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Gu Zhun brought the gambling appointment to the table again. Sure enough, the faces of many Elders in the entire Divine Red Clouds sect began to change color.

The Elders on the South Bank were okay. They were originally on Gu Zhun’s side for profit reasons, but in comparison, the faces of many Elders on the North Bank were much ugly.

Among them, especially the Ulay Elder, his face was even darker.

Just now during the first test, Gu Zhun, the kid, successfully walked through Zhu Xin Lin and broke the history of Divine Red Clouds Zong Zhu Xin Lin.

I didn’t expect this time to create miracles again, and really came out of Leiyang Valley.

Before that, I had already given Gu Zhun a kowtow once, and now if he fulfills the agreement, he will really let a person with the identity of the North Shore Great Elder go under the crotch of this young junior Gu Zhun, then Can he still do this North Shore Great Elder?

How will his Wu Lei be the best in the North Bank in the future?

I’m afraid I can’t even lift my head.

Wu Lei broke down in a cold sweat. If I knew this was the case, I shouldn’t have made such a bet with this wicked kid just now. Now it seems like a cocoon!

No one knows that the current Ulay Elder is regretful.

Just when he had a headache, suddenly, he seemed to be thinking of something, lifts the head, and said to Gu Zhun.

“Gu Zhun boy, wait a minute, it seems that our previous gambling agreement was not this!”

When Uray said such words, many of the South Bank Elders frowned.

Listen to the meaning of the old fellow Ulay, this is to renege on a debt?

Before Gu Zhun could speak, there really was Elder on the South Bank.

This is also an Elder with a pungent personality. As soon as he stood up, he cursed at Wu Lei, “The surname Wu, is it possible that you want to renege on a debt again? As my Divine Red Clouds Elder, Anyway, he is also a bull-headed character in the North Bank. How to say it is like farting. What do you want to say now? Bah! I really look down on my old lady!”

The South Bank Elder who was talking was an old woman, and she seemed to be not too young. At this moment, she was angry and pointed at Wu Lei.

The seniority of the South Bank Elder who spoke is not low, it can be said that it is higher than that of Uray Elder, at least he is older than Uray.

So in the face of her, even if Wu Lei is the Great Elder on the North Shore, he can’t put a fart in front of Senior at this time, and can only hold it on his own.

After being scolded by the Elder in the South Bank, Ulay’s old face suddenly turned red.

However, this time, Wu Lei really felt that he was wronged, so he could only brace oneself to continue.

“Everyone, don’t worry, listen to me first, this time, Wu Lei didn’t want to tell the truth. As long as Gu Zhun, the kid really wins the bet, the old man will do what he says, but now, This kid obviously hasn’t completed the betting contract, so how can I fulfill the content of the betting contract?”

“You fart! Why didn’t you complete the bet? Didn’t Gu Zhun all come back alive from Leiyang Valley? And he also brought back a Monster Beast. What else do you want? Doesn’t this count as a complete assessment?

Elder on the South Bank listened to Uray’s wrangling here, and someone immediately shouted.

But listening to them, Ulay Elder shook the head, pressed his hands, motioned for them to be quiet, and then said.

“Yes, I admit that this kid did come back alive from Leiyang Valley, and he was able to bring back a Monster Beast. This is indeed an amazing thing, but, everyone, don’t forget, he can It’s one thing to come back alive from Leiyang Valley, but the gambling agreement with my Wu Lei is another. In our previous gambling agreement, we didn’t let him come back alive and bring back the Monster Beast. , But picking thunder sun flowers!”

Uray finished.

Sure enough, the Elders of Divine Red Clouds who were originally chirp chirp twitter twitter all quieted down.

Because they might have some opinions about Uray just now, but now they heard Uray say this, they seemed to react.

This guy Ulay is indeed right!

The bet he and Gu Zhun made just now are all present, and it seems that they are indeed picking thunder sun flowers!

They had just been happy that Gu Zhun could successfully come back alive and brought back Monster Beast, but they had forgotten the content of the real betting agreement. They had to enter the Leiyang Valley and pick the Leiyang flowers. !

What if Gu Zhun really entered Leiyang Valley and came out alive?

What if Gu Zhun brought back a few more Monster Beasts?

As long as the Leiyang Flower is not picked, even if he fails to complete the assessment here, it is still Gu Zhun’s failure.

But now, they did not see Leiyanghua on Gu Zhun.

Then, Ulay was right, he hadn’t lost yet.

After Wu Lei said this, the Elders on the South Bank gradually calmed down, each and everyone looked towards Gu Zhun with a single look.

Now, let’s see if there is any Leiyanghua on Gu Zhun!

If there is, then Gu Zhun is determined to win, and Wu Lei is going to plant another big somersault here. If Gu Zhun does not pick the thunder sun flower, then it will be bad luck. Wu Lei will definitely not let it go so easily. Passed Gu Zhun.

At this time, Wu Lei looked towards Gu Zhun with a weird look, because he didn’t believe that Gu Zhun could really pick Leiyang flowers.

However, seeing many Elders of the Divine Red Clouds sect looking at him with such gazes, Gu Zhun quickly laughed.

I saw him shook the head, and finally looked towards Uray Elder with a sarcasm.

“It seems that you are Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin! Originally, I still wanted to save you some face, since you have to watch, then I can only show you , Leiyanghua, I want to pick it, what difficulty is there? It’s just have the words at hand.”

Gu Zhun shook his head and said with a smile, looking towards Uray Elder. His gaze was very sad, as if he was looking at a mangy dog ​​who was about to die of thirst but was still struggling.

Listening to Gu Zhun’s words, Wu Lei Elder also said with a sneer, “nonsense, since you said you picked the thunder sun flower, then show it to us all, don’t make a fuss and delay the time! If you do pick it, You let the old man drill under your crotch, the old man will not frown!”

Wu Lei Elder said to Gu Zhun, because the more he listened to Gu Zhun’s solemnly vowed just now, the more funny Wu Lei became. He didn’t believe that Gu Zhun could do it, so at this time Wu Lei Elder also thought Gu Zhun. Zhun is just playing mystery and delaying that’s all.

However, what Uray Elder didn’t expect was.

In the next second, Gu Zhun actually reached into his storage bag. Then, the rays of light lit up, and in the next second, a purple halo appeared, and Gu Zhun took out one thing!

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