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No way, no matter how fierce and strong these Leiyang Valley Monster Beasts are, they are not really invincible.

Now, the most powerful Beast King among them, the Black Bear King, is now defeated by Big Black Second Black, and Gu Zhun has been captured alive. These remaining Monster Beasts are even more not worth mentioning.

Until now, there is a saying, called to catch brigands, first catch their king. Now even the Beast King has been caught, and some shrimp soldiers and crab generals under its command have no resistance.

Moreover, let alone a race that advocates power like Monster Beast Race.

If the old Beastmaster is defeated, then the new Beastmaster is born.

This new Beastmaster, namely Big Black and Second Black.


I saw that within Leiyang Valley, countless Monster Beasts even moved towards Big Black Second Black after some weighing. They worshipped them.

Even the black bear king was willing at this time.

Because the black bear was originally a kind of guy with four limbs and a simple mind. At the beginning, its position of the Beast King was captured by military force from the previous Beast King. Now it is his turn to be defeated. This young god king level black bear naturally It became willing.

After seeing the strength of the Big Black Second Black and the terrifying formidable power of the 2 Dragon Beads, the Black Bear King couldn’t accept it. It was the first group of people who moved towards Big Black Second Black to worship.

I saw that my original beast, Sir Wang, had already acknowledged allegiance, and the remaining Monster Beasts who were still quite criticized even refused to accept it. They all followed the black bear king and began to bow down and recognized the new beast king.

And some of them were dissatisfied, but after being beaten by the Black Bear King, they couldn’t dissatisfy.

As for the two Big Black Second Blacks, they used to be a mountain king when they were in the 2 Great Mountains Phoenix Valley. They were also a king, but after following Gu Zhun, they gave up their status as a king. .

But in general, they are actually in the bones very suitable to be the king of beasts.

So at this time, seeing so many powerful Monster Beast moved towards them to worship, the two guys Big Black Second Black were not at all panicked, but looked indifferent, as if they were commonplace.

In this regard, I have indeed followed Gu Zhun for a long time, and learned a lot from Gu Zhun. In terms of personality, he has become a bit like Gu Zhun.

As things have progressed to the present, people from the Divine Red Clouds Sect outside may have thought that Gu Zhun actually controls the entire Monster Beast in Leiyang Valley.

Big Black Second Black has become the king of the mountain here, so in other words, this Leiyang Valley is now Big Black and Second Black.

And Gu Zhun as the owner of Big Black Second Black, that is to say, Leiyang Valley is also Gu Zhun’s.

The whole logic is very smooth, there is nothing wrong with it.

After these Monster Beasts recognized their new big brothers, Gu Zhun didn’t bother to care about them.

For these Monster Beasts, Gu Zhun doesn’t have much interest, just hand it over to the two guys Big Black Second Black to manage.

He turned around and moved towards the inside of the thunder sun flower bush.

This is a piece of incomparable gigantic flower bushes, the location is very wide, I’m afraid there are several hundred zhang.

The thunder sun flowers grow brightly one after another, and there is a thick thunder sea all over the flower sea.

Leiyanghua is indeed extremely precious in Outer World.

But again, it is not easy to pick it.

There are two reasons. The first is that the growing place of thunder sun flower is very rare. I am afraid that now Nine Realms also has thunder sun flower in this place in Leiyang Valley.

The second is that even if you reach the gate of the thunder sun flower, it is not so simple to pick thunder sun flower, because once the thunder sun flower opens, the strength of thunder emanating from it is very terrifying.

The reason why a thunder sun flower is so precious is that it itself is very powerful existence.

It can be said that after a thunder sun flower blooms, the arc released can easily kill a cultivator in the later stage of Meridian Opening.

Even the cultivator of Cauldron Power Realm can be injured by the strength of Thunder if he is not careful.

Even the Divine Red Clouds Zong used to pick thunder-sunflowers by using Magic Artifacts to restrain thunder and lightning.

Or, just pick those thunder sun flowers that are not fully open.

At the same time, this is also a conspiracy of Uray Elder.

Before entering the valley, Wulei Elder did not give Gu Zhun any special equipment for picking Leiyang flowers, and Wulei Elder also ordered Gu Zhun to pick Leiyang flowers in full bloom.

This is a naked conspiracy.

Oury Elder has the winning ticket.

Even if Gu Zhun is really dogshit luck, he can touch a thunder sun flower, but he can’t pick it, because the strength of thunder in bloom is too strong, you can’t pick it if you want.

As for the Elders on the South Bank, why didn’t they pick Gu Zhun?

This is because the Divine Red Clouds sect has not opened the Leiyang Valley for many years, and the Elders on the South Bank have forgotten them, and they are not to blame.

But it is a pity that although Ulay Elder’s plan is good, it can be used with Gu Zhun, it is a bit naive.

Because his move is useless for Gu Zhun at all.

The little strength of Thunder in Leiyang Flower Cluster may have some effect for ordinary people, but for Gu Zhun, it is no different from playing.

Moreover, he Gu Zhun wants to pick the Thunder Sun Flower, so why does he need to do it himself?

With beckoned, so many Monster Beasts have been recovered anyway, there are so many free labors to work, and you still do it yourself. Isn’t it unhappy for yourself?

So, in this way, under the command of Gu Zhun, Big Black Second Black also shouted that these Monster Beasts, which were worth 1000 to 10000, went to pick Leiyang flowers for Gu Zhun.

These Monster Beasts were originally the native Monster Beasts of Leiyang Valley. They thrived here for 10,000,000 years. They have long been accustomed to the strength of Thunder here. The strength of Thunder cannot harm them at all, so It was a very correct decision to let them pick thunder sun flowers.

Gu Zhun sat on the shoulders of the black bear king and threw a compound Spirit Pill to the old beast king. After the black bear king ate it, not only his injury healed more than half of the time, he even lost a lot of money. The Spirit Qi of his was filled up all at once.

It turned out that after the beast king was defeated by Big Black Second Black, he was also sinister vision, knowing that it is not Big Black and Second Black that are controlling behind this. To put it ugly, Big Black Second Black is just a puppet.

The real principal is this Human Race.

So after being defeated by Big Black Second Black, the black bear king immediately abandoned his throne of the beast king, and even took the initiative to give up his position to Big Black Second Black, and then ran to flatter Gu Zhun.

The Black Bear King is almost certain that this Human Race must not be simple. Can the Human Race, which can make two True Dragons willing to be slaves, be simple?

Maybe it was my chance!

So the black bear king hugs his thigh very fast.

Therefore, at this time, Gu Zhun looked at the black bear king with a strange look.

This silly dog, don’t you think it’s smart, it’s dumb to death, it’s just four limbs and simple mind.

But if you say it’s stupid, it’s not stupid, its vision is still vicious, its IQ is not low, and knowing whose thigh is useful is useful.

Sure enough, he still answered that sentence, being old and not dead is a thief.

This black bear king has lived for so many years, and he still has some abilities to be able to go to the present.

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