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In Purple Bamboo Forest, in the midst of the cold weather, Zhou Wei just sat down and there was a huge roar.

Zhou Wei only felt that the earth under her feet trembled in this brief moment, and immediately afterwards, a scene that Zhou Wei would never forget was presented before her eyes.

Because at this time, Zhou Wei actually saw that Gu Zhun, the guy who just walked into the cold weather formation, had not had time to run the formation. The black bear king under him seemed to be crazy, roaring, Grabbing the ground with both hands, he even directly lifted the entire formation.

Such a scene is almost like pulling up a mountain. Whether it is mud or plum trees, as long as the Array includes them, they are all caught by the black bear, and then they fought to fly directly.

Under the abundance of dust, not only Zhou Wei, but also the yellow clothes maids in the Purple Bamboo Forest next to Shangguanyue and Shangguanyue were all stared at.

At this moment, they only felt something trembling in their minds, as if they were dazed.

What’s happening here?

What happened just now?

That black bear actually overturned the Suihan Great Formation arranged by Shangguanyue?

Is this breaking the formation?

Is there such a breaking the formation method?

Shangguanyue looked dumbfounded.

She has cultivated so many Array Ways, and at this moment, they all seem to be shattered.

Too bloody!

this can be considered breaking the formation?

It is an insult to Array!

However, what attracts Shang Guanyue’s attention at this moment is the Big Black bear under Gu Zhun.

What kind of creature is this?

The power is too terrifying, even Array can be overturned, has reached the point of ignoring the old and cold array.

This is a bit terrifying!

At this moment, Shang Guanyue felt that she couldn’t see through this black bear.

is it possible that, is the cultivation base of this black bear above her?

Is it Origin Sea Realm, or the Monster Beast of Origin Core Realm?

Gu Zhun, this kid, actually has such a Monster Beast as a mount. What a lucky kid!

Shangguanyue thought so. At this time, Gu Zhun was already sitting on Xiao Hei in a swagger, and came to Shangguanyue.

As for why he let Xiao Hei break the formation so violently.

In fact, there are his difficulties.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Zhun would actually not break the formation so violently. The reason why this time is so is entirely because the Array he encountered just now is too simple.

Gu Zhun didn’t bother to break it, because Gu Zhun himself believed that if he wasted time on such a simple Array, he was wasting his life.

In the future, if it is spread out that he has to break such a simple Array by himself, then how can Gu Zhun be able to hold his head in Nine Realms in the future?

This is a bit shameful.

Therefore, in general, Gu Zhun is able to handle this level of puzzle Array, absolutely not beeping, slap overturning is the best solution.

Therefore, Gu Zhun asked Xiao Hei to overturn Array just now, and then he walked over.

“Well, the environment of this place is pretty good. Although it can’t compare to Young Master’s mansion in Heavenly Eye Sect, it can barely make do. It’s not bad, so I can barely live here temporarily.”

Gu Zhun jumped down from Xiao Hei’s shoulder, and then saw that he looked like no one, just like an unperturbed, with his hands on his back, like a leader, directly examining the surrounding environment.

After reading it, tsk tsk 2 beeps, and finally commented.

What makes Zhou Wei angry the most is that Gu Zhun, a kid who is not young in the next year, looks like an old-fashioned look. In Zhou Wei’s eyes, every move is like an elder talking, just like a person. Old Monster who has lived how many years is talking to them.

Moreover, the tone of this teaching reminded Zhou Wei of her Teacher at once, and when she was teaching her, it was almost exactly the same as Gu Zhun’s tone.

“You really think of this as your own home, kid, do you know what this place is?”

Zhou Wei felt that she couldn’t stand it anymore. Gu Zhun, the kid, was so arrogant that she didn’t think of herself as an outsider.

So at this time, Zhou Wei taught Gu Zhun from the impossible to bear.

However, Gu Zhun really doesn’t seem to think of himself as an outsider. Even after listening to Zhou Wei’s words, Gu Zhun just glanced at her with a squint, and then disapproved, “From today on, Young Master, I live here. Now, do you have any comments?”

“What, you live here? It’s just a joke! This is clearly the place of Shangguan Senior Sister.”

Zhou Wei said with wide eyes.

Gu Zhun hearing this, and nodded very agree, “Yes, but the place where you went to the Senior Sister, isn’t that my place? We have baby relatives, besides, this matter belongs to you Divine Red Clouds. Sect Master agreed.”

“This is impossible! How could Sect Master agree to let an outsider live in Purple Bamboo Forest!”

This time, not only Zhou Wei didn’t believe it, even Shang Guanyue herself frowned her eyebrows.

Because, if Sect Master will let Gu Zhun live in Divine Red Clouds Zongnan’an, it is not uncommon, because Gu Zhun also has a marriage contract with Shang Guanyue.

But at this time Gu Zhun said that Sect Master actually agreed to let Gu Zhun live in Purple Bamboo Forest, that is unlikely.

Because this involves the face of Divine Red Clouds.

Even if Gu Zhun had a marriage contract, the Sect Master was always impossible to disregard the face of the Divine Red Clouds sect. Before getting married, he let Gu Zhun go freely in and out of the Purple Bamboo Forest in the last month. This is simply nonsense. .

Either Zhou Wei or Shang Guanyue will not believe Gu Zhun’s words.

Because this is ridiculous, they are absolutely impossible to believe that the Sect Master will make such a ridiculous decision.

However, no matter how unbelievable Shangguanyue and Zhou Wei are, Gu Zhun is directly shrugged at this time.

“Why, if you don’t believe me, you can go and ask your Sect Master.”

When Gu Zhun said so, Zhou Wei and the others had nothing to say.

Because Gu Zhun dared to say such things, it means that this kid looks really confident.

This made Zhou Wei and the others have an idea, is it possible that Sect Master really said that?

Therefore, Shang Guanyue directly inquired about Sect Master, and after a while, Sect Master gave a positive reply.

The answer that Shangguanyue got was that Gu Zhun, the kid, actually got the approval of Master Sect Master and could live in Purple Bamboo Forest.

This time, Zhou Wei was dumbfounded.

Because she couldn’t believe that all this was actually true.

Immediately, she also looked at Gu Zhun with a peculiar look.

How did this kid do it?

What did he do? Actually Sect Master agrees that he lives in Purple Bamboo Forest?

It’s just a fantasy story!

I’m afraid this is already the first of the Divine Red Clouds sect!

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