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“Cold Moon Stone, Tencel Flower, True Spring Grass, Dongting Divine Jade…”

The name of one by one was pronounced from Gu Zhun’s mouth. Starting from the first name, in Purple Bamboo Forest, except for Gu Zhun, many people’s brows frowned.

Because they have never heard of these names.

What cold moon stone, tensi flower, Dongting jade?

What are these strange names?

Even Xiao Hei is dumbfounded. He has been the King of the Mountain in Leiyang Valley for 10000 years. It is considered a bear who has seen the world, but it is the first time I have heard of these things. There was no rumors before. Heard it.

Even Xiao Hei has never heard of it, let alone Zhou Wei and Shang Guanyue.

At this time, they heard the so-called materials in Gu Zhun’s mouth, and they frowned deeper than their brows.

Especially the maids in yellow clothes in Purple Bamboo Forest next to them. At this time, they all discussed with each other, and they were all discussing what the so-called cold moonstone was.

After Gu Zhun talked about a material at random, he stopped because he had guessed that these materials did not exist in the entire Eastern Wilderness, let alone the Divine Red Clouds.

“How? Can you get the materials I said?”

Gu Zhun laughed, and then slowly said to Zhou Wei.

Zhou Weizhang’s Face is red, and directly said to Gu Zhun, “The surname Gu, don’t be proud of it, what Hanyueshi, Tiansihua, this great aunt has not even heard of the name, the ghost knows that there is something in this world No? Maybe you made it up casually? What’s so great and capable, you tell me the origin of these materials?”

Zhou Wei insisted in one bite anyway, no way, who told Gu Zhun of these materials that she had never heard of one?

And it’s fine if Zhou Wei hasn’t heard of it herself. She was originally not interested in Array. Now even Shangguanyue next to her hasn’t heard of any of them, so it’s not Zhou Wei’s turn to doubt it.

Maybe it was Gu Zhun who made up and fooled them casually. After all, who could get something that didn’t exist.

Therefore, Zhou Wei asked Gu Zhun to tell the origin of these materials at this time, because what was compiled on site was impossible to compile the origin of the materials immediately.

At this point, it is easy to see the true and false.

If Gu Zhun can’t tell, then 80% is just casual.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wei was also proud of herself, quite a pleasure to pierce the little devil Gu Zhun.

However, it didn’t take long for Zhou Wei’s pleasure to come and go quickly, and Gu Zhun’s answer immediately caused her to hang her chin.

Because after listening to Zhou Wei’s words, Gu Zhun sneered and shook his head.

“Some people, with low vision and knowledge, often suspect that something they haven’t seen does not exist, or, since you have said so, then Young Master will have a good chat with you today. source.”

Gu Zhun said, and immediately followed him from the first material, cold moon stone.

“Cold Moon Stone, Ice Attribute heavenly materials earthly treasures, is a rare god stone peeled from the deep ice rim of the North Sea in the third level of Nine Realms, and sent to the melting pot for 3 days, resembles nature itself… “

“Tencel Flower, the Divine Flower condensed in 10000 years, can only be found on the 7th Land of Extreme North million years Snow Mountain in Nine Realms. Land of Extreme North belongs to one of the 99 Danger Lands, and it must be True God. Entering, so Tencel Flower is invaluable!”

“True Spring Grass, the fairy Fuck condensed and extracted in 1000…”

The source of these materials, even taken from the ground, Gu Zhun always said that they were eloquent, and the answers were fluent. These words came out of Gu Zhun’s mouth, and as expected, they shocked everyone.

Among them, especially Zhou Wei and Xiao Hei, they both opened their mouths wide, and they had a sense of long-term knowledge.

As for the maids in yellow clothes, not to mention, when I heard Gu Zhun’s words, I was already shocked by the heavens. I just thought that Gu Zhun learned the rich 5 car, and said that it was a literary star in the sky. , Both the vision and the knowledge are the highest among the people they have ever met, and even in their hearts, at this moment, Gu Zhun’s knowledge has surpassed the master of Purple Bamboo Forest, the senior Sister.

Gu Zhun is very clear about these materials.

After Zhou Wei listened, she also had nothing to say.

Because it is now, Zhou Wei herself doesn’t know what to say.

Said Gu Zhun messed up?

But I’m afraid that people haven’t even seen the signs of thinking about stories in such a short period of time. Who can have such a quick wit?

But just believe it, Zhou Wei is not reconciled, because these things have only been heard by Gu Zhun, but they have never seen them in the Divine Red Clouds clan, and Gu Zhun just said everything in the Nine Realms. Of the other world.

Does heaven knows exist?

So although Zhou Wei was temporarily bluffed by Gu Zhun, Shang Guanyue was so sober, she asked directly when she saw her.

“Have you seen these things?”

“Hehe, these things, although they are still precious in Outer World, unfortunately there are still some stocks here, such as this cold moon stone, I still have a few here.”

Gu Zhun knew that Shang Guanyue asked this, but he didn’t believe what he said, so there is nothing more convincing than seeing it with his own eyes, so Gu Zhun was too lazy to say it, just take it out of his own treasure house at will A cold moon stone.

Such things, in his treasury, are huge in stock, and they are already piled up into mountains. Gu Zhun picked one out of them at will and took it out directly.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t take it, but when you take it out, Zhou Wei and Shangguanyue both felt an extremely terrifying cold current coming from Gu Zhun’s hands. Upon closer inspection, the owner of this cold current turned out to be the same. An ice blue stone the size of a fingernail.

This kind of terrifying cold air radiated from this gem, Shang Guanyue even felt that if he was not careful, his Spirit Qi within the body would be frozen by this cold air.

This is a bit scary.

How high is the cultivation base of Shangguanyue?

In the entire Divine Red Clouds sect discipline, she is well-deserved number one, even she feels this way, one can imagine how terrifying the coldness of this stone is.

Therefore, when Gu Zhun took out this stone, Shang Guanyue already believed his words.

Even if this stone is not a so-called cold moon stone, it is definitely a rare piece of heavenly materials, earthly treasures, even more how, Gu Zhun, this kid can come up with such a treasure, and there is no reason to deceive himself.

Moreover, not to mention, Shang Guanyue really doesn’t know the stone Gu Zhun is holding now.

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