, and on the outside of the beads, they also exude a faint golden light.

2 pearls are the same, but the only difference is that the pearl that Big Black spit out, inside the bead, is flowing a blue mist, sometimes a hint of Extreme Cold breathe out.

As for the Second Black, inside the bead is a blazing flame, burning aura, surging wantonly.

These 2 pearls are not recognized by ordinary people, but if they are knowledgeable people, they will recognize these 2 pearls at a glance, because these 2 pearls are also the legendary Dragon Bead.

For ordinary Monster Beasts, they will choose something on their body to refine Life Source weapons, but this approach is something that some low-level Monster Beasts will do. For some Bloodline noble Monster Beasts That said, there is no need at all, because the things on their bodies don’t need to be refined at all, they can be used directly after they are taken out.

One example is the Legendary Phoenix’s Life Source real weapon, which is the Phoenix fire in their belly. It is known as one of the most powerful flames in Nine Realms. It can smelt overwhelming majority weapons with just one bite. Therefore, Phoenix Race never What Life Source real tools are refined, because their own flame is the strongest weapon!

For example, Golden Wings Great Peng and Golden Wings Great Peng are also like this. They never need to refine any Life Source real tools, because their feathers are the most powerful weapons and the strongest weapons in the world, so for Golden Wings Great For Peng, if they attack, their claws and feathers are enough.

And True Dragon Race, their weapon is Dragon Bead.

Dragon Bead!

It is something that an orthodox Dragon Race can have, and it is also the most recognizable thing. Only a Dragon Race with sufficient bloodline purity can have a Dragon Bead.

The power of Dragon Bead is obvious.

The two Big Black Second Black, not to mention, inherited from the Dragon Bead of the Dragon King, just released some aura. The pressure on the Bloodline itself has made it impossible for more than 2% of the Ominous Beast nearby to climb. Woke up.

Because Big Black and Second Black cultivation are based on Yin-Yang Reincarnation Dragon Transformation Scripture, their Dragon Beads are also complementary to each other, just like now, after these 2 Dragon Beads are swallowed out, they also seem to become 2 Yin- Yang is like a fish, fuse together, becoming a complete Yin-Yang blue and red Tai Chi bead.

Moved towards the black bear king at a terrifying speed and hit the past.

The Black Bear King saw two Dragon Beads ramming towards it. The breath also made the Black Bear King’s heart tremble, because in the final analysis, True Dragon Race almost ruled the entire Monster Beast world in ancient times, so Bloodline The coercion of Shang itself has already made the Black Bear King very uncomfortable, and at this time he will encounter the original Dragon Bead attack.

The Black Bear King is still a Monster Beast whose bloodline is not so high, so it is normal for him to tremble at this time.

But now that the arrow is on the string, I have to send it.

Moreover, the Dragon Bead is not far away from it now, with a distance of no more than 100 ten meters at most, and now I want to escape, and there is not enough time.

no way!

Fight it!

Isn’t it Dragon Race?

True Dragon has disappeared. How many years have passed. Dragon Race has fallen. What is still circulating now is, at best, some rumors about true Dragon Race that’s all. No one has seen a true True Dragon, 10000 a True Dragon and so on not at all legendary So powerful?

The Black Bear King was ready to fight his last stand, while comforting himself in his heart.

Randomly, it picked up the Wolf Tooth Club in its hand, moved towards that Yin-Yang Dragon Bead and smashed it past.


The collision between Dragon Bead and Wolf Tooth Club caused huge waves of battle to spread.

Suddenly, a wave of air hit, and the terrifying sound shock caused many Monster Beasts to be scratched, and even some Monster Beasts with a lower cultivation base were shaken to death on the spot, causing bleeding from their 7 orifices.

It can be seen that the attack between the two is more terrifying.

No way, who made this a True God level battle?

At the next moment, after the Wolf Tooth Club in the hands of the Black Bear King collided with the Dragon Bead of Big Black Second Black, the Black Bear King’s bear paw also slammed, feeling a strong force coming back from its palm. This is A huge force is the backlash from Dragon Bead.

This power is absolutely terrifying.

The black bear king felt the heart stagnate, and then, a mouthful of blood spewed out from its mouth, and the bear burst back several steps.

However, the attack of the Black Bear King was not without effect.

After all, the black bear king is also an expert of the young god king level. If this stick continues, it’s definitely impossible.

At this time, you can see that, sure enough, on the Yin-Yang Dragon Bead of Big Black Second Black, there was also a horrible to see crack due to the frontal blow of the Black Bear King. It has been distributed to this Yin-Yang. The Dragon Bead has a large area, and if there are a few more cracks like this, it might be broken.

Big Black Second Black also clearly perceives the situation of their Dragon Bead at this time, so their faces are not very good at this time.

However, at the same time, the Black Bear King also saw the abnormality of this Dragon Bead, which actually inspired it and made it more energetic. It became more and more excited as he fought, and he got up again from the ground, moved towards Big Black Second Black rushed over again.

Because the Beastmaster had already seen hope, it saw that the Dragon Bead was already cracked, and maybe it would completely collapse after a few more visits. At that time, it would have won.

Because of such encouragement, the black bear king went crazy.

Hunting 2 True Dragons, here it is, it can be regarded as a pinnacle of life!

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