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Originally, Shang Guanyue didn’t believe Gu Zhun’s words at all. After all, Gu Zhun’s words before this were too ridiculous.

What is the death of True God, the death of Heavenly Profound Realm cultivator, such words from a teenage child, I am afraid that anyone will think that he is boasting.

This is essentially no different from a ten-year-old who said that he created a Sect under his hands.

They are all false and outrageous.

But this time, Gu Zhun seems to have really done it.

He not only arranged Array, but also really trapped the cultivator of Heavenly Profound Realm.

Now in Gu Zhun’s Array, that is not a Heavenly Profound Realm cultivator, but a full five.

But even so, after so long, these Heavenly Profound Realm cultivators still failed to break the array and go out.

This is the skill.

Shang Guanyue asked herself, if she were to be herself, she would be impossible to do so.

Especially the dragon scales pine guards condensed from the Gu Zhun Array just now.

Even Shang Guanyue was wondering if this was the blindfold or Illusion Technique in Array, it was just used to scare people.

After all, this is not uncommon in imaginary formation and difficult formations.

But Shangguanyue didn’t expect that what Gu Zhun had just made in his Array was actually true.

Moreover, what’s more terrifying is that the guard is really that’s all. The key is that it can actually launch an attack on its own, and the power of this blow actually offset the blow of a Heavenly Profound Realm cultivator.

This is horrible.

If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, Shang Guanyue couldn’t believe her, and such a thing would have happened.

Can Array really go further?

At this time, Shang Guanyue began to doubt her original beliefs.

No way, after seeing Gu Zhun’s Array at this time, Shangguanyue’s original world view has almost collapsed.

While Shangguanyue was still thinking about this, the battle within Array had obviously heated up to a point where it was in full swing.

From the outside of Array, this is a shocking Array test. It can be said that both Shangguanyue and Zhou Wei refreshed their understanding of Array.

But in Array, for Liulong Elder and these other Medicine Peak Elder, this is a huge disaster.

Because they gradually discovered that these dragon scales seem to be incomplete, the more they kill, the more.

Although the strength of these dragon scales is not weak, it also has the strength of Earthly Profound Realm. In addition, the vitality of the Elder like Liu Long is restricted, so the gap between the two is narrowed to a very small extent.

But Liulong these Elders are all Medicine Peak Elders, and each one can be regarded as an old Heavenly Profound cultivator.

They definitely have a lot of methods, so here, after taking out some hole cards, they also killed some dragon scales pine guards.

But just when they discovered that they had just killed a dragon scales pine guard, on the other side, there would be a new dragon scales pine guard condensed immediately.

It seems to be inexhaustible and endless to kill.

Not only An Biru, but even Liu Long himself and the Elders of Medicine Peak became more and more frightened. In the end, they were scared into a cold sweat.

It was because they had played for almost one hour before they realized that their vital energy storage within the body was consumed ridiculously fast, and they had been emptied in half.

Now their vitality is only half of what they used to be. If they still follow this way, I am afraid that they will be here in less than two quarters of an hour.

It was not until this time that the Elders of Medicine Peak began to realize the real horror of the Array they faced this time.

But they couldn’t figure out two problems.

The first question is, how did Shangguanyue that girl arrange such a powerful Array, and where did you get the formation diagram?

As for the second question, there are so many powerful dragon scales loose, and the Spirit Qi used is definitely a terrifying number. How does Shangguanyue maintain such a huge Spirit Qi?

The Elders of Medicine Peak couldn’t figure out these two questions.

But what they don’t know up to now is that this Array was not arranged by Shangguanyue from beginning to end, and the person who arranged it is now sitting on the other side of the Array and eating fruit slowly.

The second point is that the Spirit Qi used in this Array is actually extracted from them.

And this is Gu Zhun’s own handwriting.

Because of this, Liulong Elder and the others felt that their vitality was losing too fast.

If Liulong Elder and the others know the truth, I am afraid someone will feel desperate immediately.

Because in this case, too terrifying.

Absorb the vitality of the cultivator in the Array to create dragon scales pine guards. Doesn’t that mean that as long as you still have Spirit Qi, these dragon scales pine guards will never be killed.

Unless one day your within the body does not even have a bit of Spirit Qi left, these dragon scales will disappear.

Doesn’t that mean that this Array is going to be trapped until you die?

But it is a pity that Liulong Elder and others don’t know about this, so at this time they are still struggling to support them, hoping that these dragon scales pine guards will be killed as soon as possible.

At the same time, Gu Zhun is there.

At this time, Gu Zhun also sat down leisurely again. This time, he was sitting on the seat of Shangguanyue.

I saw him holding a crimson fruit in his hand, taking a bite from time to time, and then looking towards Zhou Wei with an intriguing look.

“How about? Do you still think I’m boasting now? I’m not wrong, you’re gambled not to win me.”

“Come on, Young Master, my legs are a bit sore now, come on, rub my legs!”

Gu Zhun smiled, and at the same time raised one leg and said to Zhou Wei.

When Zhou Wei listened to Gu Zhun’s words, her face was ugly and she clenched her silver teeth. At this moment, she was definitely the one who disliked Gu Zhun the most, because this kid was too irritating, and too arrogant, and she didn’t treat others. Keep it in the eye.

But despite this, Zhou Wei still if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, the panting with rage walked to Gu Zhun’s side and pinched his leg.

No way, according to the previous gambling agreement, this is the punishment for Zhou Wei’s loss.

To be a maid for Gu Zhun for a month, Zhou Wei is not the kind of person who can’t afford to lose, so if you lose, you lose. There is nothing I dare not admit.

Even more how, Zhou Wei also admitted that Gu Zhun, although he is arrogant, he does have arrogant capital. An Array really trapped several Heavenly Profound Realm Elders, which is not fake.

Therefore, Zhou Wei is more convinced about Gu Zhun’s actions on Array at this time.

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