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So many precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures are so wasted, it’s just a naked wasrel.

I’m afraid that Gu Zhun this kid’s prodigal speed, let alone a Great Zhou City, even their Divine Red Clouds sect, it is not enough for him to prostrate like this.

This kid will be emptied of family property one day.

Shangguanyue thought this way, because even Shangguanyue, facing the squandering of Gu Zhun just now, it is impossible to bear.

After all, this is no ordinary thing, but naked heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Even Shangguanyue couldn’t do this by himself.

But Shangguanyue couldn’t do this to lose her, but in Gu Zhun’s eyes, it was nothing.

Because the gap between Shangguanyue and Gu Zhun is too big, the gap is so big that the world they see in their eyes is different.

This is like the poor and the rich. For the poor, Gu Zhun may throw out 100,000 yuan.

This is definitely a huge sum of money, and it will take more than ten years to make such a large sum of money.

But for some wealthy people, these dozens of 10000 are like a dime on the road. They can’t even look at them. They may have a word of effort or slobber, the money thrown away. Will be earned back exponentially.

And now the gap between Gu Zhun and Shangguanyue is like this. Although it is cruel, it is true.

In Shangguanyue’s eyes, these things thrown by Gu Zhun are heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which are extremely valuable.

But in Gu Zhun’s eyes, these things are really worthless, just a pile of waste products, even now, it’s just waste utilization that’s all.

However, even so, Gu Zhun is so good at this moment, Void Creation’s ability is indeed to get Zhou Wei and the others to startled.

Because what Gu Zhun just displayed is no longer ordinary handwriting, but the ability to move mountains and reclaim the sea, Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, this kind of great generosity, not everyone can do it.

Just when Zhou Wei was still a little marveling at Gu Zhun’s great generosity, she followed, under her gaze, with the 10000 blood Immortal Dew sprinkled as worthless as beans, just now Above the 5-color Spirit Earth, at this time, a breathtaking scene happened.

I saw that on the originally bare land, at this moment, there were green shoots that had sprung out, and they began to grow at a terrifying speed.

In a short while, the branches and leaves began to bloom, uprooting.

In the end, it turned out to have grown into three distinct plants.

They are plum, bamboo and pine.

These three kinds of plants grow at the same time, and each one grows into a large plum forest, bamboo forest and pine forest.

It’s very spectacular.

Seeing such a scene, Shangguanyue shook her head.

This is not something that can be arranged like this.

She has to admit that Gu Zhun, the little devil, is really good at planting trees, but it’s not that simple to make arrangements.

If planting trees is to arrange Array, then Array under the sky will not be so difficult.

Therefore, watching Gu Zhun plant so many plums and pine trees at this moment, Shangguanyue still despises Gu Zhun, and he does not want to believe that he can arrange an array.

However, when things have developed to this point, she can’t help but believing or not.

Because of the next moment, Gu Zhun just continued the action in his hand, and saw him grab it easily, just like taking off one after another star from in the sky. One after another is a peculiar Spirit Stone that Shangguanyue has never seen before. It was taken out by Gu Zhun without knowing where.

And the one after another went into the 3 forests of Meizhusong.

About one hour later, after Gu Zhun scored more than 1300 Spirit Stones in a row, among the three plum, bamboo and pine trees, there was finally a response.

At the same time, a three-color beam of red, yellow, and green skyrocketed to illuminate the entire Purple Bamboo Forest.

“Okay, Sui Han, the layout is fine.”

Even for the current Gu Zhun, it took a lot of time to finish all this, and it took a lot of time. It took more than an hour to arrange it, which is simply ruining His reputation.

When did Gu Zhun spend so much time arranging Array?

But if it is Sui Han Dazhen, then it can be explained.

After all, it is also one of the three major Arrays in the Ancient period. It is not a big problem if it is arranged longer.

However, after Gu Zhun finished saying this at this time, Zhou Wei and Shangguanyue No. 2 came over and looked at everything that appeared in front of them, and they all smiled.

“Gu Zhun, is this the set up?”

Zhou Wei didn’t even believe her eyes, she rubbed her hands vigorously.

Gu Zhun is nodded, “What’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

Zhou Wei: “…”

What’s the problem?

What about Array?

Where is Array?

Now, whether it is Zhou Wei or Shangguanyue, there are only three large forests of plum, bamboo and pine!

Okay, where did your Array go?

Generally speaking, the Array division arranges Array, the three most basic things are the formation, Battle Chess and formation.

Even the large array of Suihan arranged by Shangguanyue before is not irregular.

After all, the large array previously arranged by Shangguanyue was arranged strictly in accordance with the teachings of the Nine Realms Array division.

Whether it’s the formation or Battle Chess or formation, Shangguanyue did it all.

However, Gu Zhun now has none of these three things.

I haven’t seen it from beginning to end.

As for Battle Chess, let alone Battle Chess, I haven’t seen it even though Shangguanyue.

As for the formation, there is nothing more.

No matter how messy other Arrays are, at least they have their own rules and directions.

But the things that Gu Zhun put out at this moment, whether it is a plum forest or a bamboo forest or a pine forest, even the trees are planted crooked7, twisted8, messy7 8 bad, let alone regularity, there is no logic at all. !

Such things are also called Array?

Speaking out, Shangguanyue was afraid that others would laugh out loud.

When is such a forest considered an Array?

None of the elements of Array 3 are touched at all. What are you kidding about?

Gu Zhun is really playing with them.

At this time, Gu Zhun looked at the reaction of the two women, but smiled in the heart.

Because Gu Zhun already knows what they two think in the heart at this time.

However, they can’t be blamed for their lack of knowledge. After all, it’s normal for these low-level players to fail to understand something that is too advanced. Just teach them normally.

Gu Zhun thought, he moved his hands and followed closely, just like pulling a puppet in the air. With his movements, the underground forest of Meizhusong 3 began to move slowly.

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