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Outside the Purple Bamboo Forest, a group of Medicine Refining Master Elder imposing manner came violently. Among them, An Biru and Liu Long took the lead, one big and one small, and it was a long drive.

The original Purple Bamboo Forest was a clearing place for the discipline of the Divine Red Clouds sect. It is simply impossible for ordinary people to come in. Even some Elders who want to enter the Purple Bamboo Forest need to notify the Sect Master in advance. Or Shangguanyue herself.

But today is different. For the first time, Purple Bamboo Forest welcomes so many people from Outer World.

Even the Tsing Yi guard who guards outside Purple Bamboo Forest and the yellow clothes maid inside Purple Bamboo Forest are dumbfounded.

At first, it was a man sitting on the shoulders of a giant Big Black bear. 2 He broke in directly without saying anything, and then came a bunch of Elder from Medicine Peak from Divine Red Clouds.

Even the legendary Liulong Elder is here.

They cannot stop the former, and they dare not stop the latter.

Nonsense, in the Divine Red Clouds clan, although Purple Bamboo Forest is a private property, it is binding for the general Elder.

But is Liulong a normal Elder?

That is definitely not.

Even more how this time is not an Elder coming, but 4, 5, and even 5 Elders flocking to it.

Who dares to stop such a team?

even more how this is still a group of Elders on Medicine Peak, so it can’t be offended.

Originally, the status of Medicine Refining Master in Nine Realms is very noble. Who doesn’t know the scarcity of Medicine Refining Master in Eastern Wilderness? It can be described as status respect.

And Medicine Peak also manages the medicine pill supply for the entire Divine Red Clouds.

So no one dared to offend these Elders of Medicine Peak.

Even the people of the Elder level of the Divine Red Clouds sect, they dare not easily be the most powerful.

After all, if someone remembers you this time, they might turn around and stumble upon your medicine pill.

They are all people who repair Immortal World. Who doesn’t need medicine pill?

Therefore, the people of Medicine Peak are privileged throughout the Divine Red Clouds clan.

Including Purple Bamboo Forest is no exception.

When Liu Long came here, he just rushed.

I ignored so many Tsing Yi guards and walked in.

When these Tsing Yi guards saw such a large group of people coming in, each and everyone also had an awkward look on their faces.

However, now that so many people have been put in, they are not easy to ignore, but they don’t have the power and courage to stop them.

In desperation, they can only separate a small team to follow them.

This can only be done at present.

But fortunately, there is an acquaintance like An Biru beside Liulong Elder.

If I want to come to the senior Sister and Sect Master, I won’t blame them too much.

After putting the people in, these Tsing Yi guards thought so in the heart.

Afterwards, they followed Liulong Elder and they directly moved towards the center of Purple Bamboo Forest.

This batch of Elders from Medicine Peak came in an imposing manner, and at the same time, they always remembered the 100,000-year-old Yellow Dragon Pills in their hearts, so they walked in a hurry. After a while, they arrived. In the center of Purple Bamboo Forest.

But after arriving here, Liu Long and the Elder from Medicine Peak frowned. Among them, An Biru had a strange expression on his face.

Because they all changed their expressions after seeing this cold spell.

Needless to say, An Biru is a frequent visitor to and out of Purple Bamboo Forest himself, and he is very familiar with the old Han Dynasty array here.

But now, why does this Sui Han Dazhen seem to be completely different from before?

Obviously, when she came here today, nothing has changed in this year’s Han Dynasty?

How long did it take to change the appearance?

What happened during the half day she was away?

If An Bi can’t figure it out, let alone Liu Long and a group of Medicine Peak Elders, they just can’t figure it out at this time.

Although their group of Elders don’t often come to Purple Bamboo Forest, it can be said that when Shangguanyue completed the Suihan Grand Formation, it was a sensation for half of the Eastern Wilderness.

How could they, Elder in the Divine Red Clouds clan, haven’t heard of this?

So at that time, Liu Long and other Medicine Peak Elders had all come to see this year’s cold array.

Even though several years have passed, Liu Long and the group still remember clearly that it seems that the Suihan Array set up by That Girl in Shangguanyue was not like this.

The original Suihan Dazhen should only use two kinds of immortal plants, Zizhu and Dongmei, as the formation eye.

Why does it seem to be watching now, there is an extra pine tree?

And this pine tree is not an ordinary pine tree. If Liulong is right, this pine tree should be Legendary Dragon Scales pine.

“Strange, Biru? How do you remember as a teacher, that the Suihan Grand Formation that Shangguan that girl originally arranged didn’t look like this? And, if I read it right, the pine trees in that formation should be Dragon Scales Pine.”

Liulong Elder said to An Biru.

An Biru also said that she didn’t know what she said about her Teacher at this time, but An Biru was still very impressed with the dragon scales.

After all, she had heard Liu Long mention this kind of dragon scales before.

“Teacher, didn’t you ever say that dragon scales pine is extinct?”

An Biru reminded.

Because An Biru clearly remembers that Liu Long once told her that dragon scales Song had been extinct 500 10,000 years ago, and at this point, An Biru was still in an ancient book of Divine Red Clouds some time ago. I have also seen that dragon scales pine, a fairy plant, is indeed already extinct.

But despite that, An Biru also discovered that the dragon scales loose in this new Array seems to be more like the legendary description of dragon scales loose.

Fish-scale dragon-shaped, crimson’s pine leaves, you can feel the terrifying Life Strength from far away.

This is exactly the dragon scales. Song is right!

Even Liu Long was a little confused.

Otherwise, she is dazzled and misunderstood.

Otherwise, this is really loose legendary dragon scales.

But, this girl, Shangguanyue, where did you get such good things as dragon scales?

If this spreads out, I am afraid it will make the entire Eastern Wilderness a sensation!

Liulong Elder thought so, but at this time, she didn’t want to waste time here.

Because she is still busy going in, how could she be willing to be blocked by an Array at this time, even more how, and now there are two things like dragon scales, Song and Huang Dragon Fruit, which are pressing in her heart. This led Liu Long to want to go in and take a look.

Therefore, at the next moment, she walked directly inside.

An Bi was also anxious when he saw it.

“Teacher, be careful, this is an Array! Or I will first notify Shangguan Junior Sister to come out and pick it up.”

An Biru moved towards Liu Long shouted.

This is actually thinking from a vigilant perspective.

After all, An Biru has never seen such an Array before. 10000 is the upgraded version of the Suihan Array that Shangguanyue got out?

If this is the case, then the original Array cracking route would be useless. Wouldn’t it be dangerous for people like Liu Long to go in and walk around?

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